Clipping Primitive
The ClippingPrimitive
behaviors allow for performant plane
, sphere
, and box
shape clipping with the ability to specify which side of the primitive to clip against (inside or outside) when used with MRTK shaders.
utilize clip/discard instructions within shaders and disable Unity's ability to batch clipped renderers. Take these performance implications in mind when utilizing clipping primitives.
, ClippingSphere.cs
, and ClippingBox.cs
can be used to easily control clipping primitive properties. Use these components with the following shaders to leverage clipping scenarios.
- Mixed Reality Toolkit/Standard
- Mixed Reality Toolkit/TextMeshPro
- Mixed Reality Toolkit/Text3DShader
The ClippingExamples and MaterialGallery scenes demonstrate usage of the ClippingPrimitive
behaviors, and can be found at: MRTK/Examples/Demos/StandardShader/Scenes/
Advanced Usage
By default only one ClippingPrimitive
can clip a renderer at a time. If your project requires more than one ClippingPrimitive
to influence a renderer the sample code below demonstrates how to achieve this.
Having multiple ClippingPrimitives
clip a renderer will increase pixel shader instructions and will impact performance. Please profile these changes within your project.
How to have two different ClippingPrimitives
clip a render. For example a ClippingSphere
and ClippingBox
at the same time:
// Within MRTK/Core/StandardAssets/Shaders/MixedRealityStandard.shader (or another MRTK shader) change:
// to:
#pragma multi_compile _ _CLIPPING_PLANE
#pragma multi_compile _ _CLIPPING_SPHERE
#pragma multi_compile _ _CLIPPING_BOX
The above change will incur additional shader compilation time.
How to have two of the same ClippingPrimitives
clip a render. For example two ClippingBoxes
at the same time:
// 1) Add the below MonoBehaviour to your project:
public class SecondClippingBox : ClippingBox
/// <inheritdoc />
protected override string Keyword
get { return "_CLIPPING_BOX2"; }
/// <inheritdoc />
protected override string ClippingSideProperty
get { return "_ClipBoxSide2"; }
/// <inheritdoc />
protected override void Initialize()
clipBoxSizeID = Shader.PropertyToID("_ClipBoxSize2");
clipBoxInverseTransformID = Shader.PropertyToID("_ClipBoxInverseTransform2");
// 2) Within MRTK/Core/StandardAssets/Shaders/MixedRealityStandard.shader (or another MRTK shader) add the following multi_compile pragma:
#pragma multi_compile _ _CLIPPING_BOX2
// 3) In the same shader change:
#if defined(_CLIPPING_PLANE) || defined(_CLIPPING_SPHERE) || defined(_CLIPPING_BOX)
// to:
#if defined(_CLIPPING_PLANE) || defined(_CLIPPING_SPHERE) || defined(_CLIPPING_BOX) || defined(_CLIPPING_BOX2)
// 4) In the same shader add the following shader variables:
#if defined(_CLIPPING_BOX2)
fixed _ClipBoxSide2;
float4 _ClipBoxSize2;
float4x4 _ClipBoxInverseTransform2;
// 5) In the same shader change:
#if defined(_CLIPPING_BOX)
primitiveDistance = min(primitiveDistance, PointVsBox(,, _ClipBoxInverseTransform) * _ClipBoxSide);
// to:
#if defined(_CLIPPING_BOX)
primitiveDistance = min(primitiveDistance, PointVsBox(,, _ClipBoxInverseTransform) * _ClipBoxSide);
#if defined(_CLIPPING_BOX2)
primitiveDistance = min(primitiveDistance, PointVsBox(,, _ClipBoxInverseTransform2) * _ClipBoxSide2);
Finally, add a ClippingBox
and SecondClippingBox component to your scene and specify the same renderer for both boxes. The renderer should now be clipped by both boxes simultaneously.