Source code for archai.common.deprecation_utils

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

import inspect
import warnings
from functools import wraps
from typing import Any, Callable, Optional

_deprecate_warnings_set = set()

[docs]def deprecated( message: Optional[str] = None, deprecate_version: Optional[str] = None, remove_version: Optional[str] = None ) -> None: """Decorator to mark a function or class as deprecated. Args: message: Message to include in the warning. deprecated_version: Version in which the function was deprecated. If `None`, the version will not be included in the warning message. remove_version: Version in which the function will be removed. If `None`, the version will not be included in the warning message. """ def _deprecated(class_or_func: Callable) -> Callable: global _deprecate_warnings_set obj = class_or_func if inspect.isclass(class_or_func): obj = obj.__init__ obj_name = class_or_func.__name__ # Spaces are positioned with the intention of aligning # the message with the warning message dpr_version_message = f"in v{deprecate_version} " if deprecate_version else "" remove_version_message = f" in v{remove_version}" if remove_version else "" dpr_message = ( f"`{obj_name}` has been deprecated {dpr_version_message}and will be removed{remove_version_message}." ) dpr_message += f" {message}" if message else "" @wraps(obj) def __deprecated(*args, **kwargs) -> Any: # Avoids printing the same warning multiple times` obj_hash = hash(obj) if obj_hash not in _deprecate_warnings_set: warnings.warn(dpr_message, category=FutureWarning, stacklevel=2) _deprecate_warnings_set.add(obj_hash) return obj(*args, **kwargs) __deprecated._decorator_name_ = "deprecated" if inspect.isclass(class_or_func): class_or_func.__init__ = __deprecated return class_or_func return __deprecated return _deprecated