Source code for archai.common.yaml_utils

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

from typing import Mapping, MutableMapping, Any, Optional

_PREFIX_NODE = '_copy' # for copy node content command (must be dict)
_PREFIX_PATH = '_copy:' # for copy node value command (must be scaler)

[docs]def resolve_all(root_d:MutableMapping): _resolve_all(root_d, root_d, '/', set())
def _resolve_all(root_d:MutableMapping, cur:MutableMapping, cur_path:str, prev_paths:set): assert is_proper_path(cur_path) if cur_path in prev_paths: return # else we get in to infinite recursion prev_paths.add(cur_path) # if cur dict has '_copy' node with path in it child_path = cur.get(_PREFIX_NODE, None) if child_path and isinstance(child_path, str): # resolve this path to get source dict child_d = _resolve_path(root_d, _rel2full_path(cur_path, child_path), prev_paths) # we expect target path to point to dict so we can merge its keys if not isinstance(child_d, Mapping): raise RuntimeError(f'Path "{child_path}" should be dictionary but its instead "{child_d}"') # replace keys that have not been overriden _merge_source(child_d, cur) # remove command key del cur[_PREFIX_NODE] for k in cur.keys(): # if this key needs path resolution, get target and replace the value rpath = _req_resolve(cur[k]) if rpath: cur[k] = _resolve_path(root_d, _rel2full_path(_join_path(cur_path, k), rpath), prev_paths) # if replaced value is again dictionary, recurse on it if isinstance(cur[k], MutableMapping): _resolve_all(root_d, cur[k], _join_path(cur_path, k), prev_paths) def _merge_source(source:Mapping, dest:MutableMapping)->None: # for anything that source has but dest doesn't, just do copy for sk in source: if sk not in dest: dest[sk] = source[sk] else: sv = source[sk] dv = dest[sk] # recursively merge child nodes if isinstance(sv, Mapping) and isinstance(dv, MutableMapping): _merge_source(source[sk], dest[sk]) # else at least dest value is not dict and should not be overriden def _req_resolve(v:Any)->Optional[str]: """If the value is actually a path we need resolve then return that path or return None""" if isinstance(v, str) and v.startswith(_PREFIX_PATH): # we will almost always have space after _copy command return v[len(_PREFIX_PATH):].strip() return None def _join_path(path1:str, path2:str): mid = 1 if path1.endswith('/') else 0 mid += 1 if path2.startswith('/') else 0 # only 3 possibilities if mid==0: res = path1 + '/' + path2 elif mid==1: res = path1 + path2 else: res = path1[:-1] + path2 return _norm_ended(res) def _norm_ended(path:str)->str: if len(path) > 1 and path.endswith('/'): path = path[:-1] return path
[docs]def is_proper_path(path:str)->bool: return path.startswith('/') and (len(path)==1 or not path.endswith('/'))
def _rel2full_path(cwd:str, rel_path:str)->str: """Given current directory and path, we return abolute path. For example, cwd='/a/b/c' and rel_path='../d/e' should return '/a/b/d/e'. Note that rel_path can hold absolute path in which case it will start with '/' """ assert len(cwd) > 0 and cwd.startswith('/'), 'cwd must be absolute path' rel_parts = rel_path.split('/') if rel_path.startswith('/'): cwd_parts = [] # rel_path is absolute path so ignore cwd else: cwd_parts = cwd.split('/') full_parts = cwd_parts + rel_parts final = [] for i in range(len(full_parts)): part = full_parts[i].strip() if not part or part == '.': # remove blank strings and single dots continue if part == '..': if len(final): final.pop() else: raise RuntimeError(f'cannot create abs path for cwd={cwd} and rel_path={rel_path}') else: final.append(part) final = '/' + '/'.join(final) # should work even when final is empty assert not '..' in final and is_proper_path(final) # make algo indeed worked return final def _resolve_path(root_d:MutableMapping, path:str, prev_paths:set)->Any: """For given path returns value or node from root_d""" assert is_proper_path(path) # traverse path in root dict hierarchy cur_path = '/' # path at each iteration of for loop d = root_d for part in path.split('/'): if not part: continue # there will be blank vals at start # For each part, we need to be able find key in dict but some dics may not # be fully resolved yet. For last key, d will be either dict or other value. if isinstance(d, Mapping): # for this section, make sure everything is resolved # before we prob for the key _resolve_all(root_d, d, cur_path, prev_paths) if part in d: # "cd" into child node d = d[part] cur_path = _join_path(cur_path, part) else: raise RuntimeError(f'Path {path} could not be found in specified dictionary at "{part}"') else: raise KeyError(f'Path "{path}" cannot be resolved because "{cur_path}" is not a dictionary so "{part}" cannot exist in it') # last child is our answer rpath = _req_resolve(d) if rpath: next_path = _rel2full_path(cur_path, rpath) if next_path == path: raise RuntimeError(f'Cannot resolve path "{path}" because it is circular reference') d = _resolve_path(root_d, next_path, prev_paths) return d