# Copyright (c) 2019-2020, NVIDIA CORPORATION.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
# https://github.com/NVIDIA/DeepLearningExamples/blob/master/PyTorch/LanguageModeling/Transformer-XL/pytorch/data_utils.py
from typing import Generator, Iterator, List, Optional, Tuple
import numpy as np
import torch
from archai.common.distributed_utils import get_rank, get_world_size
from archai.datasets.nlp.tokenizer_utils.tokenizer_base import TokenizerBase
[docs]class LMOrderedIterator:
"""Iterator that provides contiguous batches of input tokens without padding."""
def __init__(
input_ids: torch.LongTensor,
bsz: int,
bptt: int,
device: Optional[torch.device] = None,
mem_len: Optional[int] = 0,
ext_len: Optional[int] = 0,
warmup: Optional[bool] = True,
) -> None:
"""Initialize the iterator with the input sequence and batch parameters.
input_ids: Input sequence of tokens.
bsz: Batch size.
bptt: Sequence length (backpropagation through time).
device: Device to place the iterator.
mem_len: Length of memory (for Transformer-XL).
ext_len: Length of extended context (for Transformer-XL).
warmup: Whether warmup batches should be created.
self.bsz = bsz
self.bptt = bptt
self.device = device or torch.device("cpu")
self.ext_len = ext_len
self.mem_len = mem_len
self.warmup = warmup
self.last_iter = None
# Divides cleanly the inputs into batches and trims the remaining elements
n_step = input_ids.size(0) // bsz
input_ids = input_ids[: n_step * bsz]
self.input_ids = input_ids.view(bsz, -1).contiguous()
if self.device.type != "cpu":
self.input_ids = self.input_ids.pin_memory()
# Creates warmup batches if memory is being used
if mem_len and warmup:
self.warmup_batches = (mem_len + bptt - 1) // bptt
self.warmup_elems = self.warmup_batches * bptt
warmup_ids = self.input_ids.roll((self.warmup_elems, 1), (1, 0))[:, : self.warmup_elems]
self.input_ids = torch.cat((warmup_ids, self.input_ids), dim=-1)
# Chunks the inputs for distributed training (if available)
world_size = get_world_size()
rank = get_rank()
self.input_ids = self.input_ids.chunk(world_size, dim=0)[rank]
self.n_batch = (self.input_ids.size(1) + self.bptt - 1) // self.bptt
[docs] def roll(self, seed: int) -> None:
"""Roll the data according to a random seed.
This method shuffles the input sequence for each batch in the iterator by
rolling/shifting the data according to the specified seed. This is useful for
creating diverse training data and preventing overfitting.
seed: Seed used to roll/shift the data.
rng = torch.Generator()
for i in range(self.input_ids.size(0)):
shift = torch.randint(0, self.input_ids.size(1), (1,), generator=rng)
row = self.input_ids[i, :]
row = torch.cat((row[shift:], row[:shift]))
self.input_ids[i, :] = row
[docs] def get_batch(self, i: int, bptt: Optional[int] = None) -> Tuple[torch.LongTensor, torch.LongTensor, int, bool]:
"""Get a batch of `bptt` size.
i: Identifier of batch.
bptt: Sequence length.
Tuple of inputs, labels, sequence length and whether batch is from warmup.
if bptt is None:
bptt = self.bptt
seq_len = min(bptt, self.input_ids.size(1) - 1 - i)
start_idx = max(0, i - self.ext_len)
end_idx = i + seq_len
input_ids = self.input_ids[:, start_idx:end_idx].to(self.device, non_blocking=True)
labels = self.input_ids[:, i + 1 : i + 1 + seq_len].to(self.device, non_blocking=True)
warmup = True
if self.mem_len and self.warmup:
warmup = i >= self.warmup_elems
return input_ids, labels, seq_len, warmup
[docs] def get_fixlen_iter(self, start: Optional[int] = 0) -> Generator[Tuple, None, None]:
"""Return a generator for generating fixed-length batches.
This method returns a generator that yields fixed-length batches of the specified size,
starting from the specified starting point. The batches are contiguous in the original
start: Starting point for the generator.
Fixed-length batches.
>>> for batch in iterator.get_fixlen_iter():
>>> # Process the batch.
>>> pass
if start != 0:
start += self.bptt
for i in range(start, self.input_ids.size(1) - 1, self.bptt):
self.last_iter = i
yield self.get_batch(i)
[docs] def get_varlen_iter(
start: Optional[int] = 0,
std: Optional[float] = 5.0,
min_len: Optional[int] = 5,
max_std: Optional[float] = 3.0,
) -> Generator[Tuple, None, None]:
"""Return a generator for generating variable-length batches.
This method returns a generator that yields variable-length batches of data,
starting from the specified starting point. The length of each batch is determined
by a Gaussian distribution with the specified mean and standard deviation.
start: Starting point for the generator.
std: Standard deviation.
min_len: Minimum length.
max_std: Max standard deviation.
Variable-length batches.
>>> for batch in iterator.get_varlen_iter():
>>> # Process the batch.
>>> pass
max_len = self.bptt + max_std * std
i = start
while True:
bptt = self.bptt if np.random.random() < 0.95 else self.bptt / 2.0
bptt = min(max_len, max(min_len, int(np.random.normal(bptt, std))))
input_ids, labels, seq_len = self.get_batch(i, bptt)
i += seq_len
yield input_ids, labels, seq_len
if i >= self.input_ids.size(1) - 2:
def __iter__(self) -> Generator[Tuple, None, None]:
return self.get_fixlen_iter()
[docs]class LMMultiFileIterator:
"""Multi-file non-ordered iterator, i.e. tokens come from different
files but are contiguous.
def __init__(
paths: List[str],
vocab: TokenizerBase,
bsz: int,
bptt: int,
device: Optional[str] = "cpu",
mem_len: Optional[int] = 0,
ext_len: Optional[int] = 0,
n_chunks: Optional[int] = 16,
shuffle: Optional[bool] = False,
) -> None:
"""Initialize by adding support to multi-file inputs and sharding files
across GPUs, if distributed training is available.
paths: Paths to input files.
vocab: Vocabulary/tokenizer.
bsz: Batch size.
bptt: Sequence length (backpropagation through time).
device: Device to place the iterator.
mem_len: Length of memory (for Transformer-XL).
ext_len: Length of extended context (for Transformer-XL).
n_chunks: Number of chunks (to avoid out of memory).
shuffle: Whether shuffling should be used.
self.vocab = vocab
self.bsz = bsz
self.bptt = bptt
self.device = device
self.ext_len = ext_len
self.n_chunks = n_chunks
self.shuffle = shuffle
self.last_iter = None
# For compatibility with LMOrderedIterator
self.n_batch = -1
# Divides self.paths into world-size chunks and picks chunk for corresponding rank
world_size = get_world_size()
rank = get_rank()
chunk_len = len(paths) // world_size + 1 # it causes a slight imbalance
paths_chunks = [paths[i : i + chunk_len] for i in range(0, len(paths), chunk_len)]
self.paths = paths_chunks[rank]
[docs] def roll(self, seed: Optional[int] = 0) -> None:
"""Backward compatibility for using same API."""
[docs] def get_sequences(self, path: str) -> torch.LongTensor:
"""Get a tensor of sequences from an input file.
path: A path to the input file.
Tensor with encoded inputs.
sequences = self.vocab.encode_file(path)
if self.shuffle:
return sequences
[docs] def stream_iterator(self, iterator: Iterator) -> Generator[Tuple, None, None]:
"""Create a streaming-based iterator.
iterator: Iterator with chunks of sequences.
Stream-based batch.
input_ids = torch.LongTensor(self.bsz, self.bptt)
labels = torch.LongTensor(self.bsz, self.bptt)
n_retain = 0
while True:
# input_ids: [bsz x n_retain+bptt]
# labels: [bsz x bptt]
input_ids[:, n_retain:].fill_(-1)
valid_batch = True
for i in range(self.bsz):
n_filled = 0
while n_filled < self.bptt:
stream = torch.LongTensor([next(iterator) for _ in range(self.bptt + 1)])
# Number of new tokens to be filled in
n_tokens = min(len(stream) - 1, self.bptt - n_filled)
# First n_tokens are retained from last batch
input_ids[i, n_retain + n_filled : n_retain + n_filled + n_tokens] = stream[:n_tokens]
labels[i, n_filled : n_filled + n_tokens] = stream[1 : n_tokens + 1]
n_filled += n_tokens
except StopIteration:
valid_batch = False
if not valid_batch:
input_ids = input_ids.to(self.device)
labels = labels.to(self.device)
yield input_ids, labels, self.bptt, True
n_retain = min(input_ids.size(1), self.ext_len)
if n_retain > 0:
input_ids[:, :n_retain] = input_ids[:, -n_retain:]
input_ids.resize_(input_ids.size(0), n_retain + self.bptt)
def __iter__(self) -> Generator[Tuple, None, None]:
if self.shuffle:
for path in self.paths:
sequences = self.get_sequences(path)
sequences_chunks = torch.chunk(sequences, self.n_chunks, 0)
for i in range(self.n_chunks):
iterator = iter(sequences_chunks[i])
for idx, batch in enumerate(self.stream_iterator(iterator)):
yield batch
self.last_iter = idx