Source code for archai.discrete_search.search_spaces.nlp.tfpp.ops.sgconv

    Adapted from

import math
from functools import partial

import torch
import torch.nn as nn
import torch.nn.functional as F
from transformers import PretrainedConfig
from einops import rearrange
import opt_einsum as oe
from archai.discrete_search.search_spaces.config import ArchConfig

from ..utils import get_optim_flag

    from .fftconv_ import fftconv_func
except ImportError:
    fftconv_func = None

optimized = True

if optimized:
    contract = oe.contract
    contract = torch.einsum

[docs]def get_initializer(name, activation=None): if activation in [ None, 'id', 'identity', 'linear', 'modrelu' ]: nonlinearity = 'linear' elif activation in ['relu', 'tanh', 'sigmoid']: nonlinearity = activation elif activation in ['gelu', 'swish', 'silu']: nonlinearity = 'relu' # Close to ReLU so approximate with ReLU's gain else: raise NotImplementedError(f"get_initializer: activation {activation} not supported") if name == 'uniform': initializer = partial(torch.nn.init.kaiming_uniform_, nonlinearity=nonlinearity) elif name == 'normal': initializer = partial(torch.nn.init.kaiming_normal_, nonlinearity=nonlinearity) elif name == 'xavier': initializer = torch.nn.init.xavier_normal_ elif name == 'zero': initializer = partial(torch.nn.init.constant_, val=0) elif name == 'one': initializer = partial(torch.nn.init.constant_, val=1) else: raise NotImplementedError(f"get_initializer: initializer type {name} not supported") return initializer
[docs]class modrelu(nn.Module): def __init__(self, features): # For now we just support square layers super(modrelu, self).__init__() self.features = features self.b = nn.Parameter(torch.Tensor(self.features)) self.reset_parameters()
[docs] def reset_parameters(self):, 0.01)
[docs] def forward(self, inputs): norm = torch.abs(inputs) biased_norm = norm + self.b magnitude = nn.functional.relu(biased_norm) phase = torch.sign(inputs) return phase * magnitude
[docs]class Modrelu(modrelu):
[docs] def reset_parameters(self):, 0.01)
[docs]class TransposedLinear(nn.Module): """ Linear module on the second-to-last dimension Assumes shape (B, D, L), where L can be 1 or more axis """ def __init__(self, d_input, d_output, bias=True): super().__init__() self.weight = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(d_output, d_input)) # nn.Linear default init nn.init.kaiming_uniform_(self.weight, a=math.sqrt(5)) # nn.init.kaiming_uniform_(self.weight, nonlinearity='linear') # should be equivalent if bias: self.bias = nn.Parameter(torch.empty(d_output)) bound = 1 / math.sqrt(d_input) nn.init.uniform_(self.bias, -bound, bound) setattr(self.bias, "_optim", {"weight_decay": 0.0}) else: self.bias = 0.0
[docs] def forward(self, x): num_axis = len(x.shape[2:]) # num_axis in L, for broadcasting bias y = contract('b u ..., v u -> b v ...', x, self.weight) + \ self.bias.view(-1, *[1]*num_axis) return y
[docs]class TransposedLN(nn.Module): """ LayerNorm module over second dimension Assumes shape (B, D, L), where L can be 1 or more axis This is slow and a dedicated CUDA/Triton implementation shuld provide substantial end-to-end speedup """ def __init__(self, d, scalar=True): super().__init__() self.scalar = scalar if self.scalar: self.m = nn.Parameter(torch.zeros(1)) self.s = nn.Parameter(torch.ones(1)) setattr(self.m, "_optim", {"weight_decay": 0.0}) setattr(self.s, "_optim", {"weight_decay": 0.0}) else: self.ln = nn.LayerNorm(d)
[docs] def forward(self, x): if self.scalar: # calc. stats over D dim / channels s, m = torch.std_mean(x, dim=1, unbiased=False, keepdim=True) y = (self.s/s) * (x-m+self.m) else: # move channel to last axis, apply layer_norm, then move channel back to second axis _x = self.ln(rearrange(x, 'b d ... -> b ... d')) y = rearrange(_x, 'b ... d -> b d ...') return y
[docs]def Activation(activation=None, size=None, dim=-1): if activation in [None, 'id', 'identity', 'linear']: return nn.Identity() elif activation == 'tanh': return nn.Tanh() elif activation == 'relu': return nn.ReLU() elif activation == 'gelu': return nn.GELU(approximate='none') elif activation in ['swish', 'silu']: return nn.SiLU() elif activation == 'glu': return nn.GLU(dim=dim) elif activation == 'sigmoid': return nn.Sigmoid() elif activation == 'modrelu': return Modrelu(size) elif activation == 'ln': return TransposedLN(dim) else: raise NotImplementedError( "hidden activation '{}' is not implemented".format(activation))
[docs]def LinearActivation( d_input, d_output, bias=True, zero_bias_init=False, transposed=False, initializer=None, activation=None, activate=False, # Apply activation as part of this module weight_norm=False, **kwargs, ): """ Returns a linear nn.Module with control over axes order, initialization, and activation """ # Construct core module # linear_cls = partial(nn.Conv1d, kernel_size=1) if transposed else nn.Linear linear_cls = TransposedLinear if transposed else nn.Linear if activation == 'glu': d_output *= 2 linear = linear_cls(d_input, d_output, bias=bias, **kwargs) # Initialize weight if initializer is not None: get_initializer(initializer, activation)(linear.weight) # Initialize bias if bias and zero_bias_init: nn.init.zeros_(linear.bias) # Weight norm if weight_norm: linear = nn.utils.weight_norm(linear) if activate and activation is not None: activation = Activation(activation, d_output, dim=1 if transposed else -1) linear = nn.Sequential(linear, activation) return linear
[docs]class Normalization(nn.Module): def __init__( self, d, transposed=False, # Length dimension is -1 or -2 _name_='layer', **kwargs ): super().__init__() self.transposed = transposed self._name_ = _name_ if _name_ == 'layer': = True # Normalize over channel dimension if self.transposed: self.norm = TransposedLN(d, **kwargs) else: self.norm = nn.LayerNorm(d, **kwargs) elif _name_ == 'instance': = False norm_args = {'affine': False, 'track_running_stats': False} norm_args.update(kwargs) self.norm = nn.InstanceNorm1d(d, **norm_args) # (True, True) performs very poorly elif _name_ == 'batch': = False norm_args = {'affine': True, 'track_running_stats': True} norm_args.update(kwargs) self.norm = nn.BatchNorm1d(d, **norm_args) elif _name_ == 'group': = False self.norm = nn.GroupNorm(1, d, *kwargs) elif _name_ == 'none': = True self.norm = nn.Identity() else: raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def forward(self, x): # Handle higher dimension logic shape = x.shape if self.transposed: x = rearrange(x, 'b d ... -> b d (...)') else: x = rearrange(x, 'b ... d -> b (...)d ') # The cases of LayerNorm / no normalization are automatically handled in all cases # Instance/Batch Norm work automatically with transposed axes if or self.transposed: x = self.norm(x) else: x = x.transpose(-1, -2) x = self.norm(x) x = x.transpose(-1, -2) x = x.view(shape) return x
[docs] def step(self, x, **kwargs): assert self._name_ in ["layer", "none"] if self.transposed: x = x.unsqueeze(-1) x = self.forward(x) if self.transposed: x = x.squeeze(-1) return x
[docs]class GConv(nn.Module): requires_length = True def __init__( self, d_model, d_state=64, l_max=1, # Maximum length of sequence. Fine if not provided: the kernel will keep doubling in length until longer than sequence. However, this can be marginally slower if the true length is not a power of 2 channels=1, # maps 1-dim to C-dim bidirectional=False, # Arguments for FF activation='gelu', # activation in between SS and FF ln=False, # Extra normalization postact=None, # activation after FF initializer=None, # initializer on FF weight_norm=False, # weight normalization on FF hyper_act=None, # Use a "hypernetwork" multiplication use_fast_fftconv=False, dropout=0.0, transposed=True, # axis ordering (B, L, D) or (B, D, L) verbose=False, shift=False, linear=False, mode="cat_randn", # SSM Kernel arguments **kernel_args, ): """ d_state: the dimension of the state, also denoted by N l_max: the maximum sequence length, also denoted by L if this is not known at model creation, set l_max=1 channels: can be interpreted as a number of "heads" bidirectional: bidirectional dropout: standard dropout argument transposed: choose backbone axis ordering of (B, L, H) or (B, H, L) [B=batch size, L=sequence length, H=hidden dimension] Other options are all experimental and should not need to be configured """ super().__init__() self.h = d_model self.n = d_state self.bidirectional = bidirectional self.ln = ln self.channels = channels self.transposed = transposed self.shift = shift self.linear = linear self.mode = mode self.l_max = l_max self.verbose = verbose self.use_fast_fftconv = use_fast_fftconv if self.use_fast_fftconv: assert fftconv_func is not None, 'Need to install fftconv' assert self.channels == 1, 'channel must be 1 for fast FFTConv' # optional multiplicative modulation GLU-style # self.hyper = hyper_act is not None if self.hyper: channels *= 2 self.hyper_activation = Activation(hyper_act) self.D = nn.Parameter(torch.randn(channels, self.h)) if self.bidirectional: channels *= 2 # Pointwise if not self.linear: self.activation = Activation(activation) dropout_fn = nn.Dropout2d if self.transposed else nn.Dropout self.dropout = dropout_fn( dropout) if dropout > 0.0 else nn.Identity() if self.ln: self.norm = Normalization( self.h*self.channels, transposed=transposed) else: self.norm = nn.Identity() # position-wise output transform to mix features if not self.linear: self.output_linear = LinearActivation( self.h*self.channels, self.h, transposed=self.transposed, initializer=initializer, activation=postact, activate=True, weight_norm=weight_norm, ) self.init_scale = kernel_args.get('init_scale', 0) self.kernel_dim = kernel_args.get('kernel_dim', 64) self.num_scales = kernel_args.get( 'n_scales', 1+math.ceil(math.log2(l_max/self.kernel_dim))-self.init_scale) if self.num_scales is None: self.num_scales = 1 + \ math.ceil(math.log2(l_max/self.kernel_dim)) - self.init_scale self.kernel_list = nn.ParameterList() decay_min = kernel_args.get('decay_min', 2) decay_max = kernel_args.get('decay_max', 2) for _ in range(self.num_scales): if 'randn' in mode: kernel = nn.Parameter(torch.randn( channels, self.h, self.kernel_dim)) elif 'cos' in mode: kernel = nn.Parameter([torch.cos(torch.linspace(0, 2*i*math.pi, self.kernel_dim)).expand( channels, 1, self.kernel_dim) for i in range(self.h)], dim=1)[:, torch.randperm(self.h), :]) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown mode {mode}") kernel._optim = { 'lr': kernel_args.get('lr', 0.001), } self.kernel_list.append(kernel) if 'learnable' in mode: self.decay = nn.Parameter(torch.rand( self.h) * (decay_max - decay_min) + decay_min) if 'fixed' in mode: self.decay.requires_grad = False else: self.decay._optim = { 'lr': kernel_args.get('lr', 0.001), } self.register_buffer('multiplier', torch.tensor(1.0)) else: self.register_buffer('multiplier', torch.linspace( decay_min, decay_max, self.h).view(1, -1, 1)) self.register_buffer('kernel_norm', torch.ones(self.channels, self.h, 1)) self.register_buffer('kernel_norm_initialized', torch.tensor(0, dtype=torch.bool))
[docs] def fft_conv(self, u, k, L): if self.use_fast_fftconv: k = rearrange(k, '1 h l -> h l') dropout_mask = None # No GeLU after the SSM # We want output_hbl=True so that y has the same layout as u y = fftconv_func(u, k, self.D.squeeze(0), dropout_mask, False, False, True) y = rearrange(rearrange(y, 'b h l -> h b l'), 'h b l -> b h l') # y = rearrange(y, 'b h l -> b 1 h l') return y k_f = torch.fft.rfft(k, n=2*L) # (C H L) u_f = torch.fft.rfft(u, n=2*L) # (B H L) # k_f.unsqueeze(-4) * u_f.unsqueeze(-3) # (B C H L) y_f = contract('bhl,chl->bchl', u_f, k_f) y = torch.fft.irfft(y_f, n=2*L)[..., :L] # (B C H L) # Compute D term in state space equation - essentially a skip connection y = y + contract('bhl,ch->bchl', u, self.D) # Reshape to flatten channels return rearrange(y, '... c h l -> ... (c h) l')
[docs] def forward(self, u, return_kernel=False): """ u: (B H L) if self.transposed else (B L H) state: (H N) never needed unless you know what you're doing Returns: same shape as u """ if not self.transposed: u = u.transpose(-1, -2) L = u.size(-1) if self.use_fast_fftconv and L % 2 != 0: u = F.pad(u, (0, 1)) kernel_list = [] interpolate_mode = 'nearest' if 'nearest' in self.mode else 'linear' multiplier = self.multiplier if 'sum' in self.mode: for i in range(self.num_scales): kernel = F.pad( F.interpolate( self.kernel_list[i], scale_factor=2**(i+self.init_scale), mode=interpolate_mode, ), (0, self.kernel_dim*2**(self.num_scales-1+self.init_scale) - self.kernel_dim*2**(i+self.init_scale)), ) * multiplier ** (self.num_scales - i - 1) kernel_list.append(kernel) k = sum(kernel_list) elif 'cat' in self.mode: for i in range(self.num_scales): kernel = F.interpolate( self.kernel_list[i], scale_factor=2**(max(0, i-1)+self.init_scale), mode=interpolate_mode, ) * multiplier ** (self.num_scales - i - 1) kernel_list.append(kernel) k =, dim=-1) else: raise ValueError(f"Unknown mode {self.mode}") if 'learnable' in self.mode: k = k * torch.exp(-self.decay.view(1, -1, 1)*torch.log( torch.arange(k.size(-1), device=k.device)+1).view(1, 1, -1)) if not self.kernel_norm_initialized: self.kernel_norm = k.norm(dim=-1, keepdim=True).detach() self.kernel_norm_initialized = torch.tensor( 1, dtype=torch.bool, device=k.device) if self.verbose: print(f"Kernel norm: {self.kernel_norm.mean()}") print(f"Kernel size: {k.size()}") if k.size(-1) > L: k = k[..., :L] elif k.size(-1) < L: k = F.pad(k, (0, L - k.size(-1))) k = k / self.kernel_norm # * (L / self.l_max) ** 0.5 # Convolution if self.bidirectional: k0, k1 = rearrange(k, '(s c) h l -> s c h l', s=2) k = F.pad(k0, (0, L)) \ + F.pad(k1.flip(-1), (L, 0)) \ y = self.fft_conv(u, k, L) if not self.linear: y = self.dropout(self.activation(y)) if not self.transposed: y = y.transpose(-1, -2) if not self.linear: y = self.norm(y) y = self.output_linear(y) if return_kernel: return y, k return y, None
@property def d_state(self): return self.h * self.n @property def d_output(self): return self.h @property def state_to_tensor(self): return lambda state: rearrange('... h n -> ... (h n)', state)
[docs]class SGConv(nn.Module): def __init__(self, arch_config: ArchConfig, hidden_size: int, total_heads: int, op_heads: int, hf_config: PretrainedConfig, **kwargs): super().__init__() assert hidden_size % total_heads == 0 self.hidden_size = hidden_size self.total_heads = total_heads self.op_heads = op_heads # Architecture params self.kernel_size = arch_config.pick('kernel_size') self.use_fast_fftconv = get_optim_flag(hf_config, 'fast_fftconv') self.channels = 1 self.op_size = op_heads * (hidden_size // total_heads) self.in_proj = nn.Sequential( nn.Linear(hidden_size, self.op_size * 2), nn.GLU(dim=-1) ) self.sgconv = GConv( self.op_size, l_max=hf_config.max_position_embeddings, channels=self.channels, kernel_dim=self.kernel_size, use_fast_fftconv=self.use_fast_fftconv, transposed=False, verbose=False ) self.act = nn.GELU(approximate='none')
[docs] def forward(self, x: torch.Tensor, **kwargs): output, _ = self.sgconv(self.in_proj(x)) return self.act(output), None
if __name__ == '__main__': B = 2 # batch size H = 768 # d_model L = 2048 # sequence length device = 'cuda' import torch.utils.benchmark as benchmark flash_layer = GConv(d_model=H, l_max=L, kernel_dim=128, use_fast_fftconv=True, transposed=False).to(device) layer = GConv(d_model=H, l_max=L, kernel_dim=128, use_fast_fftconv=False, transposed=False).to(device) u = torch.randn(B, L, H, device=device, dtype=torch.float32, requires_grad=True) t0 = benchmark.Timer( stmt='flash_layer(u)', globals={'flash_layer': flash_layer, 'u': u}) t1 = benchmark.Timer( stmt='layer(u)', globals={'layer': layer, 'u': u}) print(t0.timeit(100)) print(t1.timeit(100))