Source code for archai.onnx.export

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

from itertools import chain
from typing import Optional

import numpy as np
import torch

from archai.common.ordered_dict_logger import OrderedDictLogger
from archai.onnx.config_utils.codegen_onnx_config import CodeGenOnnxConfig
from archai.onnx.config_utils.gpt2_onnx_config import GPT2FlexOnnxConfig, GPT2OnnxConfig
from archai.onnx.config_utils.onnx_config_base import OnnxConfig
from archai.onnx.export_utils import prepare_model_for_onnx, weight_sharing
from archai.onnx.onnx_loader import load_from_onnx

logger = OrderedDictLogger(source=__name__)

AVAILABLE_ONNX_CONFIGS = {"codegen": CodeGenOnnxConfig, "gpt2": GPT2OnnxConfig, "gpt2-flex": GPT2FlexOnnxConfig}

[docs]def validate_onnx_outputs( onnx_config: OnnxConfig, reference_model: torch.nn.Module, onnx_model_path: str, atol: float, ) -> None: """Validate the outputs of an ONNX model against a reference PyTorch model. Args: onnx_config: Configuration for ONNX model. reference_model: PyTorch model to use as reference. onnx_model_path: Path to the ONNX model. atol: Tolerance value for comparing the model outputs. Raises: ValueError: If the shapes or values of the ONNX model outputs do not match the reference model outputs within the specified tolerance. """"Validating model ...") session = load_from_onnx(onnx_model_path) ref_inputs = onnx_config.generate_dummy_inputs() ref_outputs = reference_model(**ref_inputs) # Flattens the reference outputs ref_outputs_dict = {} for name, value in ref_outputs.items(): if name == "past_key_values": name = "present" elif name == "logits": name = "probs" if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): for i, v in enumerate(value): name_with_idx = f"{name}_{i}" ref_outputs_dict[name_with_idx] = v else: ref_outputs_dict[name] = value # Transforms the inputs into an ONNX compatible format onnx_inputs = {} for name, value in ref_inputs.items(): if name == "past_key_values": name = "past" if isinstance(value, (list, tuple)): for i, v in enumerate(value): name_with_idx = f"{name}_{i}" onnx_inputs[name_with_idx] = v.numpy() else: onnx_inputs[name] = value.numpy() # Performs the ONNX inference session onnx_named_outputs = [output for output in onnx_config.get_outputs().keys()] onnx_outputs =, onnx_inputs) # Checks whether subset of ONNX outputs is valid ref_outputs_set, onnx_outputs_set = set(ref_outputs_dict.keys()), set(onnx_config.get_outputs()) if not onnx_outputs_set.issubset(ref_outputs_set): error = f"Unmatched outputs: {onnx_outputs_set} (ONNX) and {ref_outputs_set} (reference)" logger.error(error) raise ValueError(error) else: logger.debug(f"Matched outputs: {onnx_outputs_set}") # Checks whether shapes and values are within expected tolerance for name, ort_value in zip(onnx_config.get_outputs(), onnx_outputs): logger.debug(f"Validating output: {name}") ref_value = ref_outputs_dict[name].detach().numpy() if not ort_value.shape == ref_value.shape: error = f"Unmatched shape: {ort_value.shape} (ONNX) and {ref_value.shape} (reference)" logger.error(error) raise ValueError(error) else: logger.debug(f"Matched shape: {ort_value.shape} (ONNX) and {ref_value.shape} (reference)") diff = np.amax(np.abs(ref_value - ort_value)) if not np.allclose(ref_value, ort_value, atol=atol): error = f"Unmatched difference: {diff:.4e} > {atol}" logger.error(error) raise ValueError(error) else: logger.debug(f"Matched difference: {diff:.4e} < {atol}")
[docs]def export_to_onnx( model: torch.nn.Module, output_model_path: str, task: Optional[str] = "causal-lm", use_past: Optional[bool] = True, validate: Optional[bool] = True, share_weights: Optional[bool] = True, opset: Optional[int] = 11, atol: Optional[float] = 1e-4, ) -> OnnxConfig: """Export a pre-trained PyTorch model to ONNX format. Args: model: Instance of the PyTorch model to be exported. output_model_path: Path to save the exported ONNX model. task: Task identifier to use proper inputs/outputs. use_past: Whether to include past key/values in the model. validate: Whether to validate the exported model. share_weights: Whether to share the embedding and softmax weights. opset: Set of operations to use with ONNX. atol: Tolerance between input and exported model. Returns: ONNX configuration of the model that was exported. """"Exporting model: {output_model_path}") model_type = model.config.model_type available_configs = list(AVAILABLE_ONNX_CONFIGS.keys()) assert model_type in available_configs, f"`model_type`: {model_type} is not supported for ONNX export." onnx_config = AVAILABLE_ONNX_CONFIGS[model_type]( model.config, task=task, use_past=use_past, ) model = prepare_model_for_onnx(model, model_type) dynamic_axes = { name: axes for name, axes in chain(onnx_config.get_inputs().items(), onnx_config.get_outputs().items()) } torch.onnx.export( model, (onnx_config.generate_dummy_inputs(),), f=output_model_path, export_params=True, input_names=list(onnx_config.get_inputs().keys()), output_names=list(onnx_config.get_outputs().keys()), dynamic_axes=dynamic_axes, opset_version=opset, do_constant_folding=True, ) if validate: validate_onnx_outputs(onnx_config, model, output_model_path, atol) if share_weights: weight_sharing(output_model_path, model_type) return onnx_config