Source code for archai.supergraph.algos.petridish.searcher_petridish

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

import copy
from typing import List

# latest verion of ray works on Windows as well
import ray
from overrides import overrides

from archai.common import common
from archai.common.common import CommonState
from archai.common.config import Config
from archai.common.ordered_dict_logger import get_global_logger
from archai.supergraph.algos.petridish.petridish_utils import (
from archai.supergraph.nas import nas_utils
from archai.supergraph.nas.arch_trainer import TArchTrainer
from archai.supergraph.nas.finalizers import Finalizers
from archai.supergraph.nas.model import Model
from archai.supergraph.nas.model_desc import (
from archai.supergraph.nas.model_desc_builder import ModelDescBuilder
from archai.supergraph.nas.search_combinations import SearchCombinations
from archai.supergraph.nas.searcher import SearchResult

logger = get_global_logger()

[docs]class SearcherPetridish(SearchCombinations):
[docs] @overrides def search(self, conf_search:Config, model_desc_builder:ModelDescBuilder, trainer_class:TArchTrainer, finalizers:Finalizers)->SearchResult: logger.pushd('search') # region config vars self.conf_search = conf_search conf_checkpoint = conf_search['checkpoint'] resume = conf_search['resume'] conf_post_train = conf_search['post_train'] final_desc_foldername = conf_search['final_desc_foldername'] conf_petridish = conf_search['petridish'] # petridish distributed search related parameters self._convex_hull_eps = conf_petridish['convex_hull_eps'] self._max_madd = conf_petridish['max_madd'] self._max_hull_points = conf_petridish['max_hull_points'] self._checkpoints_foldername = conf_petridish['checkpoints_foldername'] # endregion self._checkpoint = nas_utils.create_checkpoint(conf_checkpoint, resume) # parent models list self._hull_points: List[ConvexHullPoint] = [] self._ensure_dataset_download(conf_search) # checkpoint will restore the hull we had is_restored = self._restore_checkpoint() # seed the pool with many models of different # macro parameters like number of cells, reductions etc if parent pool # could not be restored and/or this is the first time this job has been run. future_ids = [] if is_restored else self._create_seed_jobs(conf_search, model_desc_builder) while not self._is_search_done():'Ray jobs running: {len(future_ids)}') if future_ids: # get first completed job job_id_done, future_ids = ray.wait(future_ids) hull_point = ray.get(job_id_done[0])'Hull point id {} with stage {} completed') if hull_point.is_trained_stage(): self._update_convex_hull(hull_point) # sample a point and search sampled_point = sample_from_hull(self._hull_points, self._convex_hull_eps) future_id = SearcherPetridish.search_model_desc_dist.remote(self, conf_search, sampled_point, model_desc_builder, trainer_class, finalizers, common.get_state()) future_ids.append(future_id)'Added sampled point {} for search') elif hull_point.job_stage==JobStage.SEARCH: # create the job to train the searched model future_id = SearcherPetridish.train_model_desc_dist.remote(self, conf_post_train, hull_point, common.get_state()) future_ids.append(future_id)'Added sampled point {} for post-search training') else: raise RuntimeError(f'Job stage "{hull_point.job_stage}" is not expected in search loop') # cancel any remaining jobs to free up gpus for the eval phase for future_id in future_ids: ray.cancel(future_id, force=True) # without force, main process stops ray.wait([future_id]) # plot and save the hull expdir = common.get_expdir() assert expdir plot_frontier(self._hull_points, self._convex_hull_eps, expdir) best_point = save_hull_frontier(self._hull_points, self._convex_hull_eps, final_desc_foldername, expdir) save_hull(self._hull_points, expdir) plot_pool(self._hull_points,expdir ) # return best point as search result search_result = SearchResult(best_point.model_desc, search_metrics=None, train_metrics=best_point.metrics) self.clean_log_result(conf_search, search_result) logger.popd() return search_result
@staticmethod @ray.remote(num_gpus=1) def search_model_desc_dist(searcher:'SearcherPetridish', conf_search:Config, hull_point:ConvexHullPoint, model_desc_builder:ModelDescBuilder, trainer_class:TArchTrainer, finalizers:Finalizers, common_state:CommonState)\ ->ConvexHullPoint: # as this runs in different process, initialize globals common.init_from(common_state) #register ops as we are in different process now conf_model_desc = conf_search['model_desc'] model_desc_builder.pre_build(conf_model_desc) assert hull_point.is_trained_stage() # cloning is strictly not needed but just in case if we run this # function in same process, it would be good to avoid surprise model_desc = hull_point.model_desc.clone() searcher._add_node(model_desc, model_desc_builder) model_desc, search_metrics = searcher.search_model_desc(conf_search, model_desc, trainer_class, finalizers) cells, reductions, nodes = hull_point.cells_reductions_nodes new_point = ConvexHullPoint(JobStage.SEARCH,, hull_point.sampling_count, model_desc, (cells, reductions, nodes+1), # we added a node metrics=search_metrics) return new_point @staticmethod @ray.remote(num_gpus=1) def train_model_desc_dist(searcher:'SearcherPetridish', conf_train:Config, hull_point:ConvexHullPoint, common_state:CommonState)\ ->ConvexHullPoint: # as this runs in different process, initialize globals common.init_from(common_state) assert not hull_point.is_trained_stage() model_metrics = searcher.train_model_desc(hull_point.model_desc, conf_train) model_stats = nas_utils.get_model_stats(model_metrics.model) new_point = ConvexHullPoint(hull_point.next_stage(),, hull_point. sampling_count, hull_point.model_desc, hull_point.cells_reductions_nodes, model_metrics.metrics, model_stats) return new_point def _add_node(self, model_desc:ModelDesc, model_desc_builder:ModelDescBuilder)->None: for ci, cell_desc in enumerate(model_desc.cell_descs()): reduction = (cell_desc.cell_type==CellType.Reduction) nodes = cell_desc.nodes() # petridish must seed with one node assert len(nodes) > 0 # input/output channels for all nodes are same conv_params = nodes[0].conv_params # assign input IDs to nodes, s0 and s1 have IDs 0 and 1 # however as we will be inserting new node before last one input_ids = list(range(len(nodes) + 1)) assert len(input_ids) >= 2 # 2 stem inputs op_desc = OpDesc('petridish_reduction_op' if reduction else 'petridish_normal_op', params={ 'conv': conv_params, # specify strides for each input, later we will # give this to each primitive '_strides':[2 if reduction and j < 2 else 1 \ for j in input_ids], }, in_len=len(input_ids), trainables=None, children=None) edge = EdgeDesc(op_desc, input_ids=input_ids) new_node = NodeDesc(edges=[edge], conv_params=conv_params) nodes.insert(len(nodes)-1, new_node) # output shape of all nodes are same node_shapes = cell_desc.node_shapes new_node_shape = copy.deepcopy(node_shapes[-1]) node_shapes.insert(len(node_shapes)-1, new_node_shape) # post op needs rebuilding because number of inputs to it has changed so input/output channels may be different post_op_shape, post_op_desc = model_desc_builder.build_cell_post_op(cell_desc.stem_shapes, node_shapes, cell_desc.conf_cell, ci) cell_desc.reset_nodes(nodes, node_shapes, post_op_desc, post_op_shape) def _ensure_dataset_download(self, conf_search:Config)->None: conf_loader = conf_search['loader'] self.get_data(conf_loader) def _is_search_done(self)->bool: '''Terminate search if max MAdd or number of points exceeded''' if not self._hull_points: return False max_madd_parent = max(self._hull_points, key=lambda p:p.model_stats.MAdd) return max_madd_parent.model_stats.MAdd > self._max_madd or \ len(self._hull_points) > self._max_hull_points def _create_seed_jobs(self, conf_search:Config, model_desc_builder:ModelDescBuilder)->list: conf_model_desc = conf_search['model_desc'] conf_seed_train = conf_search['seed_train'] future_ids = [] # ray job IDs seed_model_stats = [] # seed model stats for visualization and debugging macro_combinations = list(self.get_combinations(conf_search)) for reductions, cells, nodes in macro_combinations: # if N R N R N R cannot be satisfied, ignore combination if cells < reductions * 2 + 1: continue # create seed model model_desc = self.build_model_desc(model_desc_builder, conf_model_desc, reductions, cells, nodes) hull_point = ConvexHullPoint(JobStage.SEED, 0, 0, model_desc, (cells, reductions, nodes)) # pre-train the seed model future_id = SearcherPetridish.train_model_desc_dist.remote(self, conf_seed_train, hull_point, common.get_state()) future_ids.append(future_id) # build a model so we can get its model stats temp_model = Model(model_desc, droppath=True, affine=True) seed_model_stats.append(nas_utils.get_model_stats(temp_model)) # save the model stats in a plot and tsv file so we can # visualize the spread on the x-axis expdir = common.get_expdir() assert expdir plot_seed_model_stats(seed_model_stats, expdir) return future_ids def _update_convex_hull(self, new_point:ConvexHullPoint)->None: assert new_point.is_trained_stage() # only add models for which we have metrics and stats self._hull_points.append(new_point) if self._checkpoint is not None: self._checkpoint['convex_hull_points'] = self._hull_points self._checkpoint.commit()'Added to convex hull points: MAdd {new_point.model_stats.MAdd}, ' f'num cells {len(new_point.model_desc.cell_descs())}, ' f'num nodes in cell {len(new_point.model_desc.cell_descs()[0].nodes())}') def _restore_checkpoint(self)->bool: can_restore = self._checkpoint is not None \ and 'convex_hull_points' in self._checkpoint if can_restore: self._hull_points = self._checkpoint['convex_hull_points'] logger.warn({'Hull restored': True}) return can_restore
[docs] @overrides def build_model_desc(self, model_desc_builder:ModelDescBuilder, conf_model_desc:Config, reductions:int, cells:int, nodes:int)->ModelDesc: # reset macro params in copy of config conf_model_desc = copy.deepcopy(conf_model_desc) conf_model_desc['n_reductions'] = reductions conf_model_desc['n_cells'] = cells conf_model_desc['cell']['n_nodes'] = nodes # create model desc for search using model config # we will build model without call to model_desc_builder for pre-training model_desc =, template=None) return model_desc