Source code for archai.supergraph.nas.nas_utils

# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT license.

from typing import Optional

import tensorwatch as tw

from archai.common.config import Config
from archai.common.ordered_dict_logger import get_global_logger
from archai.supergraph.nas.model import Model
from archai.supergraph.utils.checkpoint import CheckPoint

logger = get_global_logger()

[docs]def checkpoint_empty(checkpoint:Optional[CheckPoint])->bool: return checkpoint is None or checkpoint.is_empty()
[docs]def create_checkpoint(conf_checkpoint:Config, resume:bool)->Optional[CheckPoint]: """Creates checkpoint given its config. If resume is True then attempt is made to load existing checkpoint otherwise an empty checkpoint is created. """ checkpoint = CheckPoint(conf_checkpoint, resume) \ if conf_checkpoint is not None else None{'checkpoint_empty': checkpoint_empty(checkpoint), 'conf_checkpoint_none': conf_checkpoint is None, 'resume': resume, 'checkpoint_path': None if checkpoint is None else checkpoint.filepath}) return checkpoint
[docs]def get_model_stats(model:Model, input_tensor_shape=[1,3,32,32], clone_model=True)->tw.ModelStats: # model stats is doing some hooks so do it last model_stats = tw.ModelStats(model, input_tensor_shape, clone_model=clone_model) return model_stats