

For the latest official release, install the pip package:

pip install microsoft-aurora

Or install from conda-forge with conda / mamba:

mamba install microsoft-aurora -c conda-forge

You can also install directly from GitHub:

git clone
cd aurora

Then create a new virtual environment and install the requirements:

virtualenv venv -p python3.10
source venv/bin/activate
make install

One-Step Predictions#

Making predictions with the model involves three steps:

  1. prepare a batch of data,

  2. construct the model and load a checkpoint, and

  3. run the model on the batch.

We walk through these steps in order.

First, you must construct a batch of data. A batch of data contains surface-level variables, static variables, atmospheric variables, and associated metadata. This batch must be an aurora.Batch. Here is an example that constructs a random batch:

from datetime import datetime

import torch

from aurora import Batch, Metadata

batch = Batch(
    surf_vars={k: torch.randn(1, 2, 17, 32) for k in ("2t", "10u", "10v", "msl")},
    static_vars={k: torch.randn(17, 32) for k in ("lsm", "z", "slt")},
    atmos_vars={k: torch.randn(1, 2, 4, 17, 32) for k in ("z", "u", "v", "t", "q")},
        lat=torch.linspace(90, -90, 17),
        lon=torch.linspace(0, 360, 32 + 1)[:-1],
        time=(datetime(2020, 6, 1, 12, 0),),
        atmos_levels=(100, 250, 500, 850),

The exact form of a Batch will be explained in detail on the next page.

Second, you need to construct a model and load a checkpoint. There are various versions of Aurora, both in terms of model size and in terms of what the model was trained on. The regular version of Aurora can be constructed as follows:

from aurora import Aurora

model = Aurora()

In this example, however, we use a smaller version:

from aurora import AuroraSmall

model = AuroraSmall()

A checkpoint can then be loaded with model.load_checkpoint by specifying a checkpoint file in a HuggingFace repository. In this case, we use aurora-0.25-small-pretrained.ckpt from the repository microsoft/aurora:

model.load_checkpoint("microsoft/aurora", "aurora-0.25-small-pretrained.ckpt")

Typically, you will want to set the model to evaluation mode, which disables e.g. drop-out:


A detailed overview of all available models is given here.

Finally, you are ready to run the model!

model ="cuda")

with torch.inference_mode():
    pred = model.forward(batch)

Predictions are also of the form of aurora.Batch. For example, pred.surf_vars["2t"] gives the predictions for two-meter temperature.

You will need approximately 40 GB of GPU memory for running the regular model on global 0.25 degree data.

Autoregressive Roll-Outs#

To make predictions for more than one step ahead, you can apply the model autoregressively. This can be done with aurora.rollout:

from aurora import rollout

model ="cuda")

with torch.inference_mode():
    preds = ["cpu") for pred in rollout(model, batch, steps=10)]

In the list comprehension, we move the prediction after every step immediately to the CPU to prevent GPU memory buildup. Every element of preds is again of the form of aurora.Batch.