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Local and Remote Workspaces

In a local workspace, DeviceScript opens a native serial connection to communicate with hardware devices.

In a remote workspace, DeviceScript uses a separate browser window using WebSerial that communicates with the localhost developer tools server.

In general, web editor is not supported.

FeatureLocal (Windows, MacOS, Linux)Remote (WSL, Docker, Codespaces, ...)Web
TypeScript completion, syntax
Device Simulator
Simulator Dashboard
Devices/Watch views
Flash Firmware✓ (1)
Serial connection to hardware✓ (2)
USB connection to hardware(3)
  • (1) Using manual download of .UF2 files for RP2040 or the Adafruit WebSerial ESPTool
  • (2) Through a seperate browser window using WebSerial
  • (3) No board with USB connection supported yet

Two windows with a connection connector and Visual Studio Code in the browser

Remote workspace

When using a remote workspace, the developer tool command line (that gets spawned by the Visual Studio extension) cannot access physical devices.

To work around this issue, the extension launches a web page that uses WebSerial/WebUSB to connect to the physical device and proxy the packets back to the local web server hosted by the developer tools.

The key difference between local and remote are:

  • the connection is done through a separate web page that needs to stay opened and in the foreground (browser aggressively throttle background pages)
  • the console output is displayed in the connection page rather than in the VS Code terminal

The remote feature was tested for the following remote solutions:

Virtual Workspaces

Virtual Workspaces, not to be confused with remote workspaces, are not supported: