Documentation Translations
Microsoft MakeCode is a web-based platform for creating engaging computer science learning experiences. It provides a block-based programming environment that allows students to create games, animations, and interactive stories.
The MakeCode documentation and tutorials uses markdown with many additional macros and micro syntaxes to create rich-rendered tutorials and documentations, like the Rock Paper Scissors tutorial.
Localization challenge
One major challenge in localizing the MakeCode resource is that tools like Bing Translator or Google Translate had the tendency to destroy the custom macro annotation; thus breaking the rich rendering of the documentation.
Let’s illustrate this with the Step 6 of the Rock Paper Scissors tutorial:
## {Step 6}
Click on the ``||variables:Variables||`` category in the Toolbox. Drag a ``||variables:hand||`` block out and drop it into the ``||logic:0 = 0||`` comparison block replacing the first **0**. Click on the second 0 in the comparison block and change to **1**.
```blockslet hand = 0;input.onGesture(Gesture.Shake, function() { hand = randint(1, 3) if (hand == 1) {
} else {
In this content, it is critical to keep the ||variables:hand||
and ||logic:0 = 0||
annotations as they are. And also the blocks
macro should be left untouched.
Unfortunately, traditional translation system do not have a way to “teach” the syntax or emphasize the importance of these annotations.
For example, when translated to French in Bing Translate, a number of errors are introduced:
becomes '
, extra whitespaces, logic
becomes logique
, and so forth.
## {Étape 6}
Cliquez sur le bouton ''||variables :Variables||'' dans la boîte à outils. Faites glisser un ''||variables :main||'' et déposez-le dans le fichier ''||logique :0 = 0||'' en remplacement du premier **0**. Cliquez sur le deuxième 0 dans le bloc de comparaison et passez à **1**.
'''blocslet main = 0 ;input.onGesture(Gesture.Shake, function() { main = randint(1, 3) if (main == 1) {
} else {
Teaching the LLM how to translate
GenAIScript allowed to develop and automate a script that create high-quality LLM-based translations for the MakeCode documentation.
A (simplified) version of the script is shown below and annotated with comments.
script({ "title": "Translate MakeCode documentation", "group": "Translation", temperature: 0})
// allow CLI argument injectionconst langName = env.vars.lang || "French"
// contextconst file = env.files[0]def("ORIGINAL", file, { language: "markdown" })
// task$`You are an expert at Computer Science education.You are an expert at writing MakeCode documentation and tutorials.You are an expert ${langName} translator.`
// task$`Translate the documentation in ORIGINAL to ${langName}.
- Do not translate header starting with ~- Do NOT translate code in \`blocks\` or in \`typescript\` or in \`spy\` or in \`python\`. However, you can should comments.- Do not translate @variable@ or @unplugged- Translate \`## {<text>}\` as \`## {<translated text>}\`- When you encounter a snippet like "\`\`||<namespace>:<text>||\`\`", DO NOT translate <namespace> and DO translate text.
\`\`||<namespace>:<text>||\`\` --> \`\`||<namespace>:<translated text>||\`\`...`
Using this script, the translation of Step 6
to French is as follows, and
you’ll notice that all the errors have been solved.
## {Étape 6}
Cliquez sur la catégorie ``||variables:Variables||`` dans la boîte à outils. Faites glisser un bloc ``||variables:main||`` et déposez-le dans le bloc de comparaison ``||logic:0 = 0||``, en remplaçant le premier **0**. Cliquez sur le deuxième 0 dans le bloc de comparaison et changez-le en **1**.
```blockslet main = 0;input.onGesture(Gesture.Shake, function() { main = randint(1, 3) if (main == 1) {
} else {
Note that we use env.vargs.lang
variable which allows to modify this value through the command line.
const langName = env.vars.lang || "French"
Using the genaiscript CLI, we can run the script for each desired language in a GitHub Action.
npx genaiscript run translate ... --vars lang=German
Validation and upload
The CLI can be automated using your favorite bash/script runtime. For example, using zx, we automate for a number of locales:
- translate documentation,
- save translation to files,
- run the MakeCode compiler to validate the translations
- upload/update translation to the translation database
const langs = ["French", "German", ...]for(const lang of langs) { // run script and create translations await $`genaiscript run translate ... --vars lang=${lang} ... --apply-edits` // run MakeCode compiler to validate translations await $`makecode check-docs ...` // upload the database await $`translation upload ...`}