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Inline prompts

The prompt or runPrompt function allows to build an inner LLM invocation. It returns the output of the prompt.


prompt is a syntactic sugar for runPrompt that takes a template string literal as the prompt text.

const { text } = await prompt`Write a short poem.`

You can pass a function to runPrompt that takes a single argument _ which is the prompt builder. It defines the same helpers like $, def, but applies to the inner prompt.

const { text } = await runPrompt((_) => {
// use def, $ and other helpers
_.def("FILE", file)
_.$`Summarize the FILE. Be concise.`

You can also shortcut the function and pass the prompt text directly

const { text } = await runPrompt(
`Select all the image files in ${ => f.filename)}`

Don’t mix global helpers in inner prompts

A common mistake is to use the global def, $ and other helpers in the inner prompt. These helpers are not available in the inner prompt and you should use _.$, _.def and other helpers instead.

  • no good
const { text } = await runPrompt((_) => {
def("FILE", env.files) // oops, _. is missing and def added content in the main prompt
$`Summarize files.` // oops, _ is missing and $ added content in the main prompt
  • good
const { text } = await runPrompt((_) => {
_.def("FILE", env.files) // yes, def added content in the inner prompt
_.$`Summarize the FILE.`


Both prompt and runPrompt support various options similar to the script function.

const { text } = await prompt`Write a short poem.`.options({ temperature: 1.5 })
const { text } = await runPrompt((_) => { ...}, { temperature: 1.5 })


You can use inner prompts in tools.

"Writes 4 line poem about a given theme",
theme: {
type: "string",
description: "Theme of the poem",
(({theme})) => prompt`Write a ${4} line ${"poem"} about ${theme}`


prompt and runPrompt are async functions that can be used in a loop to run multiple prompts concurrently.

await Promise.all(env.files, (file) => prompt`Summarize the ${file}`)

Internally, GenAIScript applies a concurrent limit of 8 per model by default. You can change this limit using the modelConcurrency option.

modelConcurrency: {
"openai:gpt-4o": 20

If you need more control over concurrent queues, you can try the p-all, p-limit or similar libraries.

Inline-only scripts

If your scripts ends up calling into inline prompts and never generate the main prompt, you can configure it to use the none LLM provider. This will prevent GenAIScript from trying to resolve the connection information and also throw an error if you ever try to generate prompts in the main execution.

model: "none",

Example: Summary of file summaries using Phi-3

The snippet below uses Phi-3 through Ollama to summarize files individually before adding them to the main prompt.

model: "small",
files: "src/rag/*",
tests: {
files: ["src/rag/*"],
keywords: ["markdown", "lorem", "microsoft"],
if (!env.files.length) throw new Error("No files found")
// summarize each files individually
for (const file of env.files) {
const { text } = await runPrompt(
(_) => {
_.def("FILE", file)
_.$`Extract keywords for the contents of FILE.`
{ model: "small", cache: "summary_summary" }
def("FILE", { ...file, content: text })
// use summary
$`Extract keywords for the contents of FILE.`