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You can register tools (also known as functions) that the LLM may decide to call as part of assembling the answer. See OpenAI functions, Ollama tools, or Anthropic tool use.

Not all LLM models support tools, in those cases, GenAIScript also support a fallback mechanism to implement tool call through system prompts (see Fallback Tools).



defTool is used to define a tool that can be called by the LLM. It takes a JSON schema to define the input and expects a string output. The parameters are defined using the parameters schema.

The LLM decides to call this tool on its own!

"get the current weather",
city: "",
(args) => {
const { location } = args
if (location === "Brussels") return "sunny"
else return "variable"

In the example above, we define a tool called current_weather that takes a location as input and returns the weather.

Weather tool example

This example uses the current_weather tool to get the weather for Brussels.

model: "small",
title: "Weather as function",
"Query the weather for each city using a dummy weather function",
temperature: 0.5,
files: "src/",
tests: {
files: "src/",
keywords: "Brussels",
$`Query the weather for each listed city and return the results as a table.`
def("CITIES", env.files)
"get the current weather",
type: "object",
properties: {
location: {
type: "string",
description: "The city and state, e.g. San Francisco, CA",
required: ["location"],
(args) => {
const { context, location } = args
const { trace } = context
trace.log(`Getting weather for ${location}...`)
let content = "variable"
if (location === "Brussels") content = "sunny"
return content

Math tool example

This example uses the math expression evaluator to evaluate a math expression.

title: "math-agent",
model: "small",
description: "A port of",
parameters: {
question: {
type: "string",
default: "How much is 11 + 4? then divide by 3?",
tests: {
description: "Testing the default prompt",
keywords: "5",
"Use this function to sum two numbers",
{ a: 1, b: 2 },
({ a, b }) => {
console.log(`${a} + ${b}`)
return `${a + b}`
"Use this function to divide two numbers",
type: "object",
properties: {
a: {
type: "number",
description: "The first number",
b: {
type: "number",
description: "The second number",
required: ["a", "b"],
({ a, b }) => {
console.log(`${a} / ${b}`)
return `${a / b}`
$`Answer the following arithmetic question:

Reusing tools in system scripts

You can define tools in a system script and include them in your main script as any other system script or tool.

system({ description: "Random tools" })
export default function (ctx: ChatGenerationContext) {
const { defTool } = ctx
defTool("random", "Generate a random number", {}, () => Math.random())
  • Make sure to use system instead of script in the system script.
title: "Random number",
tools: ["random"],
$`Generate a random number.

Multiple instances of the same system script

You can include the same system script multiple times in a script with different parameters.

system: [
"system.agent_git", // git operations on current repository
id: "system.agent_git", // same system script
parameters: { repo: "microsoft/genaiscript" } // but with new parameters
variant: "genaiscript" // appened to the identifier to keep tool identifiers unique

Model Context Protocol Tools

Model Context Provider (MCP) is an open protocol that enables seamless integration between LLM applications and external data sources and tools.

You can leverage MCP servers to provide tools to your LLM.

memory: {
command: "npx",
args: ["-y", "@modelcontextprotocol/server-memory"],

See Model Context Protocol Tools for more information.

Agentic Tools

Agentic is a standard library of AI functions / tools which are optimized for both normal TS-usage as well as LLM-based usage. You can register any agentic tool in your script using defTool.

import { calculator } from "@agentic/calculator"

See Agentic tools for more information.

Fallback Tool Support

Some LLM models do not have built-in model support. For those model, it is possible to enable tool support through system prompts. The performance may be lower than built-in tools, but it is still possible to use tools.

The tool support is implemented in system.tool_calls and “teaches” the LLM how to call tools. When this mode is enabled, you will see the tool call tokens being responded by the LLM.

GenAIScript maintains a list of well-known models that do not support tools so it will happen automatically for those models.

To enable this mode, you can either

  • add the fallbackTools option to the script
fallbackTools: true,
  • or add the --fallack-tools flag to the CLI
Terminal window
npx genaiscript run ... --fallback-tools

Packaging as System scripts

To pick and choose which tools to include in a script, you can group them in system scripts. For example, the current_weather tool can be included the system.current_weather.genai.mjs script.

title: "Get the current weather",
defTool("current_weather", ...)

then use the tool id in the tools field.

tools: ["current_weather"],


Let’s illustrate how tools come together with a question answering script.

In the script below, we add the retrieval_web_search tool. This tool will call into retrieval.webSearch as needed.

title: "Answer questions",
tool: ["retrieval_web_search"]
def("FILES", env.files)
$`Answer the questions in FILES using a web search.
- List a summary of the answers and the sources used to create the answers.

We can then apply this script to the file below.

- What is the weather in Seattle?
- What laws were voted in the USA congress last week?

After the first request, the LLM requests to call the web_search for each questions. The web search answers are then added to the LLM message history and the request is made again. The second yields the final result which includes the web search results.

Builtin tools