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Parameters Schema

This page describes the way parameter signatures are defined in GenAIScripts. Various entities in GenAIScript can be parameterized and the PromptParametersSchema provides a flexible way to define the schema of parameters with a mixture of builtin type inference.

// parameters of a script
parameters: {
city: "",
year: NaN,
// parameters of a tool
defTool("...", "...", { city: "", year: NaN }, ...)

Internally, GenAIScript converts a parameters object (PromptParametersSchema) to a JSON Schema (JSONSchema) for various purposes. For example, the OpenAI tools API uses JSONSchema to define the signature of tools.

JSONSchema is more expressive but also more verbose to author and can be cumbersome to author manually for simple use cases.

defTool("weather", "current weather", { city: "" }, ...)


The following transformation rules are applied to convert the parameter data into a JSONSchema:

  • if the value is an object and has a type property, treat it as a JSONSchema object already (and convert nested objects)
{ type: "string" } => { type: "string" }
  • if the value is a string, convert to { type: "string" }. If the string is ’""’, it will be required; otherwise the value serves as default.
"" => { type: "string" }
"San Francisco" => { type: "string", default: "San Francisco" }
  • if the value is a number, convert to { type: "number" }. If the number is NaN, it will be required.
NaN => { type: "number" }
42 => { type: "number", default: 42 }
  • if the value is a boolean, convert to { type: "boolean" }. There is no encoding for a required boolean yet.
true => { type: "boolean", default: true }
  • if the value is an array, the type is of the items is inferred from the first array element.
[""] => { type: "array", items: { type: "string" } }
  • if the value is an object, convert into a type: 'object' schema. Fields with "" or NaN values are required.
{ city: "" } => {
type: "object",
properties: { city: { type: "string" } },
required: ["city"]
{ price: 42 } => {
type: "object",
properties: { price: { type: "number", default: 42 } },
required: []

UI cues

Some additional, non-standard properties are used to provide additional information to the UI:

  • uiType textarea to indicate that the field should be rendered as a textarea.
"type": "string",
"uiType": "textarea"
  • uiSuggestions to provide a list of suggestions for a string type. The suggestions populate the dropdown in the UI but allow for other values as well.
"type": "string",
"uiSuggestions": ["San Francisco", "New York"]
  • uiType: runOption for boolean places the checkbox under the Run button.
"type": "boolean",
"uiType": "runOption"

Scripts and system Scripts

The parameters of a script entry is used to populate the env.vars entries. The parameters schema is used by Visual Studio Code when launching the script, in the playground to populate the form fields.

  • the top-level script parameters name are used as-is in env.vars
parameters: {
city: "",
year: NaN,
const city = // city is a string
const year = env.vars.year // year is a number
  • the parameters of a system script are prepended with the system script id.
parameters: {
value: "",
export default function (ctx: ChatGenerationContext) {
const { env } = ctx
const value = env.vars["system.something.value"]

Runtime inference

You can run the conversion helper by using the JSONSchema.infer function.