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Web Search

The retrieval.webSearch executes a web search using the Bing Web Search API.

Web Pages

By default, the API returns the first 10 web pages in the webPages field as an array of files, similarly to env.files. The content contains the summary snippet returned by the search engine.

const webPages = await retrieval.webSearch("microsoft")
def("PAGES", webPages)

You can use fetchText to download the full content of the web page.

Bing Web Search configuration

The API uses Bing Web Search v7 to search the web. To use the API, you need to create a Bing Web Search resource in the Azure portal and store the API key in the .env file.



Add the system.retrieval_web_search system script to register a tool that uses retrieval.webSearch.

system: ["system.retrieval_web_search"]