* Script to automate the git commit process with AI-generated commit messages.
* It checks for staged changes, generates a commit message, and prompts the user to review or edit the message before committing.
title: "git commit message",
description: "Generate a commit message for all staged changes",
system: ["system.assistant"],
// Check for staged changes and stage all changes if none are staged
const diff = await git.diff({
// If no staged changes are found, cancel the script with a message
if (!diff) cancel("no staged changes")
// Display the diff of staged changes in the console
// chunk if case of massive diff
const chunks = await tokenizers.chunk(diff, { chunkSize: 10000 })
console.log(`staged changes chunked into ${chunks.length} parts`)
// Generate a conventional commit message based on the staged changes diff
for (const chunk of chunks) {
const res = await runPrompt(
_.def("GIT_DIFF", chunk, { maxTokens: 10000, language: "diff" })
_.$`Generate a git conventional commit message that summarizes the changes in GIT_DIFF.
- <type> can be one of the following: feat, fix, docs, style, refactor, perf, test, build, ci, chore, revert
- <description> is a short, imperative present-tense description of the change
- GIT_DIFF is generated by "git diff"
- do NOT use markdown syntax
- do NOT add quotes, single quote or code blocks
- keep it short, 1 line only, maximum 50 characters
- follow the conventional commit spec at https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/#specification
- do NOT confuse delete lines starting with '-' and add lines starting with '+'
model: "large", // Specifies the LLM model to use for message generation
label: "generate commit message", // Label for the prompt task
if (res.error) throw res.error
message += res.text + "\n"
// since we've concatenated the chunks, let's compress it back into a single sentence again
await prompt`Generate a git conventional commit message that summarizes the COMMIT_MESSAGES.
- <type> can be one of the following: feat, fix, docs, style, refactor, perf, test, build, ci, chore, revert
- <description> is a short, imperative present-tense description of the change
- do NOT use markdown syntax
- do NOT add quotes or code blocks
- keep it short, 1 line only, maximum 50 characters
- follow the conventional commit spec at https://www.conventionalcommits.org/en/v1.0.0/#specification
- do NOT confuse delete lines starting with '-' and add lines starting with '+'
- do NOT respond anything else than the commit message
label: "summarize chunk commit messages",
if (res.error) throw res.error
message = message?.trim()
"No commit message generated, did you configure the LLM model?"
// Prompt user to accept, edit, or regenerate the commit message
choice = await host.select(message, [
description: "accept message and commit",
description: "edit message and commit",
description: "regenerate message",
// Handle user's choice for commit message
message = await host.input("Edit commit message", {
// If user chooses to commit, execute the git commit and optionally push changes
if (choice === "commit" && message) {
console.log(await git.exec(["commit", "-m", message]))
if (await host.confirm("Push changes?", { default: true }))
console.log(await git.exec("push"))
} while (choice !== "commit")