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Class: CasAuralAlertTransporter

Binds the state of an aural alert to the displayed state of a CAS alert and transports the aural alert state to AuralAlertSystem.



destroy(): void

Destroys this transporter. Once destroyed, it will no longer automatically manage the state of its aural alert.



Defined in



create(bus, auralUuid, auralActivation, casUuid, casPriority, casSuffix, includeAcknowledged, casSystem?): CasAuralAlertTransporter

Creates a new instance of CasAuralAlertTransporter, which will automatically activate and deactivate an aural alert based on whether a bound CAS alert is being displayed as a message.


busEventBusThe event bus.
auralUuidstringThe ID of the transporter's aural alert.
auralActivationundefined | () => undefined | AuralAlertActivationA function which generates activation data for the transporter's aural alert. If the function returns undefined or is itself not defined, the aural alert will be activated using its default registered parameters.
casUuidstringThe ID of the CAS alert to which to bind the transporter's aural alert.
casPriorityAnnunciationTypeThe priority level of the CAS alert to which to bind the transporter's aural alert.
casSuffixundefined | stringThe suffix, if any, of the CAS alert to which to bind the transporter's aural alert.
includeAcknowledgedbooleanWhether to activate the transporter's aural alert when the bound CAS alert is acknowledged.
casSystem?CasSystemThe CAS system. If not defined, the transporter should be created before its bound CAS alert can be activated. Otherwise the initialization of the aural alert's state cannot be guaranteed to be correct.



A new instance of CasAuralAlertTransporter.

Defined in
