Class: GeoCircleLineRenderer
Renders arcs along geo circles as curved lines.
• new GeoCircleLineRenderer(): GeoCircleLineRenderer
▸ render(circle
, startLat
, startLon
, endLat
, endLon
, context
, streamStack
, width
, style
, dash?
, outlineWidth?
, outlineStyle?
, lineCap?
): void
Renders an arc along a geo circle to a canvas.
Name | Type | Default value | Description |
circle | GeoCircle | undefined | The geo circle containing the arc to render. |
startLat | number | undefined | The latitude of the start of the arc, in degrees. |
startLon | number | undefined | The longitude of the start of the arc, in degrees. |
endLat | number | undefined | The latitude of the end of the arc, in degrees. |
endLon | number | undefined | The longitude of the end of the arc, in degrees. |
context | CanvasRenderingContext2D | undefined | The canvas 2D rendering context to which to render. |
streamStack | GeoProjectionPathStreamStack | undefined | The path stream stack to which to render. |
width | number | undefined | The width of the rendered line. |
style | string | undefined | The style of the rendered line. |
dash? | readonly number [] | undefined | The dash array of the rendered line. Defaults to no dash. |
outlineWidth | number | 0 | The width of the outline, in pixels. Defaults to 0 pixels. |
outlineStyle | string | 'black' | The style of the outline. Defaults to 'black' . |
lineCap | CanvasLineCap | 'butt' | The line cap style to use. Defaults to 'butt' . |
Defined in