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Prints diagnostic data about the data query to the R console, with information such as date range, number of employees, HR attributes identified, etc.


check_query(data, return = "message", validation = FALSE)



A person-level query in the form of a data frame. This includes:

  • Standard Person Query

  • Ways of Working Assessment Query

  • Hourly Collaboration Query

All person-level query have a PersonId column and a MetricDate column.


String specifying what to return. This must be one of the following strings:

  • "message" (default)

  • "text"

See Value for more information.


Logical value to specify whether to show summarized version. Defaults to FALSE. To hide checks on variable names, set validation to TRUE.


A different output is returned depending on the value passed to the return


  • "message": a message is returned to the console.

  • "text": string containing the diagnostic message.


This can be used with any person-level query, such as the standard person query, Ways of Working assessment query, and the hourly collaboration query. When run, this prints diagnostic data to the R console.


#> There are 100 employees in this dataset.
#> Date ranges from 2022-05-01 to 2022-07-03.
#> There are 6 (estimated) HR attributes in the data:
#> `PersonId`, `LevelDesignation`, `SupervisorIndicator`, `Organization`, `FunctionType`, `WeekendDays`
#> There are 100 active employees out of all in the dataset.
#> Variable name check:
#> `Collaboration_hours` is used instead of `Collaboration_hrs` in the data.
#> No instant message hour metric exists in the data.