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GenAIScript defines an agent as a tool that runs an inline prompt to accomplish a task. The agent’s LLM is typically augmented with additional tools and a memory.

// use all agents
tools: "agent",
// agent git to get the commits
// agent interpreter to run python code
$`Do a statistical analysis of the last commits`

GenAIScript does not implement any agentic workflow or decision. It relies entirely on tools support built into the LLMs.

Agent = LLM + Tools

Let’s take a look at the agent_git example that query a git repository. This agent is registered as a tool and can be used in the LLM prompt. When the LLM needs information about something like “summarize changes in the current branch”, it will call the agent_git tool with the query get changes in the current branch.

The agent_git tool itself has access to various git dedicated tools like git branch, git diff that it can use to solve. It will have to resolve the current and default branch, compute a diff and return it to the main LLM.

Agent vs Tools

An “agent” is a tool that queries an LLM, equipped with other tools, to accomplish tasks. It is a higher-level abstraction that can be used to group multiple tools together. In some scenarios, you might decide to remove that abstraction and skip the agent by “giving” the tools to the calling LLM. In this simple example, you could also decide to flatten this tree and give access to the git tools to the main LLM and skip the agent.

However, the agent abstraction becomes useful when you start to have too many functions or to keep the chat conversation length small as each agent LLM call gets “compressed” to the agent response.

Multiple Agents

Let’s take a look at a more complex example where multiple agents are involved in the conversation. In this case, we would like to investigate why a GitHub action failed. It involves the agent_git and the agent_github agents. The agent_github can query workflows, runs, jobs, logs and the agent_git can query the git repository.


All agents are equipped with a memory that allows them to share information horizontally across all conversations.

The memory is a log that stores all agent / query / answer interactions. When generating the prompt for an agent, the memory is first prompted (using a small LLM) to extract relevant information and that information is passed to the agent query.

ask agent about "query":
wisdom = find info in memory about "query"
agent answer "query" using your tools and information in "wisdom"

All agents contribute to the conversation memory unless it is explicitly disabled using disableMemory.

defAgent(..., { disableMemory: true })


The defAgent function is used to define an agent that can be called by the LLM. It takes a JSON schema to define the input and expects a string output. The LLM autonomously decides to call this agent.

"git", // agent id becomes 'agent_git'
"Handles any git operation", // description
"You are a helpful expert in using git.",
tools: ["git"],
  • the agent id will become the tool id agent_<id>
  • the description of the agent will automatically be augmented with information about the available tools

Multiple instances of the same agent

Some agents, like agent_git, can be instantiated with different configurations, like working on different repositories.

system: [
id: "system.agent_git",
parameters: { repo: "microsoft/jacdac", variant: "jacdac" },
$`Generate a table with the last commits of the jacdac and current git repository?`

Builtin Agents

Example agent_github

Let’s illustrate this by building a GitHub agent. The agent is a tool that receives a query and executes an LLM prompt with GitHub-related tools.

The definition of the agent looks like this:

"github", // id
"query GitHub to accomplish tasks", // description
// callback to inject content in the LLM agent prompt
(ctx) =>
ctx.$`You are a helpful LLM agent that can query GitHub to accomplish tasks.`,
// list tools that the agent can use
tools: ["github_actions"],

and internally it is expanded to the following:

// agent_ is always prefixed to the agent id
// the description is augmented with the tool descriptions
`Agent that can query GitHub to accomplish tasks
- list github workflows
- list github workflows runs
// all agents have a single "query" parameter
query: {
type: "string",
description: "Query to answer",
required: ["query"]
async(args) => {
const { query } = args

Inside callback, we use runPrompt to run an LLM query.

  • the prompt takes the query argument and tells the LLM how to handle it.
  • note the use of ctx. for nested prompts
const res = await runPrompt(
(ctx) => {
// callback to inject content in the LLM agent prompt
ctx.$`You are a helpful LLM agent that can query GitHub to accomplish tasks.`
ctx.def("QUERY", query)
_.$`Analyze and answer QUERY.
- Assume that your answer will be analyzed by an LLM, not a human.
- If you cannot answer the query, return an empty string.
}, , {
system: [...],
// list of tools that the agent can use
tools: ["github_actions", ...]
return res

Selecting the Tools and System Prompts

We use the system parameter to configure the tools exposed to the LLM. In this case, we expose the GitHub tools (system.github_files, system.github_issues, …)

system: [

This full source of this agent is defined in the system.agent_github system prompt.