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Image Alt Textify

Alt text is essential for making images accessible to everyone, including those with visual impairments. It provides a textual description of the image, allowing screen readers to convey the content to users who canโ€™t see the image. However, writing alt text for images can be time-consuming, especially when dealing with a large number of images. This is where AI can help. By using a language model like OpenAIโ€™s GPT-4, you can generate alt text for images automatically, thus saving you time and effort.

In this sample, we will build a tool that generates alt text for images in Markdown files.

Configuring the script

This script is composed of TypeScript code, designed to run with the GenAIScript CLI. Letโ€™s break it down:

title: "Image Alt Textify",
description: "Generate alt text for images in markdown files",
parameters: {
docs: {
type: "string",
description: "path to search for markdown files",
default: "**.{md,mdx}",
force: {
type: "boolean",
description: "regenerate all descriptions",
default: false,
assets: {
type: "string",
description: "image assets path",
// change the default path to your assets folder
default: "./assets/images",

Here we declare the script with a title and description, specifying it uses OpenAIโ€™s GPT-4 model. We also set parameters for the file paths, choice to regenerate all descriptions, and the assets path.

Next, we extract environmental variables:

const { docs, force, assets } = env.vars

Searching for images

Following that, we define a regular expression to find images in Markdown:

const rx = force
? // match ![alt?](path) with alt text or not
: // match ![](path) without alt text
const { files } = await workspace.grep(rx, {
path: docs,
glob: "*.{md,mdx}",
readText: true,

The script uses workspace.grep to find all occurrences of the regex pattern in the specified documents.

Generating alt text

For each image URL found, we generate alt text using an inline prompt and defImages.

for (const file of files) {
const { filename, content } = file
// map documentation relative path to assets path
const url = resolveUrl(filename)
// execute a LLM query to generate alt text
const { text } = await runPrompt(
(_) => {
You are an expert in assistive technology.
You will analyze the image
and generate a description alt text for the image.
- Do not include alt text in the description.
- Keep it short but descriptive.
- Do not generate the [ character.`
// safety system message to prevent generating harmful text
system: ["system.safety_harmful_content"],
// use multi-model model
model: "openai:gpt-4o",
imgs[url] = text

Updating files

Finally, we update the Markdown content with the generated alt text:

const newContent = content.replace(
(m, url) => `![${imgs[url] ?? ""}](${url})`
if (newContent !== content) await workspace.writeText(filename, newContent)

We replace the placeholder in the original content with the alt text and save the updated file.

๐Ÿ’ป How to Run the Script

To run this script, youโ€™ll need the GenAIScript CLI. If you havenโ€™t installed it yet, check out the installation guide.

Once you have the CLI, you can run the script with the following command:

Terminal window
npx genaiscript run iat


The script imports a default safety system message to prevent generating harmful text.

// safety system message to prevent generating harmful text
system: ["system.safety_harmful_content"],

In Azure OpenAI deployments, you can also turn on content filters to prevent accidentally generating harmful content.

Full source (GitHub)

* Markdown image alt text updater
title: "Image Alt Textify",
description: "Generate alt text for images in markdown files",
parameters: {
docs: {
type: "string",
description: "path to search for markdown files",
default: "docs",
force: {
type: "boolean",
description: "regenerate all descriptions",
default: false,
assets: {
type: "string",
description: "image assets path",
default: "./slides/public",
dryRun: {
type: "boolean",
description: "show matches, do not compute alt text",
default: false,
/** ------------------------------------------------
* Configuration
const { docs, force, assets, dryRun } = env.vars
/** ------------------------------------------------
* Helper functions (update as needed)
* Return the resolved url for the image
const resolveUrl = (filename: string, url: string) => {
// ignore external urls
if (/^http?s:\/\//i.test(url)) return undefined
// map / to assets
else if (/^\//.test(url)) return path.join(assets, url.slice(1))
// resolve local paths
else return path.join(path.dirname(filename), url)
/** ------------------------------------------------
* Collect files
// search for ![](...) in markdown files and generate alt text for images
const rx = force // upgrade all urls
? // match ![alt](url) with any alt
: // match ![alt](url) where alt is empty
const { files } = await workspace.grep(rx, {
path: docs,
glob: "*.{md,mdx}",
readText: true,
/** ------------------------------------------------
* Generate alt text for images
* and update markdown files
// a cache of generated alt text for images
const imgs: Record<string, string> = {}
// process each file
for (const file of files) {
const { filename, content } = file
const matches = content.matchAll(rx)
// pre-compute matches
for (const match of matches) {
const url = match[1]
if (imgs[url]) continue // already processed
const resolvedUrl = resolveUrl(filename, url)
if (!resolvedUrl) continue // can't process url
console.log(`โ””โ”€ ${resolvedUrl}`)
if (dryRun) continue
// execute a LLM query to generate alt text
const { text, error } = await runPrompt(
(_) => {
You are an expert in assistive technology.
You will analyze the image
and generate a description alt text for the image.
- Do not include alt text in the description.
- Keep it short but descriptive.
- Do not generate the [ character.`
// safety system message to prevent generating harmful text
system: [
maxTokens: 4000,
temperature: 0.5,
cache: "alt-text",
label: `altextify ${resolvedUrl}`,
if (error) throw error
else if (!text) console.log(`.. no description generated`)
else imgs[url] = text.replace(/\[/g, "") // remove [ from alt text
// apply replacements
const newContent = content.replace(
(m, url) => `![${imgs[url] ?? ""}](${url})`
// save updated content
if (newContent !== content) {
console.log(`.. updating ${filename}`)
await workspace.writeText(filename, newContent)

Content Safety

The following measures are taken to ensure the safety of the generated content.

  • This script includes system prompts to prevent prompt injection and harmful content generation.
  • The generated description is saved to a file at a specific path, which allows for a manual review before committing the changes.

Additional measures to further enhance safety would be to run a model with a safety filter or validate the message with a content safety service.

Refer to the Transparency Note for more information on content safety.