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Marshalling between .NET and JavaScript

In this project, the term "marshalling" refers the process of passing complex values between .NET and JavaScript runtimes while applying necessary conversions and adapters. The marshaller component of node-api-dotnet enables JavaScript code to call .NET APIs, pass complex parameters and receive results, implement .NET interfaces, handle exceptions, work with shared memory, all in a manner that is strongly-typed and (mostly) natural. Marshalling is bi-directional, so it also supports .NET code calling JS APIs, and callbacks (delegates) in either direction.

This page describes how the marshaller works generally. For details about how specific types and language constructs are handled by the marshaller, refer to JavaScript / .NET Type Mappings.

Adapting JavaScript calls to .NET

At a lower level, all calls from JS come into .NET as invocations of the JSCallback delegate:

delegate JSValue JSCallback(JSCallbackArgs args);

An important job of the marshaller is to adapt that low-level callback to an invocation of a .NET method with specific parameter and return types. For a typical method call, this involves the following steps:

  1. Get the .NET object for the this argument. For a static method call (or constructor) the this value is ignored. But for an instance method it is a JS object that "wraps" a .NET object (see Object lifetimes below), so the .NET object is obtained by calling JSValue.Unwrap() on the this value.
  2. Marshal each of the parameters (of type JSValue) to their .NET equivalents. This may involve use of conversions and adapters, managing object lifetimes, and other details depending on the types being marshalled.
  3. If the method is overloaded, resolve the correct overload.
  4. Invoke the .NET method.
  5. Marshal the .NET return value (if not void) back to a JSValue.
  6. Handle any .NET exception and re-throw as JS Error with combined stack trace. See Exceptions.

It could be possible to reflect on the .NET method to be invoked to discover parameter and return type info, and use that type info from reflection to drive the marshalling logic on every invocation. But .NET reflection is inefficient, and not supported by .NET Native AOT. So for better performance and native AOT compability, the JS marshaller relies on code-generation to minimize reflection.

Marshalling code generation

The JSMarshaller class is responsible for generating code for converting values between JS and .NET environments. Code generation is achieved by building expression trees for converting basic types, and then combining the expression trees to convert more complex types.

While expression trees have some limitations in that they cannot represent some more advanced C# language features, they are sufficiently expressive to support the requirements of marshalling JS values to and from .NET, which mostly inovlves straightforward calls to constructors, properties, and methods. Generics are more complex to work with but still supported by expression trees.

Runtime code generation

The JSMarshaller uses .NET reflection on classes, methods, parameters, etc. to generate marshalling expressions, then dynamically compiles the expressions to delegates. Once compiled, the delegates are cached in memory so repeated invocations no longer require reflection or code-generation. The compiled delegates are registered as Node API JS callbacks for a JSFunction or JSClassBuilder, so JS calls will directly invoke the compiled delegates.

Runtime code-generation is used exclusively when dynamically invoking .NET APIs from JS, since in that scenario there is no compile step.

Compile-time code generation

The JSMarshaller can also be used in the context of a C# source generator to generate marshalling code at compile time. In this scenario, the marshaller still generates expression trees, but then the expression trees are emitted as C# source code. (Emitting expression trees as C# code is not a capability provided by the expressions library, but it is not very difficult to traverse an expression tree and emit C# syntax for each node, especially when the trees are known to use a limited subset of node types.)

Compile-time code generation is used when building a .NET module for Node.js. Referencing the Microsoft.JavaScript.NodeApi.Generator nuget package from a C# project registers the source generator, which then processes any [JSExport] or [JSModule] attributes in the project being compiled. The generated C# marshalling code is then compiled into the project output assembly. With this approach, runtime reflection and code generation are not required, so the startup time is faster compared to dynamic invocation. (However the performance of subsequent marshalling operations should be the same.)

The other major benefit of compile-time code generation is that it works with .NET Native AOT, where runtime reflection is not supported. That makes it possible to build a native Node.js module that does not depend on the .NET runtime being installed or redistributed.

Object lifetimes

.NET and JavaScript runtimes both use garbage-collection to free up memory after objects are no longer reachable by the code execution. So when objects are passed between .NET and JS environments, the marshaller manages the object lifetimes to prevent memory leaks and prevent objects from being released when they are still referenced from the other side.

Marshalling by reference vs by value

The lifetime management applies to .NET class and interface types (including collections), which are marshalled by reference. That means if a .NET class instance (including an unknown class that implements some declared interface) is passed to and from JavaScript, then the same instance is received every time; in other words the values will have reference equality across multiple marshalling operations.

The lifetime management and reference equality does not apply to .NET struct types, which are marshalled by value -- even though JavaScript does not have stack-allocated value-types like .NET. This means every time a .NET struct instance is passed to JS, a new temporary JS object is created, similar to .NET boxing.

Released under the MIT license