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NodeProcess class

Provides information about, and control over, the current Node.js process.

public static class NodeProcess

Public Members

static Argv { get; }Gets or sets the command-line arguments for the current process or worker thread. The first argument (element 0) is the executable path; the second (index 1) is the path to the main script file.
static Env { get; }Gets a dictionary that allows getting or setting environment variables for the current process or worker thread.
static StdErr { get; }Gets a stream connected to the current process or worker thread stderr.
static Stdin { get; }Gets a stream connected to the current process or worker thread stdin.
static Stdout { get; }Gets a stream connected to the current process or worker thread stdout.
static Exit(…)Exits the current process or worker thread.


These APIs are primarily meant for use with NodeWorker threads, for which the process APIs are overridden to be specific to the worker thread context.

See Also

Released under the MIT license