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JSModuleAttribute class

Designates a non-static class or static method that initializes the JS module.

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Method)]
public class JSModuleAttribute : Attribute

Public Members

JSModuleAttribute()The default constructor.


This attribute may optionally be used once (and only once) within a .NET assembly that is exported to JavaScript, to allow for more control over the module lifetime or exports.

If JSModuleAttribute is applied to a class, the class must have a public constructor that takes no parameters, and may implement the IDisposable interface. An instance of the class will be constructed when the module is loaded, and disposed when the module is unloaded if it implements IDisposable. Public non-static properties and methods on the same module class are automatically exported. Those exports are merged with any additional items in the assembly (other classes, static properties and methods, etc) that are tagged with JSExportAttribute.

If JSModuleAttribute is applied to a public static method, then that module initialization method must take a single JSObject "exports" parameter and must return a JSValue that is the resulting value to be exported to JavaScript by the module. In this usage, the initializer has complete control over customizing the module exports, and no usage of JSExportAttribute is allowed anywhere in the assembly. The initializer can use JSModuleBuilder to build the module object to export.

See Also

Released under the MIT license