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JSAsyncIterable structure

public struct JSAsyncIterable : IAsyncEnumerable<JSValue>, IJSValue<JSAsyncIterable>

Public Members

As<T>()Tries to create a T struct from this instance. It returns null if the T struct cannot be created.
AsUnchecked<T>()Creates a T struct from this instance without checking the enclosed handle type. It must be used only when the handle type is known to be correct.
CastTo<T>()Creates a T struct from this instance. It throws InvalidCastException in case of failure.
Equals(…)Compares two JS values using JS "strict" equality.
override Equals(…)
override GetHashCode()
Is<T>()Checks if the T struct can be created from this instance`.
operator ==Compares two JS values using JS "strict" equality.
explicit operatorExplicitly converts a JSValue to a nullable JSAsyncIterable. (3 operators)
implicit operatorImplicitly converts a JSAsyncIterable to a JSValue. (2 operators)
operator !=Compares two JS values using JS "strict" equality.
struct Enumerator

See Also

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