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Overloaded Methods

.NET APIs commonly include multiple overloads for a method. JavaScript does not directly support "overloaded" methods, though it is common practice to implement overload-like behavior in a JS function by dynamically checking for different argument counts and/or types.

Overload resolution

The JS marshaller has support for overload resolution. It can examine the count and types of arguments provided by the JavaScript caller and select the best matching .NET overload accordingly.

public class OverloadsExample
    public static void AddValue(string stringValue);
    public static void AddValue(int intValue);
    public static void AddValue(double doubleValue);
OverloadsExample.addValue('test'); // Calls AddValue(string)
OverloadsExample.addValue(77); // Calls AddValue(int)
OverloadsExample.addValue(0.5); // Calls AddValue(double)

Overload resolution considers the following information when selecting the best match among method overloads:

  • Argument count - Resolution eliminates any overloads that do not accept the number of arguments that were supplied, taking into account when some .NET method parameters are optional or have default values.
  • Argument JS value types - Resolution initially does a quick filter by matching only on the JavaScript value type of each argument, e.g. JS string matches .NET string, JS number matches any .NET numeric type, JS object matches any .NET class, interface, or struct type.
  • Nullability - JS null or undefined arguments match with any method parameters that are .NET reference types or Nullable<T> value types. (Non-nullable reference type annotations are not considered.)
  • Number argument properties - If there are multiple overloads with different .NET numeric types (e.g. int and double), the properties of the JS number value are used to select the best overload, including whether it is negative, an integer, or outside the bounds of the .NET numeric type.
  • Proxied .NET object types - When a JS argument value is actually a proxy to a .NET object, then the .NET type is matched to the method parameter type.
  • JS collection types - When an argument value is a JS collection, the JS collection type such as Array or Map is matched to a corresponding .NET collection type. (Generic collection element types are not considered, since JS collections do not have specific element types.)
  • Other special types - Types with special marshalling behavior including dates, guids, Tasks/Promises, and delegates are matched accordingly during overload resolution.

If overload resolution finds multiple matches, or does not find any valid matches, then a TypeError is thrown.

Performance considerations

Unlike compiled languages where the compiler can bind to the appropriate overload at compile time, with JavaScript the overload resolution process must be repeated at every invocation of the method. It is not super expensive, but consider avoiding calls to overloaded methods in performance-critical code.


When calling .NET methods from JavaScript, the dynamic overload resolution is not 100% consistent with C#'s compile-time overload resolution. There are some unavoidable limitations due to the dynamic-typed nature of JavaScript, and likely some deficienceies in the implementation. While it should work sufficiently well for the majority of cases, if you find a situation where overload resolution is not working as expected, please report a bug.

Released under the MIT license