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JSExportAttribute class

Exports an item to JavaScript, optionally specifying the name of the export and whether it is the default export of the module.

[AttributeUsage(AttributeTargets.Assembly | AttributeTargets.Class | AttributeTargets.Struct | AttributeTargets.Enum | AttributeTargets.Constructor | AttributeTargets.Method | AttributeTargets.Property | AttributeTargets.Event | AttributeTargets.Interface | AttributeTargets.Delegate)]
public class JSExportAttribute : Attribute

Public Members

JSExportAttribute()Exports an item to JavaScript, with an auto-generated JavaScript name.
JSExportAttribute(…)Exports an item to JavaScript, with an explicit JavaScript name. (2 constructors)
Export { get; }Gets a value indicating whether the item is exported to JavaScript.
Name { get; }Gets the name of item as exported to JavaScript, or null if the JavaScript name is auto-generated. By default, type names are unchanged while member names are camel-cased for JavaScript.


When applied to an assembly, all public types in the assembly are exported, unless excluded by another JSExportAttribute. When applied to a public type, all public members of the type are exported, unless excluded by another JSExportAttribute or unsupported for JS export.

A static class is exported as a JavaScript object, with public members of the static class automatically exported as properties on the object.

A non-static class or struct is exported as a JavaScript class, with static members automatically exported as properties of the class constructor object, and instance members automatically exported as properties of the class. .NET classes are passed by reference, such that a JavaScript instance of the class is always backed by a .NET instance; structs are passed by value.

A static property exported without its containing class is exported as a JavaScript property on the module object. (Note module-level properties are constant when using ES modules: their value is only read once at module initialization time.)

A static method exported without its containing class is exported as a JavaScript function property on the module object.

An enum, interface, or delegate is exported as part of the type definitions of the module but does not have any runtime representation in the JavaScript exports.


// Export all public types in the current assembly (unless otherwise specified).
[assembly: JSExport]

// This type is not exported. The type-level attribute overrides the assembly-level attribute.
public static class NonExportedClass
    // This method is exported as a static method on the module (not on the unexported class).
    // The member-level attribute overrides any class or assembly-level attributes.
    public static void ModuleMethod();

// Without a type-level attribute, public types are exported by the assembly-level attribute.
public class ExportedClass
    // The member-level attribute overrides any class or assembly-level attributes.
    public void NonExportedMethod() {}

    // Without a member-level attribute, public members are exported along with the type.
    public void ExportedMethod() {}

See Also

Released under the MIT license