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TypeScript Type Definitions

Type definitions enable JavaScript or TypeScript code to benefit from compile-time type checking, editor suggestions, and documentation tips while working with .NET APIs. The type definitions can be automatically generated for any .NET project or pre-existing NuGet packages, using either MSBuild or a stand-alone command-line tool.

Many transformations are applied to .NET APIs when they are projected to JavaScript, in order to accomodate differences in the type systems, runtime libraries, and common conventions between .NET and JavaScript. The generated type definitions are the compile-time declarations that correspond to the behavior of the JavaScript marshaller, which is the runtime component responsible for actually converting method calls, parameters, return types, etc. between the two runtime environments. For details, see Marshalling between .NET and JavaScript and the JS / .NET type mappings reference.

Generating type definitions with MSBuild

The easiest way to generate type definitions is to leverage the provided MSBuild targets. The Microsoft.JavaScript.NodeApi.Generator.targets file is automatically imported when referencing the Microsoft.JavaScript.NodeApi.Generator NuGet package:

  <PackageReference Include="Microsoft.JavaScript.NodeApi.Generator" Version="0.7.*-*" />

By default, the imported targets will generate type definitions only for the current project. But if the current project is empty (contains no Compile items), then type definitions are generated for all assemblies referenced by the project, including both NuGet package assemblies and system assemblies. This use of an empty project enables leveraging MSBuild to restore packages and generate type definitions, for the purpose of dynamically invoking those packages from JavaScript without writing a C# module. See Dynamically invoke .NET APIs from JavaScript.

To customize some aspects of generating type definitions via MSBuild, see the MSBuild properties reference.

Generating type definitions with the command-line tool

The node-api-dotnet-generator npm package is a standalone command-line tool that wraps the Microsoft.JavaScript.NodeApi.Generator assembly and enables using it outside of MSBuild.

--asssembly-aRequired path to the assembly file for which type definitions are to be generated.
--framework-fTarget framework moniker of system assembly dependencies, e.g. net8.0. Defaults to the .NET runtime version used when invoking the tool (currently .NET 8).
--pack-pApplication targeting pack(s) to check when resolving system assembly dependencies. Defaults to Microsoft.NETCore.App. May be specified more than once. Add the Microsoft.AspNetCore.App targeting pack for an ASP.NET app, or Microsoft.WindowsDesktop.App for a Windows desktop app.
--reference-rPath to an assembly that is referenced by the primary assembly. System assemblies are located automatically via the targeting packs and do not need to be specified separately. All other referenced assemblies must be provided. May be specified more than once.
--typedefs-tRequired path to output generated type definitions (.d.ts) file.
--module-mGenerate a JS module-loader script alongside the typedefs. May be specified more than once. Each value is either commonjs or esm, or a path to a package.json file with a "type" property specifying the module type.
--nowarnDo not display warnings about APIs that cannot be projected to JavaScript.
--help-h -?Show command-line help.
@<file>         Read the specified response file for more options. Typically used when a long list of reference assembly paths may exceed the maximum command-line length.

Note each invocation generates type definitions only for one specified primary assembly, even when multiple reference assemblies are also provided. So generating type definitions for all reference assemblies (and system assemblies) may require many invocations.

Released under the MIT license