Anonymize PII entities in text using Azure Data Factory template and Presidio as an HTTP service
This sample uses the built in data anonymization template of Azure Data Factory which is a part of the Template Gallery to move a set of text files from one location to another while anonymizing their content. It leverages the code for using Presidio on Azure App Service to call Presidio as an HTTP REST endpoint in the Azure Data Factory (ADF) pipeline while parsing and storing each file as an Azure Blob Storage.
Note that given the solution architecture which call presidio services using HTTP, this sample should be used for up to 5000 files, each up to 200KB in size. The restrictions are based on ADF lookup-activity which is used to iterate the files in the storage container (up to 5000 records), and having Presidio as an HTTP endpoint with text being sent over network to be anonymized. For larger sets please work with the Data Anonymization with Presidio on Databricks template.
The sample deploys the following Azure Services:
- Azure KeyVault - Holds the access keys for Azure Storage to avoid having keys and secrets in the code.
- Azure Storage - The target storage account where data will be persisted.
- Azure App Service - Host presidio to anonymize the data.
Additionally you should already have an instance of Azure Data Factory which host and orchestrate the transformation pipeline and a storage account which holds the source files.
About this Solution Template
This template gets the files from your source file-based store. It then anonymizes the content and uploads each of them to the destination store.
The template contains eight activities:
- GetMetadata gets the list of objects including the files and subfolders from your folder on source store. It will not retrieve the objects recursively.
- Filter filter the objects list from GetMetadata activity to select the files only.
- GetSASToken gets the target storage account SAS token from the Azure Key Vault.
- ForEach gets the file list from the Filter activity and then iterates over the list and passes each file to the Anonymization activities.
- LoadFileContent loads the content of a text file to an ADF Lookup.
- PresidioAnalyze sends the text content to Presidio Analyzer.
- PresidioAnonymize sends the text and the analysis response to Presidio Anonymizer to get the anonymized text.
- UploadBlob uses Azure Blob Storage REST API to upload the anonymized text to the target container.
The template defines four parameters:
- SourceStore_Location is the container name of your source store where you want to move files from.
- DestinationStore_Name is the name of the target storage account which is provisioned by the ARM template.
- DestinationStore_Location is the container name of your destination store where you want to move files to. it has a default value of a container which was created during provisioning of the ARM template (presidio).
- KeyVault_Name is the name of the Azure Key Vault which is provisioned by the ARM template.
- Analyzer_Url is the URL for the Analyzer App Service which is provisioned by the ARM template.
- Anonymizer_Url is the URL for the Anonymizer App Service which is provisioned by the ARM template.
How to use this Solution Template
To use this template you should first setup the required infrastructure for the sample to run, then setup the template in Azure Data Factory.
Setup Presidio
Create the Azure App Service, the storage accounts and an Azure Key Vault by clicking the Deploy-to-Azure button, or by running the following script to provision the provided ARM template.
RESOURCE_GROUP=[Name of resource group]
LOCATION=[location of resources]
az group create --name $RESOURCE_GROUP --location $LOCATION
az deployment group create -g $RESOURCE_GROUP --template-file ./arm-templates/azure-deploy-adf-template-gallery-http.json
Note that:
- A SAS token keys is created and read from Azure Storage and then imported to Azure Key Vault. Using ARM template built in functions: listAccountSas. This token is time limited.
- An access policy grants the Azure Data Factory managed identity access to the Azure Key Vault. You should provide your ADF client principal ID by following this guide.
Setup Azure Data Factory
Go to the Data anonymization with Presidio as an HTTP service template. Select existing connection or create a New connection to your source file store where you want to move files from. Be aware that DataSource_Folder and DataSource_File are reference to the same connection of your source file store.
Select Use this template tab
You'll see the pipeline, as in the following example:
Select Debug, enter the Parameters, and then select Finish. The parameters are the container where you want to move files from and the container path where you want to move the anonymized files to.
Review the result.