Simple Example

import sys

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
from sklearn import metrics
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from raimitigations.utils import split_data, train_model_plot_results
from raimitigations.dataprocessing import (
from download import download_datasets
data_dir = '../../../datasets/'
dataset =  pd.read_csv(data_dir + 'hr_promotion/train.csv')
dataset.drop(columns=['employee_id'], inplace=True)
label_col = 'is_promoted'
department region education gender recruitment_channel no_of_trainings age previous_year_rating length_of_service KPIs_met >80% awards_won? avg_training_score is_promoted
0 Sales & Marketing region_7 Master's & above f sourcing 1 35 5.0 8 1 0 49 0
1 Operations region_22 Bachelor's m other 1 30 5.0 4 0 0 60 0
2 Sales & Marketing region_19 Bachelor's m sourcing 1 34 3.0 7 0 0 50 0
3 Sales & Marketing region_23 Bachelor's m other 2 39 1.0 10 0 0 50 0
4 Technology region_26 Bachelor's m other 1 45 3.0 2 0 0 73 0
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
54803 Technology region_14 Bachelor's m sourcing 1 48 3.0 17 0 0 78 0
54804 Operations region_27 Master's & above f other 1 37 2.0 6 0 0 56 0
54805 Analytics region_1 Bachelor's m other 1 27 5.0 3 1 0 79 0
54806 Sales & Marketing region_9 NaN m sourcing 1 29 1.0 2 0 0 45 0
54807 HR region_22 Bachelor's m other 1 27 1.0 5 0 0 49 0

54808 rows × 13 columns

1 - Base Model

Split the data into training and test sets.

train_x, test_x, train_y, test_y = split_data(dataset, label_col, test_size=0.2)
org_train_x = train_x.copy()
org_train_y = train_y.copy()
org_test_x = test_x.copy()
org_test_y = test_y.copy()
department region education gender recruitment_channel no_of_trainings age previous_year_rating length_of_service KPIs_met >80% awards_won? avg_training_score
33758 Procurement region_2 Bachelor's f sourcing 1 39 3.0 10 1 0 68
9792 Sales & Marketing region_15 NaN m other 1 32 2.0 3 1 0 48
30081 Technology region_22 Master's & above m sourcing 4 33 5.0 6 0 0 77
50328 Legal region_2 Master's & above m sourcing 2 35 3.0 3 0 0 60
13100 Operations region_7 Bachelor's f other 1 32 4.0 2 1 0 60
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
17487 Procurement region_26 Bachelor's f other 2 25 3.0 3 0 0 74
39779 Finance region_8 Bachelor's m sourcing 2 27 4.0 2 1 0 53
13547 Analytics region_7 Master's & above m sourcing 1 45 3.0 3 1 0 90
28716 R&D region_11 Master's & above m sourcing 1 37 4.0 3 0 0 88
28553 Procurement region_14 Master's & above m other 1 37 2.0 10 0 0 68

43846 rows × 12 columns

Many models can’t handle categorical data and missing values, so we cannot train the model just yet. First we need to encode all categorical data and remove missing values.

imputer = BasicImputer(specific_col={'previous_year_rating': {      'missing_values':np.nan,
                                                                                                                            'fill_value':-100 } } )
encoder = EncoderOrdinal(categories={'education': ["Below Secondary", "Bachelor's", "Master's & above"]})
train_x = imputer.transform(train_x)
test_x = imputer.transform(test_x)

No columns specified for imputation. These columns have been automatically identified:
['education', 'previous_year_rating']
department region education gender recruitment_channel no_of_trainings age previous_year_rating length_of_service KPIs_met >80% awards_won? avg_training_score
33758 Procurement region_2 Bachelor's f sourcing 1 39 3.0 10 1 0 68
9792 Sales & Marketing region_15 NULL m other 1 32 2.0 3 1 0 48
30081 Technology region_22 Master's & above m sourcing 4 33 5.0 6 0 0 77
50328 Legal region_2 Master's & above m sourcing 2 35 3.0 3 0 0 60
13100 Operations region_7 Bachelor's f other 1 32 4.0 2 1 0 60
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
17487 Procurement region_26 Bachelor's f other 2 25 3.0 3 0 0 74
39779 Finance region_8 Bachelor's m sourcing 2 27 4.0 2 1 0 53
13547 Analytics region_7 Master's & above m sourcing 1 45 3.0 3 1 0 90
28716 R&D region_11 Master's & above m sourcing 1 37 4.0 3 0 0 88
28553 Procurement region_14 Master's & above m other 1 37 2.0 10 0 0 68

43846 rows × 12 columns

train_x = encoder.transform(train_x)
test_x = encoder.transform(test_x)
No columns specified for encoding. These columns have been automatically identfied as the following:
['department', 'region', 'education', 'gender', 'recruitment_channel']
department region education gender recruitment_channel no_of_trainings age previous_year_rating length_of_service KPIs_met >80% awards_won? avg_training_score
33758 5 11 1 0 2 1 39 3.0 10 1 0 68
9792 7 6 -1 1 0 1 32 2.0 3 1 0 48
30081 8 14 2 1 2 4 33 5.0 6 0 0 77
50328 3 11 2 1 2 2 35 3.0 3 0 0 60
13100 4 31 1 0 0 1 32 4.0 2 1 0 60
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
17487 5 18 1 0 0 2 25 3.0 3 0 0 74
39779 1 32 1 1 2 2 27 4.0 2 1 0 53
13547 0 31 2 1 2 1 45 3.0 3 1 0 90
28716 6 2 2 1 2 1 37 4.0 3 0 0 88
28553 5 5 2 1 0 1 37 2.0 10 0 0 68

43846 rows × 12 columns

Now we create the model and train it using the training set. In the sequence, test its performance over the test set.

model = train_model_plot_results(train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y, model="xgb", train_result=False)


[[7042 2986]
 [  76  858]]
ROC AUC: 0.8931139490369151
Precision: 0.6062639191462251
Recall: 0.810431647916882
F1: 0.5902810799741827
Accuracy: 0.7206714103265828
Optimal Threshold (ROC curve): 0.11485043913125992
Optimal Threshold (Precision x Recall curve): 0.20340098440647125
Threshold used: 0.11485043913125992

2 - Feature Selection

from sklearn.neighbors import KNeighborsClassifier

feat_sel = SeqFeatSelection(scoring='f1', n_jobs=4), y=train_y)
No columns specified for imputation. These columns have been automatically identified:
No columns specified for encoding. These columns have been automatically identfied as the following:
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  12 out of  12 | elapsed:    1.0s remaining:    0.0s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  12 out of  12 | elapsed:    1.0s finished

[2022-10-25 10:12:26] Features: 1/12 -- score: 0.1931912046382492[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  11 out of  11 | elapsed:    0.2s finished

[2022-10-25 10:12:26] Features: 2/12 -- score: 0.4967097422285698[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    0.2s finished

[2022-10-25 10:12:26] Features: 3/12 -- score: 0.5026668595847746[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done   7 out of   9 | elapsed:    0.2s remaining:    0.1s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done   9 out of   9 | elapsed:    0.3s finished

[2022-10-25 10:12:27] Features: 4/12 -- score: 0.4991439989474202[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done   6 out of   8 | elapsed:    0.2s remaining:    0.1s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done   8 out of   8 | elapsed:    0.3s finished

[2022-10-25 10:12:27] Features: 5/12 -- score: 0.4911043697835786[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done   4 out of   7 | elapsed:    0.1s remaining:    0.1s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done   7 out of   7 | elapsed:    0.2s finished

[2022-10-25 10:12:28] Features: 6/12 -- score: 0.4775301876819394[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done   3 out of   6 | elapsed:    0.1s remaining:    0.1s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done   6 out of   6 | elapsed:    0.2s finished

[2022-10-25 10:12:28] Features: 7/12 -- score: 0.46144907890848175[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done   5 out of   5 | elapsed:    0.2s finished

[2022-10-25 10:12:28] Features: 8/12 -- score: 0.44481880301469073[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done   4 out of   4 | elapsed:    0.2s finished

[2022-10-25 10:12:28] Features: 9/12 -- score: 0.41702774110516766[Parallel(n_jobs=3)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 3 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=3)]: Done   3 out of   3 | elapsed:    0.3s finished

[2022-10-25 10:12:29] Features: 10/12 -- score: 0.4201593117361067[Parallel(n_jobs=2)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 2 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=2)]: Done   2 out of   2 | elapsed:    1.0s finished

[2022-10-25 10:12:30] Features: 11/12 -- score: 0.38319539428601485[Parallel(n_jobs=1)]: Using backend SequentialBackend with 1 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=1)]: Done   1 out of   1 | elapsed:    0.1s remaining:    0.0s
[Parallel(n_jobs=1)]: Done   1 out of   1 | elapsed:    0.1s finished

[2022-10-25 10:12:30] Features: 12/12 -- score: 0.3567176045389587
['department', 'awards_won?', 'avg_training_score']
train_x = feat_sel.transform(train_x)
test_x = feat_sel.transform(test_x)
department awards_won? avg_training_score
33758 5 0 68
9792 7 0 48
30081 8 0 77
50328 3 0 60
13100 4 0 60
... ... ... ...
17487 5 0 74
39779 1 0 53
13547 0 0 90
28716 6 0 88
28553 5 0 68

43846 rows × 3 columns

model = train_model_plot_results(train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y, model="xgb", train_result=False)


[[8756 1272]
 [ 442  492]]
ROC AUC: 0.7554767422096075
Precision: 0.6154288199297984
Recall: 0.6999608804127886
F1: 0.6377822470914225
Accuracy: 0.8436416712278781
Optimal Threshold (ROC curve): 0.10499062389135361
Optimal Threshold (Precision x Recall curve): 0.2508904039859772
Threshold used: 0.10499062389135361

3 - Generating Synthetic Data + Feature Selection

0    0.91483
1    0.08517
Name: is_promoted, dtype: float64
train_df = org_train_x.copy()
train_df[label_col] = org_train_y
test_x = org_test_x
test_y = org_test_y

0    0.914838
1    0.085162
Name: is_promoted, dtype: float64
synth = Synthesizer(
balance_train = synth.fit_resample(df=train_df, label_col=label_col, strategy=0.3)
/home/matheus/miniconda3/envs/rai/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sklearn/mixture/ ConvergenceWarning: Initialization 1 did not converge. Try different init parameters, or increase max_iter, tol or check for degenerate data.
/home/matheus/miniconda3/envs/rai/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sklearn/mixture/ ConvergenceWarning: Number of distinct clusters (6) found smaller than n_clusters (10). Possibly due to duplicate points in X.
/home/matheus/miniconda3/envs/rai/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sklearn/mixture/ ConvergenceWarning: Initialization 1 did not converge. Try different init parameters, or increase max_iter, tol or check for degenerate data.
/home/matheus/miniconda3/envs/rai/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sklearn/mixture/ ConvergenceWarning: Initialization 1 did not converge. Try different init parameters, or increase max_iter, tol or check for degenerate data.
/home/matheus/miniconda3/envs/rai/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ctgan/ SettingWithCopyWarning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  data[column_name] = data[column_name].to_numpy().flatten()
/home/matheus/miniconda3/envs/rai/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ctgan/ SettingWithCopyWarning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  data[column_name] = data[column_name].to_numpy().flatten()
/home/matheus/miniconda3/envs/rai/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ctgan/ SettingWithCopyWarning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  data[column_name] = data[column_name].to_numpy().flatten()
/home/matheus/miniconda3/envs/rai/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ctgan/ SettingWithCopyWarning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  data[column_name] = data[column_name].to_numpy().flatten()
/home/matheus/miniconda3/envs/rai/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ctgan/ SettingWithCopyWarning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  data[column_name] = data[column_name].to_numpy().flatten()
Sampling conditions:   0%|          | 0/8299 [00:00<?, ?it/s]/home/matheus/miniconda3/envs/rai/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sdv/tabular/ FutureWarning: In a future version of pandas, a length 1 tuple will be returned when iterating over a groupby with a grouper equal to a list of length 1. Don't supply a list with a single grouper to avoid this warning.
  for group, dataframe in grouped_conditions:
/home/matheus/miniconda3/envs/rai/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sdv/tabular/ FutureWarning: In a future version of pandas, a length 1 tuple will be returned when iterating over a groupby with a grouper equal to a list of length 1. Don't supply a list with a single grouper to avoid this warning.
  for transformed_group, transformed_dataframe in transformed_groups:
/home/matheus/miniconda3/envs/rai/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ctgan/ FutureWarning: In a future version, `df.iloc[:, i] = newvals` will attempt to set the values inplace instead of always setting a new array. To retain the old behavior, use either `df[df.columns[i]] = newvals` or, if columns are non-unique, `df.isetitem(i, newvals)`
  data.iloc[:, 1] = np.argmax(column_data[:, 1:], axis=1)
/home/matheus/miniconda3/envs/rai/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ctgan/ FutureWarning: In a future version, `df.iloc[:, i] = newvals` will attempt to set the values inplace instead of always setting a new array. To retain the old behavior, use either `df[df.columns[i]] = newvals` or, if columns are non-unique, `df.isetitem(i, newvals)`
  data.iloc[:, 1] = np.argmax(column_data[:, 1:], axis=1)
/home/matheus/miniconda3/envs/rai/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ctgan/ FutureWarning: In a future version, `df.iloc[:, i] = newvals` will attempt to set the values inplace instead of always setting a new array. To retain the old behavior, use either `df[df.columns[i]] = newvals` or, if columns are non-unique, `df.isetitem(i, newvals)`
  data.iloc[:, 1] = np.argmax(column_data[:, 1:], axis=1)
/home/matheus/miniconda3/envs/rai/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ctgan/ FutureWarning: In a future version, `df.iloc[:, i] = newvals` will attempt to set the values inplace instead of always setting a new array. To retain the old behavior, use either `df[df.columns[i]] = newvals` or, if columns are non-unique, `df.isetitem(i, newvals)`
  data.iloc[:, 1] = np.argmax(column_data[:, 1:], axis=1)
/home/matheus/miniconda3/envs/rai/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ctgan/ FutureWarning: In a future version, `df.iloc[:, i] = newvals` will attempt to set the values inplace instead of always setting a new array. To retain the old behavior, use either `df[df.columns[i]] = newvals` or, if columns are non-unique, `df.isetitem(i, newvals)`
  data.iloc[:, 1] = np.argmax(column_data[:, 1:], axis=1)
Sampling conditions:  18%|█▊        | 1465/8299 [00:00<00:01, 4109.27it/s]/home/matheus/miniconda3/envs/rai/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ctgan/ FutureWarning: In a future version, `df.iloc[:, i] = newvals` will attempt to set the values inplace instead of always setting a new array. To retain the old behavior, use either `df[df.columns[i]] = newvals` or, if columns are non-unique, `df.isetitem(i, newvals)`
  data.iloc[:, 1] = np.argmax(column_data[:, 1:], axis=1)
/home/matheus/miniconda3/envs/rai/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ctgan/ FutureWarning: In a future version, `df.iloc[:, i] = newvals` will attempt to set the values inplace instead of always setting a new array. To retain the old behavior, use either `df[df.columns[i]] = newvals` or, if columns are non-unique, `df.isetitem(i, newvals)`
  data.iloc[:, 1] = np.argmax(column_data[:, 1:], axis=1)
/home/matheus/miniconda3/envs/rai/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ctgan/ FutureWarning: In a future version, `df.iloc[:, i] = newvals` will attempt to set the values inplace instead of always setting a new array. To retain the old behavior, use either `df[df.columns[i]] = newvals` or, if columns are non-unique, `df.isetitem(i, newvals)`
  data.iloc[:, 1] = np.argmax(column_data[:, 1:], axis=1)
/home/matheus/miniconda3/envs/rai/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ctgan/ FutureWarning: In a future version, `df.iloc[:, i] = newvals` will attempt to set the values inplace instead of always setting a new array. To retain the old behavior, use either `df[df.columns[i]] = newvals` or, if columns are non-unique, `df.isetitem(i, newvals)`
  data.iloc[:, 1] = np.argmax(column_data[:, 1:], axis=1)
/home/matheus/miniconda3/envs/rai/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ctgan/ FutureWarning: In a future version, `df.iloc[:, i] = newvals` will attempt to set the values inplace instead of always setting a new array. To retain the old behavior, use either `df[df.columns[i]] = newvals` or, if columns are non-unique, `df.isetitem(i, newvals)`
  data.iloc[:, 1] = np.argmax(column_data[:, 1:], axis=1)
Sampling conditions:  98%|█████████▊| 8153/8299 [00:01<00:00, 7530.84it/s]/home/matheus/miniconda3/envs/rai/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ctgan/ FutureWarning: In a future version, `df.iloc[:, i] = newvals` will attempt to set the values inplace instead of always setting a new array. To retain the old behavior, use either `df[df.columns[i]] = newvals` or, if columns are non-unique, `df.isetitem(i, newvals)`
  data.iloc[:, 1] = np.argmax(column_data[:, 1:], axis=1)
/home/matheus/miniconda3/envs/rai/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ctgan/ FutureWarning: In a future version, `df.iloc[:, i] = newvals` will attempt to set the values inplace instead of always setting a new array. To retain the old behavior, use either `df[df.columns[i]] = newvals` or, if columns are non-unique, `df.isetitem(i, newvals)`
  data.iloc[:, 1] = np.argmax(column_data[:, 1:], axis=1)
/home/matheus/miniconda3/envs/rai/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ctgan/ FutureWarning: In a future version, `df.iloc[:, i] = newvals` will attempt to set the values inplace instead of always setting a new array. To retain the old behavior, use either `df[df.columns[i]] = newvals` or, if columns are non-unique, `df.isetitem(i, newvals)`
  data.iloc[:, 1] = np.argmax(column_data[:, 1:], axis=1)
/home/matheus/miniconda3/envs/rai/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ctgan/ FutureWarning: In a future version, `df.iloc[:, i] = newvals` will attempt to set the values inplace instead of always setting a new array. To retain the old behavior, use either `df[df.columns[i]] = newvals` or, if columns are non-unique, `df.isetitem(i, newvals)`
  data.iloc[:, 1] = np.argmax(column_data[:, 1:], axis=1)
/home/matheus/miniconda3/envs/rai/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ctgan/ FutureWarning: In a future version, `df.iloc[:, i] = newvals` will attempt to set the values inplace instead of always setting a new array. To retain the old behavior, use either `df[df.columns[i]] = newvals` or, if columns are non-unique, `df.isetitem(i, newvals)`
  data.iloc[:, 1] = np.argmax(column_data[:, 1:], axis=1)
/home/matheus/miniconda3/envs/rai/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ctgan/ FutureWarning: In a future version, `df.iloc[:, i] = newvals` will attempt to set the values inplace instead of always setting a new array. To retain the old behavior, use either `df[df.columns[i]] = newvals` or, if columns are non-unique, `df.isetitem(i, newvals)`
  data.iloc[:, 1] = np.argmax(column_data[:, 1:], axis=1)
/home/matheus/miniconda3/envs/rai/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ctgan/ FutureWarning: In a future version, `df.iloc[:, i] = newvals` will attempt to set the values inplace instead of always setting a new array. To retain the old behavior, use either `df[df.columns[i]] = newvals` or, if columns are non-unique, `df.isetitem(i, newvals)`
  data.iloc[:, 1] = np.argmax(column_data[:, 1:], axis=1)
/home/matheus/miniconda3/envs/rai/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ctgan/ FutureWarning: In a future version, `df.iloc[:, i] = newvals` will attempt to set the values inplace instead of always setting a new array. To retain the old behavior, use either `df[df.columns[i]] = newvals` or, if columns are non-unique, `df.isetitem(i, newvals)`
  data.iloc[:, 1] = np.argmax(column_data[:, 1:], axis=1)
/home/matheus/miniconda3/envs/rai/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ctgan/ FutureWarning: In a future version, `df.iloc[:, i] = newvals` will attempt to set the values inplace instead of always setting a new array. To retain the old behavior, use either `df[df.columns[i]] = newvals` or, if columns are non-unique, `df.isetitem(i, newvals)`
  data.iloc[:, 1] = np.argmax(column_data[:, 1:], axis=1)
/home/matheus/miniconda3/envs/rai/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ctgan/ FutureWarning: In a future version, `df.iloc[:, i] = newvals` will attempt to set the values inplace instead of always setting a new array. To retain the old behavior, use either `df[df.columns[i]] = newvals` or, if columns are non-unique, `df.isetitem(i, newvals)`
  data.iloc[:, 1] = np.argmax(column_data[:, 1:], axis=1)
Sampling conditions: 100%|██████████| 8299/8299 [00:01<00:00, 6773.62it/s]
0    0.76924
1    0.23076
Name: is_promoted, dtype: float64
train_x = balance_train.drop(columns=[label_col])
train_y = balance_train[label_col]

imputer = BasicImputer(specific_col={'previous_year_rating': {      'missing_values':np.nan,
                                                                                                                            'fill_value':-100 } } )
encoder = EncoderOrdinal(categories={'education': ["Below Secondary", "Bachelor's", "Master's & above"]})
train_x = imputer.transform(train_x)
test_x = imputer.transform(test_x)
train_x = encoder.transform(train_x)
test_x = encoder.transform(test_x)

model = train_model_plot_results(train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y, model="xgb", train_result=False)
No columns specified for imputation. These columns have been automatically identified:
['education', 'previous_year_rating']
No columns specified for encoding. These columns have been automatically identfied as the following:
['department', 'region', 'education', 'gender', 'recruitment_channel']


[[6623 3405]
 [  84  850]]
ROC AUC: 0.8670331743495088
Precision: 0.5936203769778037
Recall: 0.7852574888812396
F1: 0.5595654501838281
Accuracy: 0.6817186644772851
Optimal Threshold (ROC curve): 0.21035872399806976
Optimal Threshold (Precision x Recall curve): 0.39564475417137146
Threshold used: 0.21035872399806976
feat_sel = SeqFeatSelection(scoring='f1', n_jobs=4), y=train_y)
print(f"SELECTED FEATURES: {feat_sel.get_selected_features()}")
train_x_feat = feat_sel.transform(train_x)
test_x_feat = feat_sel.transform(test_x)
model = train_model_plot_results(train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y, model="xgb", train_result=False)
No columns specified for imputation. These columns have been automatically identified:
No columns specified for encoding. These columns have been automatically identfied as the following:
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  12 out of  12 | elapsed:    0.9s remaining:    0.0s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  12 out of  12 | elapsed:    0.9s finished

[2022-10-25 10:17:47] Features: 1/12 -- score: 0.20592887926502257[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  11 out of  11 | elapsed:    0.1s finished

[2022-10-25 10:17:48] Features: 2/12 -- score: 0.2639678881869736[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done  10 out of  10 | elapsed:    0.2s finished

[2022-10-25 10:17:48] Features: 3/12 -- score: 0.4590688345129712[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done   7 out of   9 | elapsed:    0.2s remaining:    0.1s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done   9 out of   9 | elapsed:    0.2s finished

[2022-10-25 10:17:48] Features: 4/12 -- score: 0.4575717715962757[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done   6 out of   8 | elapsed:    0.2s remaining:    0.1s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done   8 out of   8 | elapsed:    0.2s finished

[2022-10-25 10:17:49] Features: 5/12 -- score: 0.45292422018477535[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done   4 out of   7 | elapsed:    0.1s remaining:    0.1s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done   7 out of   7 | elapsed:    0.2s finished

[2022-10-25 10:17:49] Features: 6/12 -- score: 0.45380308967736155[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done   3 out of   6 | elapsed:    0.1s remaining:    0.1s
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done   6 out of   6 | elapsed:    0.2s finished

[2022-10-25 10:17:49] Features: 7/12 -- score: 0.44967752578151643[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done   5 out of   5 | elapsed:    0.2s finished

[2022-10-25 10:17:49] Features: 8/12 -- score: 0.45748074234460034[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 4 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=4)]: Done   4 out of   4 | elapsed:    0.2s finished

[2022-10-25 10:17:50] Features: 9/12 -- score: 0.451101876367842[Parallel(n_jobs=3)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 3 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=3)]: Done   3 out of   3 | elapsed:    0.3s finished

[2022-10-25 10:17:50] Features: 10/12 -- score: 0.45446096664474994[Parallel(n_jobs=2)]: Using backend LokyBackend with 2 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=2)]: Done   2 out of   2 | elapsed:    0.9s finished

[2022-10-25 10:17:51] Features: 11/12 -- score: 0.45609394311861323[Parallel(n_jobs=1)]: Using backend SequentialBackend with 1 concurrent workers.
[Parallel(n_jobs=1)]: Done   1 out of   1 | elapsed:    0.2s remaining:    0.0s
[Parallel(n_jobs=1)]: Done   1 out of   1 | elapsed:    0.2s finished

[2022-10-25 10:17:52] Features: 12/12 -- score: 0.43561266744306537
SELECTED FEATURES: ['department', 'awards_won?', 'avg_training_score']


[[6623 3405]
 [  84  850]]
ROC AUC: 0.8670331743495088
Precision: 0.5936203769778037
Recall: 0.7852574888812396
F1: 0.5595654501838281
Accuracy: 0.6817186644772851
Optimal Threshold (ROC curve): 0.21035872399806976
Optimal Threshold (Precision x Recall curve): 0.39564475417137146
Threshold used: 0.21035872399806976

4 - Feature Selection + Synthetic Data

train_x = org_train_x
train_y = org_train_y
test_x = org_test_x
test_y = org_test_y

imputer = BasicImputer(specific_col={'previous_year_rating': {      'missing_values':np.nan,
                                                                                                                            'fill_value':-100 } } )
encoder = EncoderOHE()

feat_sel = SeqFeatSelection(scoring='f1', transform_pipe=[imputer, encoder], n_jobs=4, verbose=False), y=train_y)
print(f"SELECTED FEATURES: {feat_sel.get_selected_features()}")

train_x = feat_sel.transform(train_x)
test_x = feat_sel.transform(test_x)

model = train_model_plot_results(train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y, model="xgb", train_result=False)
No columns specified for imputation. These columns have been automatically identified:
['education', 'previous_year_rating']
No columns specified for encoding. These columns have been automatically identfied as the following:
['department', 'region', 'education', 'gender', 'recruitment_channel']
SELECTED FEATURES: ['awards_won?', 'avg_training_score', 'department_Finance', 'department_HR', 'department_Legal', 'department_Operations', 'department_Procurement', 'department_Sales & Marketing', 'department_Technology', "education_Master's & above"]


[[8639 1389]
 [ 426  508]]
ROC AUC: 0.7596129659223981
Precision: 0.6103986583164233
Recall: 0.7026925251693545
F1: 0.631911384760566
Accuracy: 0.8344280240831965
Optimal Threshold (ROC curve): 0.10077095776796341
Optimal Threshold (Precision x Recall curve): 0.2247779816389084
Threshold used: 0.10077095776796341
train_df = train_x
train_df[label_col] = train_y
test_df = test_x
test_df[label_col] = test_y

synth = Synthesizer(
balance_train = synth.fit_resample(df=train_df, label_col=label_col, strategy=0.3)
/home/matheus/miniconda3/envs/rai/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sklearn/mixture/ ConvergenceWarning: Initialization 1 did not converge. Try different init parameters, or increase max_iter, tol or check for degenerate data.
/home/matheus/miniconda3/envs/rai/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ctgan/ SettingWithCopyWarning:
A value is trying to be set on a copy of a slice from a DataFrame.
Try using .loc[row_indexer,col_indexer] = value instead

See the caveats in the documentation:
  data[column_name] = data[column_name].to_numpy().flatten()
Sampling conditions:   0%|          | 0/8299 [00:00<?, ?it/s]/home/matheus/miniconda3/envs/rai/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sdv/tabular/ FutureWarning: In a future version of pandas, a length 1 tuple will be returned when iterating over a groupby with a grouper equal to a list of length 1. Don't supply a list with a single grouper to avoid this warning.
  for group, dataframe in grouped_conditions:
/home/matheus/miniconda3/envs/rai/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sdv/tabular/ FutureWarning: In a future version of pandas, a length 1 tuple will be returned when iterating over a groupby with a grouper equal to a list of length 1. Don't supply a list with a single grouper to avoid this warning.
  for transformed_group, transformed_dataframe in transformed_groups:
/home/matheus/miniconda3/envs/rai/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ctgan/ FutureWarning: In a future version, `df.iloc[:, i] = newvals` will attempt to set the values inplace instead of always setting a new array. To retain the old behavior, use either `df[df.columns[i]] = newvals` or, if columns are non-unique, `df.isetitem(i, newvals)`
  data.iloc[:, 1] = np.argmax(column_data[:, 1:], axis=1)
Sampling conditions:  13%|█▎        | 1117/8299 [00:00<00:03, 2301.04it/s]/home/matheus/miniconda3/envs/rai/lib/python3.9/site-packages/ctgan/ FutureWarning: In a future version, `df.iloc[:, i] = newvals` will attempt to set the values inplace instead of always setting a new array. To retain the old behavior, use either `df[df.columns[i]] = newvals` or, if columns are non-unique, `df.isetitem(i, newvals)`
  data.iloc[:, 1] = np.argmax(column_data[:, 1:], axis=1)
Sampling conditions: 100%|██████████| 8299/8299 [00:02<00:00, 2831.28it/s]
0    0.76924
1    0.23076
Name: is_promoted, dtype: float64
train_x = balance_train.drop(columns=[label_col])
train_y = balance_train[label_col]
test_x = test_df.drop(columns=[label_col])
test_y = test_df[label_col]

model = train_model_plot_results(train_x, train_y, test_x, test_y, model="xgb", train_result=False)


[[9712  316]
 [ 534  400]]
ROC AUC: 0.7403760370320707
Precision: 0.7532706591044659
Recall: 0.698376878786507
F1: 0.7214614329145256
Accuracy: 0.9224594052180259
Optimal Threshold (ROC curve): 0.35927507281303406
Optimal Threshold (Precision x Recall curve): 0.4259410798549652
Threshold used: 0.35927507281303406