Modern Analytics Academy - Data Pipelines

Welcome to the Modern Analytics Academy (MAA) - Data Pipeline!

In Data Pipeline, we’ll look at the definition and key concepts of creating a data pipeline. We will dive into four Microsoft cloud resources, including Azure Data Factory, Azure Synapse Data Pipelines, Power BI Data Flow, and Azure Streaming Analytics. Lastly, we will review the comparison metrics to help you decide which service to choose for your scenario.

Main Presentation

Hands-on Content

Each module contains several options for hands-on learning. In most cases, there are multiple options available designed to meet your specific skilling needs, from simple tutorial/demo content to more advanced workshops. We understand that some people may just want to see demos while others want to dive deep; most are somewhere in between. Use the content that best suits you!

Suggested HOL / Workshops

  • Delivering the Modern Data Warehouse with Azure Synapse Analytics, Azure Databricks, Azure Data Factory, and Power BI - In this lab, you will see how Azure Data Factory (ADF), Azure Databricks, and Azure Synapse Analytics (Data Warehouse) can be used together to build a modern data warehouse. You will start by using Azure Data Factory (ADF) to automate the movement of data in various formats gathered from various sources, including Cosmos DB, into a centralized Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 (ADLS Gen2) repository. You will then use Azure Databricks to prepare and analyze those data, and finally write the aggregations to Azure Synapse Analytics.
  • Azure Synapse Analytics Data Pipeline quickstart - In this tutorial, you will create a data pipeline to copy data from SQL DB to Azure Synapse Dedicated SQL Pool. Afterward, You can then use the left navigation panel to try other data pipeline tutorials.
  • How to create Power BI Dataflow - In this tutorial, you will learn how to create a Power BI dataflow, then you can use the next steps section to explore how to consume Dataflows, AI with Dataflows, etc.
  • Streaming at Scale - In this lab, you will learn how to implement a streaming at scale solution in Azure.