The data types you use in the RL Experiment can be anything which is JSON serializable; as many AnyLogic classes (including agents) are not, you can create 'wrapper' classes as a workaround.
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In general, the variables which comprise the Configuration, Observation, and Action need to be types that are JSON-serializable (for a list, see the w3schools article on JSON Data Types).

For Bonsai specifically, it must follow Inkling’s supported data types. In essence, this means that variables can be one of three classifications: numeric (int, double), fixed-sized arrays (e.g., int[], double[][]), or classes (objects comprised of any combination of these three classifications).

To make Java classes JSON-serializable – specifically with the Jackson library – there are two simple requirements:

  1. You must define an empty constructor. Others may be defined as well, however Jackson will need the empty option.

  2. Define your desired fields as class variables and set their visibility to be public.

While AnyLogic agent types are technically Java classes, they are not JSON-serializable on their own. To resolve this, you can create a “wrapper” class, taking the agent instance as input. You can then fill out the class fields based on the agent’s properties in the constructor (shown in the example below).

	JSON-serializable class for the Person agent type
public class PersonWrapper {
	// declare data types and set some default values
	public double age = 0.0;
	public int is_male = 0;
	public int fav_color_composite = 0;

	public PersonWrapper() {}

	public PersonWrapper(Person person) {
		age = person.age;
		is_male = person.isMale ? 1 : 0;
		fav_color_composite = person.favoriteColor.getRGB();
