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Console output

DeviceScript supports basic console functionality which allows you to add logging to your script.


The console output will be visible in the DeviceScript terminal window.

Console data is a special purpose function to log sensor data. A timestamp (ds.millis()) is automatically added by the runtime.

const temp = 20
const humi = 60{ temp, humi })

In Visual Studio Code, you will find the data in the DeviceScript - Data output pane or you can download it from the view menu.

console data icon

The following Visual Studio Code extensions are recommended for a best experience:

Format strings

The console.log() takes zero or more arguments of any type. Template literals and string concatenation are also supported. Compiler internally constructs a format string (see below).

let x = 0
let y = 4
console.log("Hello world")
console.log("X is", x, "and Y is", y)
console.log("X=", x, "Y=", y)
console.log(`X=${x} Y=${y}`)
console.log("X=" + x + " Y=" + y)

The compiler is smart about adding spaces (the second and third examples will print X is 7 and Y is 12 and X=7 Y=12 respectively).

Concatenation and template literals can be also used to write registers.

const screen = new ds.CharacterScreen()
let x = 7
screen.message.write("X = " + x)
screen.message.write(`X is ${x}`)

You can also use the ds.format() function directly, either with console.log() or when setting string registers. Arguments are {0}, {1}, ..., {9}, {A}, {B}, ..., {F}. A second digit can be supplied to specify precision (though this doesn't work so well yet):

const screen = new ds.CharacterScreen()
let x = 7,
y = 12

console.log(ds.format("X is {0} and Y is {1}", x, y))
console.log(ds.format("X = {04}", x))
screen.message.write(ds.format("X is {0}", x))