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Controlling strips of programmable LEDs can be done through the Led client.

This client requires to import the @devicescript/runtime to get all the functionalities.

import { Led } from "@devicescript/core"
import "@devicescript/runtime"

const led = new Led()


You can start a driver for WS2812 or AP102 using startLed.

import { LedVariant, LedStripLightType } from "@devicescript/core"
import { startLed } from "@devicescript/drivers"
import { pins } from "@dsboard/adafruit_qt_py_c3"
import { spi } from "@devicescript/spi"

const led = await startLed({
length: 32,
variant: LedVariant.Ring,
hwConfig: {
type: LedStripLightType.SK9822,
pinClk: pins.A1_D1,
pinData: pins.A0_D0,
spi: spi,

Simulation and long strips (> 64 LEDs)

For short LED strips, 64 LEDs or less, DeviceScript provides full simulation and device twin for hardware and simulated devices.

For strips longer than 64 LEDs, the simulator device will work but the hardware device twin will not work anymore. This is a simple limitation that the data overflows the packets used in Jacdac.

PixelBuffer and show

The Led client has a pixel buffer, a 1D vector of colors, that can be used to perform color operations, and a show function to render the buffer to the hardware.

A typical LED program would then look like this:

import { LedStripLightType } from "@devicescript/core"
import { startLed } from "@devicescript/drivers"
import { fillSolid } from "@devicescript/runtime"
import { pins } from "@dsboard/adafruit_qt_py_c3"

const led = await startLed({
length: 32,
hwConfig: { type: LedStripLightType.WS2812B_GRB, pin: pins.A0_D0 },

// retreive pixel buffer from led
const pixels = await led.buffer()
// do operations on pixels, like setting LEDs to green
fillSolid(pixels, 0x00ee00)
// send colors to hardware


A convenience function showAll is provided to set the color of all LEDs.

import { Led } from "@devicescript/core"
import "@devicescript/runtime"

const led = new Led()
await led.showAll(0x00ee00)

LED Display

You can mount a LED matrix as a display. This can be helpful for matrix-shaped LEDs.

import { pins } from "@dsboard/esp32_c3fh4_rgb"
import { LedStripLightType, LedVariant } from "@devicescript/core"
import { startLed } from "@devicescript/drivers"
import { startLedDisplay } from "@devicescript/runtime"

const led = await startLed({
length: 25,
columns: 5,
variant: LedVariant.Matrix,
hwConfig: { type: LedStripLightType.WS2812B_GRB, pin: pins.LEDS },

const display = await startLedDisplay(led)