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Weather Dashboard

This sample uses a ValueDashboard to render temperature, humidity readings on a character screen. A character screen could be a LCD screen or a OLED/TFT display.

A photograph of the Xiao expansion board with BME680 sensor

The ValueDashboard is a helper class that renders the value. It is generic and takes the list of data row to display in the constructor to provide a better completion experience.

import { CharacterScreen } from "@devicescript/core"
import { ValueDashboard } from "@devicescript/runtime"

const screen = new CharacterScreen()
const dashboard = new ValueDashboard(screen, {
temperature: { digits: 1, unit: "C" },
humi: { digits: 0, unit: "%" },

Once the dashboard is setup, you can update the values record and call show to render again.

import { CharacterScreen, Humidity, Temperature } from "@devicescript/core"
import { ValueDashboard } from "@devicescript/runtime"

const temperature = new Temperature()
const humidity = new Humidity()
const screen = new CharacterScreen()
const dashboard = new ValueDashboard(screen, {
temperature: { digits: 1, unit: "C" },
humi: { digits: 0, unit: "%" },
setInterval(async () => {
dashboard.values.temperature = await
dashboard.values.humi = await
}, 1000)

Xiao + Expansion board + BME680

The generic sample above can be specialized to run on a Xiao ESP32-C3 with expansion board.

import {
} from "@devicescript/drivers"
import { ValueDashboard } from "@devicescript/runtime"

const board = new XiaoExpansionBoard()
const { temperature, humidity } = await startBME680({
address: 0x76,
const display = await board.startDisplay()
const screen = await startCharacterScreenDisplay(display)

const dashboard = new ValueDashboard(screen, {
temperature: { digits: 1, unit: "C" },
humi: { digits: 0, unit: "%" },

setInterval(async () => {
dashboard.values.temperature = await
dashboard.values.humi = await
}, 1000)