spaCy/Stanza NLP engine
Presidio can be loaded with pre-trained or custom models coming from spaCy or Stanza.
Using a public pre-trained spaCy/Stanza model
Download the pre-trained model
To replace the default model with a different public model, first download the desired spaCy/Stanza NER models.
To download a new model with spaCy:
python -m spacy download es_core_news_md
In this example we download the medium size model for Spanish.
To download a new model with Stanza:
import stanza"en") # where en is the language code of the model.
For the available models, follow these links: spaCy, stanza.
For Person, Location and Organization detection, it could be useful to try out the transformers based models (e.g. en_core_web_trf
) which uses a more modern deep-learning architecture, but is generally slower than the default en_core_web_lg
Configure Presidio to use the pre-trained model
Once created, see the NLP configuration documentation for more information.
How NER results flow within Presidio
This diagram describes the flow of NER results within Presidio, and the relationship between the SpacyNlpEngine
component and the SpacyRecognizer
Training your own model
A labeled dataset containing text and labeled PII entities is required for training a new model.
For more information on model training and evaluation for Presidio, see the Presidio-Research Github repository.
To train your own model, see these links on spaCy and Stanza:
Once models are trained, they should be installed locally in the same environment as Presidio Analyzer.
Using a previously loaded spaCy pipeline
If the app is already loading an existing spaCy NLP pipeline, it can be re-used to prevent presidio from loading it again by extending the relevant engine.
from presidio_analyzer import AnalyzerEngine
from presidio_analyzer.nlp_engine import SpacyNlpEngine
import spacy
# Create a class inheriting from SpacyNlpEngine
class LoadedSpacyNlpEngine(SpacyNlpEngine):
def __init__(self, loaded_spacy_model):
self.nlp = {"en": loaded_spacy_model}
# Load a model a-priori
nlp = spacy.load("en_core_web_sm")
# Pass the loaded model to the new LoadedSpacyNlpEngine
loaded_nlp_engine = LoadedSpacyNlpEngine(loaded_spacy_model = nlp)
# Pass the engine to the analyzer
analyzer = AnalyzerEngine(nlp_engine = loaded_nlp_engine)
# Analyze text
analyzer.analyze(text="My name is Bob", language="en")