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Usage Text Python Notebook Presidio Basic Usage Notebook
Usage Text Python Notebook Customizing Presidio Analyzer
Usage Text Python Notebook Configuring The NLP engine
Usage Semi-structured Python Notebook Analyzing structured / semi-structured data in batch
Usage Text Python Notebook Encrypting and Decrypting identified entities
Usage Text Python Notebook Getting the identified entity value using a custom Operator
Usage text Python Notebook Anonymizing known values
Usage Images Python Notebook Redacting Text PII from DICOM images
Usage Images Python Notebook Using an allow list with image redaction
Usage PDF Python Notebook Annotating PII in a PDF
Usage Images Python Notebook Plot custom bounding boxes
Usage Text Python Notebook Integrating with external services
Usage Text Python file Remote Recognizer
Usage Structured Python Notebook Presidio Structured Basic Usage Notebook
Usage Text Python file Azure AI Language as a Remote Recognizer
Usage CSV Python file Analyze and Anonymize CSV file
Usage Text Python Using Flair as an external PII model
Usage Text Python file Using Span Marker as an external PII model
Usage Text Python file Using Transformers as an external PII model
Usage Text Python file Pseudonymization (replace PII values using mappings)
Usage Text Python file Passing a lambda as a Presidio anonymizer using Faker
Usage Text Python file Synthetic data generation with OpenAI
Usage Text Python file Keeping some entities from being anonymized
Usage Text LiteLLM Proxy PII Masking LLM calls across Anthropic/Gemini/Bedrock/Azure, etc.
Usage Text Python Notebook YAML based no-code configuration
Usage Text Python file Using GLiNER within Presidio
Usage REST API (postman) Presidio as a REST endpoint
Deployment App Service Presidio with App Service
Deployment Kubernetes Presidio with Kubernetes
Deployment Spark/Azure Databricks Presidio with Spark
Deployment Spark with Microsoft Fabric Presidio with Fabric
Deployment Azure Data Factory with App Service ETL for small dataset
Deployment Azure Data Factory with Databricks ETL for large datasets
ADF Pipeline Azure Data Factory Add Presidio as an HTTP service to your Azure Data Factory
ADF Pipeline Azure Data Factory Add Presidio on Databricks to your Azure Data Factory
Demo Streamlit app Create a simple demo app using Streamlit