Example 5: Supporting new models and languages
Two main parts in Presidio handle the text, and should be adapted if a new language is required:
- The
containing the NLP model which performs tokenization, lemmatization, Named Entity Recognition and other NLP tasks. - The different PII recognizers (
objects) should be adapted or created.
Adapting the NLP engine
As its internal NLP engine, Presidio supports both spaCy and Stanza. Make sure you download the required models from spacy/stanza prior to using them. More details here. For example, to download the Spanish medium spaCy model: python -m spacy download es_core_news_md
In this example we will configure Presidio to use spaCy as its underlying NLP framework, with NLP models in English and Spanish:
from presidio_analyzer import AnalyzerEngine
from presidio_analyzer.nlp_engine import NlpEngineProvider
# import spacy
# spacy.cli.download("es_core_news_md")
# Create configuration containing engine name and models
configuration = {
"nlp_engine_name": "spacy",
"models": [
{"lang_code": "es", "model_name": "es_core_news_md"},
{"lang_code": "en", "model_name": "en_core_web_lg"},
# Create NLP engine based on configuration
provider = NlpEngineProvider(nlp_configuration=configuration)
nlp_engine_with_spanish = provider.create_engine()
# Pass the created NLP engine and supported_languages to the AnalyzerEngine
analyzer = AnalyzerEngine(
nlp_engine=nlp_engine_with_spanish, supported_languages=["en", "es"]
# Analyze in different languages
results_spanish = analyzer.analyze(text="Mi nombre es Morris", language="es")
print("Results from Spanish request:")
results_english = analyzer.analyze(text="My name is Morris", language="en")
print("Results from English request:")
See this documentation for more details on setting up additional NLP models and languages.
Using external models/frameworks
Some languages are not supported by spaCy/Stanza/huggingface, or have very limited support in those. In this case, other frameworks could be leveraged. (see example 4 for more information).
Since Presidio requires a spaCy model to be passed, we propose to use a simple spaCy pipeline such as en_core_web_sm
as the NLP engine's model, and a recognizer calling an external framework/service as the Named Entity Recognition (NER) model.