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Example 6: Leveraging context words

Presidio has an internal mechanism for leveraging context words. This mechanism would increase the detection confidence of a PII entity in case a specific word appears before or after it.

Furthermore, it is possible to create your own context enhancer, if you require a different logic for identifying context terms. The default context-aware enhancer in Presidio is the LemmaContextAwareEnhancer which compares each recognizer's context terms with the lemma of each token in the sentence.

In this example we would first implement a zip code recognizer without context, and then add context to see how the confidence changes. Zip regex patterns (essentially 5 digits) are very weak, so we would want the initial confidence to be low, and increased with the existence of context words.

Example: Adding context words support to recognizers

First, let's create a simple US_ZIP_CODE recognizer:

from presidio_analyzer import (

# Define the regex pattern
regex = r"(\b\d{5}(?:\-\d{4})?\b)"  # very weak regex pattern
zipcode_pattern = Pattern(name="zip code (weak)", regex=regex, score=0.01)

# Define the recognizer with the defined pattern
zipcode_recognizer = PatternRecognizer(
    supported_entity="US_ZIP_CODE", patterns=[zipcode_pattern]

registry = RecognizerRegistry()
analyzer = AnalyzerEngine(registry=registry)

# Test
results = analyzer.analyze(text="My zip code is 90210", language="en")

print(f"Result:\n {results}")

So this is working, but would catch any 5 digit string. This is why we set the score to 0.01. Let's use context words to increase score:

from presidio_analyzer import PatternRecognizer

# Define the recognizer with the defined pattern and context words
zipcode_recognizer_w_context = PatternRecognizer(
    context=["zip", "zipcode"],

When creating an AnalyzerEngine we can provide our own context enhancement logic by passing it to context_aware_enhancer parameter. AnalyzerEngine will create LemmaContextAwareEnhancer by default if not passed, which will enhance score of each matched result if its recognizer holds context words and the lemma of those words are found in the surroundings of the matched entity.

Creating the AnalyzerEngine and adding the new recognizer:

from presidio_analyzer import AnalyzerEngine, RecognizerRegistry

registry = RecognizerRegistry()
analyzer = AnalyzerEngine(registry=registry)

# Test
results = analyzer.analyze(text="My zip code is 90210", language="en")

The confidence score is now 0.4, instead of 0.01, since the LemmaContextAwareEnhancer default context similarity factor is 0.35 and default minimum score with context similarity is 0.4. We can change that by passing other values to the context_similarity_factor and min_score_with_context_similarity parameters of the LemmaContextAwareEnhancer object. For example:

from presidio_analyzer import AnalyzerEngine, RecognizerRegistry
from presidio_analyzer.context_aware_enhancers import LemmaContextAwareEnhancer

context_aware_enhancer = LemmaContextAwareEnhancer(
    context_similarity_factor=0.45, min_score_with_context_similarity=0.4

registry = RecognizerRegistry()
analyzer = AnalyzerEngine(
    registry=registry, context_aware_enhancer=context_aware_enhancer

# Test
results = analyzer.analyze(text="My zip code is 90210", language="en")

The confidence score is now 0.46 because it got enhanced from 0.01 with 0.45 and is more than the minimum of 0.4.

In addition to surrounding words, additional context words could be passed on the request level. This is useful when there is context coming from metadata such as column names or a specific user input. In the following example, notice how the "zip" context word doesn't appear in the text but still enhances the confidence score from 0.01 to 0.4:

from presidio_analyzer import AnalyzerEngine, RecognizerRegistry, PatternRecognizer

# Define the recognizer with the defined pattern and context words
zipcode_recognizer = PatternRecognizer(
    context=["zip", "zipcode"],
registry = RecognizerRegistry()
analyzer = AnalyzerEngine(registry=registry)

# Test with an example record having a column name which could be injected as context
record = {"column_name": "zip", "text": "My code is 90210"}

result = analyzer.analyze(
    text=record["text"], language="en", context=[record["column_name"]]
