Interface IDiffEditorBaseOptions

interface IDiffEditorBaseOptions {
    accessibilityVerbose?: boolean;
    compactMode?: boolean;
    diffAlgorithm?: "advanced" | "legacy";
    diffCodeLens?: boolean;
    diffWordWrap?: "off" | "on" | "inherit";
    enableSplitViewResizing?: boolean;
    experimental?: {
        showEmptyDecorations?: boolean;
        showMoves?: boolean;
        useTrueInlineView?: boolean;
    hideUnchangedRegions?: {
        contextLineCount?: number;
        enabled?: boolean;
        minimumLineCount?: number;
        revealLineCount?: number;
    ignoreTrimWhitespace?: boolean;
    isInEmbeddedEditor?: boolean;
    maxComputationTime?: number;
    maxFileSize?: number;
    onlyShowAccessibleDiffViewer?: boolean;
    originalEditable?: boolean;
    renderGutterMenu?: boolean;
    renderIndicators?: boolean;
    renderMarginRevertIcon?: boolean;
    renderOverviewRuler?: boolean;
    renderSideBySide?: boolean;
    renderSideBySideInlineBreakpoint?: number;
    splitViewDefaultRatio?: number;
    useInlineViewWhenSpaceIsLimited?: boolean;

Hierarchy (view full)


accessibilityVerbose?: boolean

Whether the diff editor aria label should be verbose.

compactMode?: boolean

If set, the diff editor is optimized for small views. Defaults to false.

diffAlgorithm?: "advanced" | "legacy"

Diff Algorithm

diffCodeLens?: boolean

Should the diff editor enable code lens? Defaults to false.

diffWordWrap?: "off" | "on" | "inherit"

Control the wrapping of the diff editor.

enableSplitViewResizing?: boolean

Allow the user to resize the diff editor split view. Defaults to true.

experimental?: {
    showEmptyDecorations?: boolean;
    showMoves?: boolean;
    useTrueInlineView?: boolean;

Type declaration

  • Optional showEmptyDecorations?: boolean
  • Optional showMoves?: boolean

    Defaults to false.

  • Optional useTrueInlineView?: boolean

    Only applies when renderSideBySide is set to false.

hideUnchangedRegions?: {
    contextLineCount?: number;
    enabled?: boolean;
    minimumLineCount?: number;
    revealLineCount?: number;

Type declaration

  • Optional contextLineCount?: number
  • Optional enabled?: boolean
  • Optional minimumLineCount?: number
  • Optional revealLineCount?: number
ignoreTrimWhitespace?: boolean

Compute the diff by ignoring leading/trailing whitespace Defaults to true.

isInEmbeddedEditor?: boolean

Is the diff editor inside another editor Defaults to false

maxComputationTime?: number

Timeout in milliseconds after which diff computation is cancelled. Defaults to 5000.

maxFileSize?: number

Maximum supported file size in MB. Defaults to 50.

onlyShowAccessibleDiffViewer?: boolean

If the diff editor should only show the difference review mode.

originalEditable?: boolean

Original model should be editable? Defaults to false.

renderGutterMenu?: boolean

Indicates if the gutter menu should be rendered.

renderIndicators?: boolean

Render +/- indicators for added/deleted changes. Defaults to true.

renderMarginRevertIcon?: boolean

Shows icons in the glyph margin to revert changes. Default to true.

renderOverviewRuler?: boolean

Is the diff editor should render overview ruler Defaults to true

renderSideBySide?: boolean

Render the differences in two side-by-side editors. Defaults to true.

renderSideBySideInlineBreakpoint?: number

When renderSideBySide is enabled, useInlineViewWhenSpaceIsLimited is set, and the diff editor has a width less than renderSideBySideInlineBreakpoint, the inline view is used.

splitViewDefaultRatio?: number

The default ratio when rendering side-by-side editors. Must be a number between 0 and 1, min sizes apply. Defaults to 0.5

useInlineViewWhenSpaceIsLimited?: boolean

When renderSideBySide is enabled, useInlineViewWhenSpaceIsLimited is set, and the diff editor has a width less than renderSideBySideInlineBreakpoint, the inline view is used.