onEvent fired when extra libraries registered with the language service change.
workerAdd an additional source file to the language service. Use this
for typescript (definition) files that won't be loaded as editor
documents, like jquery.d.ts
The file content
filePath: stringAn optional file path
A disposable which will remove the file from the language service upon disposal.
Get current TypeScript compiler options for the language service.
Get the current diagnostics options for the language service.
Get the current extra libs registered with the language service.
Set TypeScript compiler options.
Configure whether syntactic and/or semantic validation should be performed
Remove all existing extra libs and set the additional source
files to the language service. Use this for typescript definition
files that won't be loaded as editor documents, like jquery.d.ts
An array of entries to register.
Configure inlay hints options.
Configure webworker options
Event fired when compiler options or diagnostics options are changed.