interface ModeConfiguration {
    codeActions?: boolean;
    completionItems?: boolean;
    definitions?: boolean;
    diagnostics?: boolean;
    documentHighlights?: boolean;
    documentRangeFormattingEdits?: boolean;
    documentSymbols?: boolean;
    hovers?: boolean;
    inlayHints?: boolean;
    onTypeFormattingEdits?: boolean;
    references?: boolean;
    rename?: boolean;
    signatureHelp?: boolean;


codeActions?: boolean

Defines whether the built-in code actions provider is enabled.

completionItems?: boolean

Defines whether the built-in completionItemProvider is enabled.

definitions?: boolean

Defines whether the built-in definitions provider is enabled.

diagnostics?: boolean

Defines whether the built-in diagnostic provider is enabled.

documentHighlights?: boolean

Defines whether the built-in references provider is enabled.

documentRangeFormattingEdits?: boolean

Defines whether the built-in document formatting range edit provider is enabled.

documentSymbols?: boolean

Defines whether the built-in documentSymbolProvider is enabled.

hovers?: boolean

Defines whether the built-in hoverProvider is enabled.

inlayHints?: boolean

Defines whether the built-in inlay hints provider is enabled.

onTypeFormattingEdits?: boolean

Defines whether the built-in onType formatting edit provider is enabled.

references?: boolean

Defines whether the built-in references provider is enabled.

rename?: boolean

Defines whether the built-in rename provider is enabled.

signatureHelp?: boolean

Defines whether the built-in signature help provider is enabled.