For a given data frame, reorder a row to the first row of that data frame through matching a value of a variable. The intended usage of this function is to be used for reordering the "Total" row, and not with "flat" data. This can be used in conjunction with totals_bind(), which is used to create a "Total" row in the data.

totals_reorder(data, target_col, target_value = "Total")



Summary table in the form of a data frame.


Character value of the column in which to reorder


Character value of the value in target_col to match


data frame with the 'Total' row reordered to the bottom.


sq_data %>%
  totals_bind(target_col = "LevelDesignation",
              target_value = "Total") %>%
  collab_sum(hrvar = "LevelDesignation",
             return = "table") %>%
  totals_reorder(target_col = "group", target_value = "Total")
#> # A tibble: 7 × 5
#>   group     Meeting_hours Email_hours Total Employee_Count
#>   <chr>             <dbl>       <dbl> <dbl>          <int>
#> 1 Total             10.0         9.89  19.9           1034
#> 2 Director           9.22        9.70  18.9             68
#> 3 Executive         10.6         8.36  19.0              6
#> 4 Junior IC          9.89        9.73  19.6            105
#> 5 Manager           10.9        10.7   21.5            333
#> 6 Senior IC         10.2         9.94  20.1            103
#> 7 Support            9.47        9.37  18.8            419