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067: LoB app Deployment


To add an iOS/iPadOS line-of-business (LOB) app to Microsoft Intune, follow these steps:

  1. Sign in to the Microsoft Intune admin center.
  2. Go to Apps > All apps > Add.
  3. In the Select app type pane, under Other app types, choose Line-of-business app and click Select.
  4. In the Add app pane, select Select app package file.
  5. Browse and select an iOS/iPadOS installation file with the extension .ipa.
  6. Fill in the app details:
    • Name: Enter the app name as it appears in the company portal (ensure uniqueness).
    • Description: Provide a brief description for users.
    • Publisher: Specify the app publisher.
    • Minimum Operating System: Choose the minimum OS version required.
    • Category: Select relevant app categories.
  7. Click OK to add the app.
  8. Optionally, use scope tags to control visibility.
  9. Assign the app to user groups.
  10. Review and create the policy.

Remember that LOB apps are typically in-house apps distributed via Intune.
