Azure OpenAI Resources


Azure OpenAI is a collaboration between Microsoft Azure and OpenAI, a leading research organization in artificial intelligence. It is a cloud-based platform that enables developers and data scientists to build and deploy AI models quickly and easily. With Azure OpenAI, users can access a wide range of AI tools and technologies to create intelligent applications, including natural language processing (NLP), computer vision, and deep learning.

Azure OpenAI is designed to accelerate the development of AI applications, allowing users to focus on creating innovative solutions that deliver value to their organizations and customers.

Request Access

  • Rate Increase: Azure OpenAI Service: Request for Quota Increase (
  • GPT4: GPT-4 and GPT-4-32k are now available to all Azure OpenAI Service customers. You no longer need to request access to use GPT-4 and GPT-4-32k. Availability is currently limited by region to ensure a smooth rollout. You still need to apply for the AOAI Service if you do not have that already.

Keeping Up (April 2024 Update📰)

  • In Recent News: Accelerate your productivity with the Whisper model in Azure AI now generally available. Whisper is a speech-to-text model from OpenAI that developers can use to transcribe audio files. Developers can begin using the generally available Whisper API in both Azure OpenAI Service as well as Azure AI Speech services on production workloads, knowing that it is backed by Azure’s enterprise-readiness promise. Azure OpenAI Service enables developers to run OpenAI’s Whisper model in Azure, mirroring the OpenAI Whisper model functionalities including fast processing time, multi-lingual support, and transcription and translation capabilities. OpenAI Whisper in Azure OpenAI Service is ideal for processing smaller size files for time-sensitive workloads and use-cases.
  • DALL-E 3 is now generally available, available in East US, Sweden Central, and Australia East – providing service reliability for production scenarios, annotations for content filtering, and continuing to deliver high-quality generated images.
  • Azure AI announces Prompt Shields for Jailbreak and Indirect prompt injection attacks – Our Azure OpenAI Service and Azure AI Content Safety teams are excited to launch a new Responsible AI capability called Prompt Shields. Prompt Shields protect applications, powered by Foundation Models, from two types of attacks: direct (jailbreak) and indirect attacks, both of which are now available in Public Preview.
  • Azure OpenAI Service model deprecations and retirements – Learn about models that are currently available, deprecated, and retired.

Please visit our Academy page to see Code Snippets & Architecture Examples: AI & ML Academy.


Evaluating models:

Responsible AI:

AI Business Material:


  • The Azure OpenAI benchmarking tool helps you test and measure the performance of your provisioned throughput deployments. These deployments give you a fixed amount of model compute, but the actual performance depends on factors like prompt size, generation size, and call rate. The tool sends test traffic to your deployment and shows you the throughput, latency, and utilization statistics. You can use it to try different traffic patterns and find the best settings for your prompt size, generation size, and PTUs.


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