Modern Analytics Academy - Hands-on

In the hands-on section, we’ll look at tutorials, labs, and hacks.

Fabric Specific Labs & Workshops

Lab Name Time Content
Real-time Analytics Lab 4 hours Lab
Real-time Analytics Hack 8 hours (coming soon) Lab

Our real-time analytics lab and hack will walk through a scenario of ingesting real-time data, storing it in a KQL database, develop reporting from the real time data, configure data activator for observability/alerting, and transform the data into a data warehouse from real-time data.

Progressive Fabric labs:

Lab Name Time Content
Lab 01-Configure a Lakehouse, ingesting sample data and building report 1 hour Lab
Lab 02-Analyzing data with Apache Spark 2 hours Lab
Lab 03-Using delta tables in Apache Spark 1 hour Lab
Lab 04-Ingesting data with a pipeline 1 hour Lab
Lab 05-Creating and using a Dataflow (Gen2) in Microsoft Fabric 30 minutes Lab
Lab 06- Building a data warehouse in Microsoft Fabric (8 part series) 2 hours Lab
Lab 07- Training and tracking a model in Microsoft Fabric 30 minutes Lab
Lab 08- Data science end-to-end scenario: Introduction and Architecture (5 part series) 2 hours Lab
Lab 09- Training and evaluating a time series forecasting model in Microsoft Fabric 1 hour Lab
Lab 10- Create, evaluate, and deploy a fraud detection model in Microsoft Fabric 1 hour Lab
Lab 11- Exploring Synapse Real-Time Analytics in Microsoft Fabric 1 hour Lab

Synapse Labs

Lab Name Time Content
Azure Synapse Analytics and AI 8 hours Lab
Analytics In a Day - Synapse 4 hours Lab
Simplifying data flows with Azure Data Factory 8 hours Lab
Modern Data Warehouse with Azure Synapse Analytics,
Azure Databricks, Azure Data Factory, and Power BI
4 hours Lab
Microsoft Purview 8 hours Lab
Data Lakehouse Workshop 8 hours Lab


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