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Development Gateway

DeviceScript defines a cloud layer to abstract the communication between the device and a cloud provider.

In order to facilitate rapid prototyping, it is possible to run a Development Gateway locally or deploy it to Azure on top of Azure services.


  • Local or Azure deployment
  • Device provisioning, management: register, unregister, list, ...
  • Script management: create, update (versioned)
  • Script deployment: assign a script to a device and the gateway will deploy it
  • Analytics through Azure Monitor
  • JSON messages from and to devices
  • Per-device environment variables
  • Swagger API front end for non-embedded clients
  • Visual Studio Code extension

The Development Gateway is a sample and not meant for production deployment.


Follow these steps to get started with using the gateway.

The full sources of the Gateway is available in that repository.

  • install the dependencies and pull the submodules
npm run setup

Local developement

The Development Gateway can be run locally without any cloud resources. This is great for tinkering.

To get started,

  • launch Azurite, a local Azure storage emulator. Keep this terminal open.
npm run azurite
  • launch the local development server
npm run dev
  • open the swagger page, http://localhost:7071/swagger/ and make sure it loads
  • in Visual Studio Code, use the configuration string printed in the console.

Make sure to use the connection string for local network to connect to a device on the same local network. Otherwise, you can also work on the simulator device using the local host connection string.

Device messages are pushed into the messages Azure Storage Queue as a base-64 encoded JSON string. You can use any client library to access those messages.

Running the local web server from allows you to run the Development Gateway in the cloud, which simplifies many connectivity issues with local networks.

The Development Gateway can be run in a browser using

  • open
  • click on Import repository
  • enter microsoft/devicescript-gateway or your forked repository.


The gateway can also be used as an MQTT server or a bridge to an existing MQTT server.

  • publishMessage, subscribeMessage from "@devicescript/cloud" will automatically be bridge to the MQTT server under the topic devs/{deviceId}/(from|to)/{topic}.
  • You can override the devs/.../(from|to)/... routing scheme by starting your topic with /. For example, /mytopic will be routed to mytopic.

There are many options to run your own MQTT broker/server. Once you have a server, you can configure the gateway using the DEVS_MQTT_URL and DEVS_MQTT_USER environment variables or secrets.


You can use the VSMqtt in Visual Studio Code to connect to the MQTT server and publish, subscribe to topics.

Azure deployment (optional)

The Development Gateway can be deployed to Azure on top of Azure services:

  • App Service, runs a Node.JS web service with a swagger frontend
  • Key Vault, to store secrets needed by the Web Application
  • Storage, blobs and tables to manage devices, scripts and telemetry
  • App Insights, to collect telemetry about the health of devices
  • Event Hub to forward JSON messages from the device


  • Some Azure resources will incur costs to your Azure subscription.

The Development Gateway requires an Azure account and optionally a GitHub account.



  • The npm run provision script will create Azure resources that will incur costs to your Azure subscription. You can clean up those resources manually via the Azure portal or with the npm run unprovision command.
  • You can call npm run provision as many times as you like, it will delete the previous resources and create new ones.
  • open a terminal with the Azure CLI logged in and the default subscription configured
az login
  • You will need to generate a Github personal access token for the forked repository, with actions, secrets scope as read+write.

  • launch the provisioning script

npm run provision

After the script is done executing, it will take a couple of minutes for the Github Actions to build the site and start it.

  • open the swagger page, and make sure it loads

You will be able to continue the configuration of the gateway through the VS Code extension, DeviceScript view, Development Gateway section.

Empty view


The repository can be configured to deploy the site on every build on the main brain, using the build.yml GitHub Actions.

  • to enable, uncomment # AZURE_WEBAPP_PUBLISH: "true" in .github/workflows/build.yml

The project file contains details for local development.


Use the Azure CLI to delete the resource group and all its associated resources.

npm run unprovision


Out of the box, the gateway will push telemetry metrics in an Application Insights instance and in an Event Hub.

  • You can use the built-in dashboarding capabilities of Application Insights to visualize metrics and explore logs.
  • You can build a dashboard of metrics in an Azure Hosted Grafana instance.

Visual Studio Code extension

Once the gateway is up and running, you can use the Visual Studio Code extension to manage devices, scripts and work with the gateway.