Download the latest release: Get-EASMailboxLogs.ps1
Used for when you need to get EAS Mailbox Logging over a long period of time. It will collect the logs and re-enable the Active Sync Logging enabled to avoid it being disabled after 72 hours.
[-Mailbox <string[]>]
[-OutputPath <string>]
[-Interval <int>]
[-EnableMailboxLoggingVerboseMode <bool>]
The following example collects logs for two mailbox every hour:
.\Get-EASMailboxLogs.ps1 -mailbox @("jim","zeke") -OutputPath C:\EASLogs -interval 60
The following example collects logs for a mailbox:
.\Get-EASMailboxLogs.ps1 -Mailbox "jim" -OutputPath c:\EASLogs
The following example enables Verbose Logging on the current on premise server and collects logs for a mailbox:
.\Get-EASMailboxLogs.ps1 -Mailbox "jim" -OutputPath c:\EASLogs -EnableMailboxLoggingVerboseMode $true