In this hands-on lab you will deploy the Parts Unlimited MRP App (PU MRP App), a Java application, using Puppet from Puppet Labs.

Puppet is a configuration management system that allows you to automate the provisioning and configuring of machines, by describing the state of your Infrastructure as Code. Implementing Infrastructure as Code is an important pillar of good DevOps practice.

DevOps MPP Course Source:

This lab is used in the following courses.

  • DevOps200.2x: Infrastructure as Code - Module 4 Azure IaaS and PaaS, Environment Configuration and Deployment, and Optimization.
  • AZ-400T05: Implementing Application infrastructure - Module 4: Third Party and Open Source Tool integration with Azure. The lab compliments the AZ-400 series of courses to help you prepare for the AZ-400 Microsoft Azure DevOps Solutions certification exam.


  • An SSH client, such as PuTTY.
  • An active Azure subscription.

Lab Tasks:

  • Task 1: Provision a Puppet Master and Node in Azure using Azure Resource Manager templates
  • Task 2: Install Puppet Agent on the node
  • Task 3: Configure the Puppet Production Environment
  • Task 4: Test the Production Environment Configuration
  • Task 5: Create a Puppet Program to describe the prerequisites for the PU MRP app
  • Task 6: Run the Puppet Configuration on the Node

Estimated Lab Time:

  • Approx. 90 minutes

Lab environment

In this lab you will use the following two machines.

  • A machine known as a Node will host the PU MRP app. The only task you will perform on the node is to install the Puppet Agent. The Puppet Agent can run on Linux or Windows. For this lab, we will configure the Node in a Linux Ubuntu Virtual Machine (VM).

  • A Puppet Master machine. The rest of the configuration will be applied by instructing Puppet how to configure the Node through Puppet Programs, on the Puppet Master. The Puppet Master must be a Linux machine. For this lab, we will configure the Puppet Master in a Linux Ubuntu VM.

Instead of manually creating the VMs in Azure, we will use an Azure Resource Management (ARM) template.

Task 1: Provision a Puppet Master and Node in Azure using Azure Resource Manager templates (both inside Linux Ubuntu Virtual Machines)

  1. To provision the required VMs in Azure using an ARM template, select the Deploy to Azure button, and follow the wizard. You will need to log in to the Azure Portal.

    The VMs will be deployed to a Resource Group along with a Virtual Network (VNET), and some other required resources.

    Note: You can review the JSON template and script files used to provision the VMs in the Puppet lab files folder on GitHub.

  2. When prompted specify a Subscription, Location, and Resource Group for deploying your VM resources. Provide admin usernames and passwords, as well as a unique Public DNS Names for both machines.

    Consider the following guidelines.

    • Subscription. < your Azure subscription >.
    • Resource group. < a unique resource group name >. For example puprgek01. Create a new Resource Group during the deployment process, to demarcate the resources that you set up in this lab. Remove the resources created in this lab by deleting the Resource Group.
    • Location. Select a region to deploy the VMs to. For example West Europe or East US.
    • Pm Admin Username. The Pm refers to the Puppet Master VM, and Mrp refers to the Node VM. Choose the same Admin Username for both Pm and Mrp VMs. For example, azureuser.
    • Pm Admin Password. Set the same Admin Password for both VMs, and for the Pm Console. For example, Passw0rd0134
    • Pm Dns Name For Public IP. Include the word master in the Puppet Master DNS name, to distinguish it from the Node VM. You could include the word node in the Node DNS name, if you wish, for example partsmrpnode. Create unique DNS names for both VMs by adding your initials as a suffix. For example, partspuppetmasterek01 and partsmrpnodeek01

    Screenshot of the Deploy from a custom template pane inside Azure Portal. The range of customizable configuration and setting fields applicable to the imported Puppet ARM template are shown. Display elements are highlighted which correspond to the data entry fields, check box and button, described previously, to indicate areas that require user input when deploying to Azure using the Puppet ARM template.

    Make a note of the location region, as well as any usernames and passwords you set for the VMs.

    Use the checkbox to agree to the Azure Marketplace terms and conditions. Select the Purchase button. Allow about 10 minutes for each deployment to complete.

  3. When the deployment completes, select the Resource Groups blade from the Azure Portal menu. Choose the name of Resource Group that you created, cd-puppet-hol for example.

    Screenshot of the Azure Portal menu. The Resource Groups blade and cd-puppet-hol Resource Group name are highlighted to illustrate how to access the Puppet resources deployed to the cd-puppet-hol Resource Group from the Resource Groups blade in Azure Portal

  4. Within the Resource Group Overview pane, beside Deployments, select the 1 succeeded message to view the deployment details. The status of the Microsoft.Template resource should indicate that the deployment has succeeded.

    Choose the Microsoft.Template resource, listed in the Deployment Name column.

    Screenshot of the Resource Group Overview and Deployments panes in Azure Portal. The deployment succeeded message for the cd-puppet-hol Resource Group is highlighted to illustrate how to access the Deployments pane from the Resource Group Overview pane in Azure Portal. In the Deployments pane, the Deployment Status for the Microsoft.Template resource is set at succeeded and is highlighted to illustrate how to verify the success of the Puppet ARM template deployment. In the Deployments pane, the Deployment Name for the Microsoft.Template resource is also highlighted to illustrate how to access the Microsoft.Template resource from inside the Deployments pane.

  5. There is a list of the deployed resources in the Microsoft.Template - Overview pane, below the Your deployment is complete message. Select the Puppet Master VM from the list, for example partspuppetmasterek01.

    Screenshot of the Microsoft.Template Overview pane in Azure Portal. A list of the deployed resources and the Your deployment is complete message are shown to illustrate how to check the status of deployed resources from the Deployments pane. The Puppet Master VM partspuppetmasterek01 is highlighted among the list of resources to illustrate how to access the Puppet Master VM from the deployed resources list.

  6. Make a note of the DNS name value, listed inside the Overview pane for the Puppet Master Virtual Machine. The DNS name value is in the format For example,

    Screenshot of the Overview pane for the Puppet Master Virtual Machine partspuppetmasterek01 in Azure Portal. The DNS name value for the Puppet Master VM partspuppetmasterek01 is highlighted to illustrate how to access the Puppet Master VM DNS name value from the the Overview pane.

  7. Append https:// to the beginning of the DNS name to create a URL for the Puppet Master’s public DNS Address. The resulting URL should be in the format For example,

    Using https, not http, visit the URL in a web browser.

    Override the certificate error warning messages, and visit the webpage. It is safe to ignore these error messages for the purposes of this lab. The prompts that you see, and steps required to access the URL, may depend on the web browser you use.

    Screenshot of a warning inside the Microsoft Edge web browser which states that the requested webpage is not secure. The screenshot illustrates the warning message that is shown in the Microsoft Edge web browser when accessing the secure DNS name URL for the Puppet Master VM over https. The URL in the address field, and display elements for overriding the certificate error in Microsoft Edge are highlighted, to illustrate how Edge users can override the error and proceed to the webpage.

  8. If the Puppet configuration has succeeded, you should see the Puppet Master Console sign in webpage.

    Screenshot of the Puppet Master Console sign in webpage, inside the Microsoft Edge web browser. The screenshot illustrates the sign in webpage that is shown when accessing the DNS name URL for the Puppet Master VM.

    Note: The lab requires several ports to be open, such as the Puppet Server port, the Puppet Console port, SSH ports, and the PU MRP app port on the partsmrp VM. The ARM template opens these ports on the VMs for you. You can look through the deployment JSON template to view the port configuration details in the PuppetPartsUnlimitedMRP.json file on GitHub.

  9. Log in to the Puppet Master Console with the following credentials.

    • user name = admin
    • Password = Pm Console Password you specified earlier in this lab. For example, Passw0rd0134

    Note: You cannot log into the Puppet Master Console with the username and password you specified earlier in this lab. You must login using the built in admin account instead, as shown.

  10. If your log in is successful, you will be redirected to the Puppet Configuration Management Console webpage which is similar in appearance to the following screenshot.

    Screenshot of the Puppet Configuration Management Console webpage, inside the Microsoft Edge web browser. The screenshot illustrates the Puppet Configuration Management Console that is shown when an admin user logs into the Puppet Master Console successfully.

Task 2: Install Puppet Agent on the node

You are now ready to add the Node to the Puppet Master. Once the Node is added, the Puppet Master will be able to configure the Node.

  1. Get the Puppet Master internal DNS name. On the Puppet Configuration Management Console webpage, go to Nodes > Unsigned Certificates. The page that loads will show an Add node command. Make a note of the command, we will run it in Step 4 of this lab task.

    For example, the Puppet Master machine name is, and the command we need to run will be similar to the following command.

     curl -k | sudo bash

    Screenshot of the Unsigned Certificates area of the Puppet Configuration Management Console, inside the Microsoft Edge web browser. The display elements Nodes, Unsigned Certificates, and Add Node command are highlighted to illustrate how to access the Add Node command from the Puppet Configuration Management Console.

  2. In Azure Portal, from the left menu, choose All Resources > partsmrpnodeek01 (or whatever name you specified for the Node / partsmrp VM). Make a note of the DNS name value for the Node VM.

    Screenshot of the Overview pane for the Node VM partsmrpnodeek01 in Azure Portal. The DNS name value for the Node VM partsmrpnodeek01 is highlighted to illustrate how to access the Node NS name value from the the Overview pane.

  3. Establish an SSH connection to the Node VM. In the following example, we will connect to the Node VM using the PuTTy SSH client.

    Specify the Node DNS name as the destination Host Name.

    Screenshot of the PuTTy application user interface. An example Node DNS name is shown, inside the Host Name (or IP address) field. The Host Name (or IP address) field is highlighted to illustrate where to enter the Node DNS name into the Host Name field in PuTTy. The Open button is also highlighted to indicate that selecting the button is necessary when opening a new SSH connection in PuTTy.

    If prompted, choose Yes to add the SSH key to PuTTy’s cache.

    Screenshot of a Security Alert massage in PuTTy. The message indicates that PuTTy is requesting to add the Node VM server's host SSH key to the local machine's registry, and is requesting user action. The Yes button response is highlighted to illustrate how to affirm the request in PuTTy.

    Log in with username and password credentials that you specified in Task 1. For example, azureuser and Passw0rd0134.

    Screenshot of a bash terminal. The prompt is requesting a password, and the username azureuser has already been entered. The username and password display elements are highlighted to illustrate how enter login credentials into a bash terminal, when establishing a new SSH connection into the Node VM with PuTTy.

  4. Run the Add Node command on the node.

    Enter the Add Node command into the SSH terminal, which you noted earlier in Step 1. The command begins with curl.... Run the command.

    Screenshot of a bash terminal with the Add Node command for installing the Puppet Agent and its dependencies on the Node. The command is highlighted to illustrate how to run the command in a bash terminal with PuTTy.

    Wait for the command to install the Puppet Agent and any dependencies on the Node. The command takes two or three minutes to complete.

    Screenshot of a bash terminal, showing the output from running the Add Node command on the Node successfully. The output of the command is highlighted to illustrate how to view the results of running the Add Node command in a bash terminal with PuTTy.

    From here onwards, you will configure the Node from the Puppet Master only.

  5. Accept the pending Node request.

    Return to the Puppet Configuration Management Console. Refresh the Unsigned Certificates webpage (where you previously got the Node install command). You should see a pending unsigned certificate request. Choose Accept to approve the node.

    This is a request to authorize the certificate between the Puppet Master and the Node, so that they can communicate securely.

    Screenshot of the Unsigned Certificates webpage inside the Puppet Configuration Management Console. The pending Node request and Accept button are highlighted to illustrate how to approve an unsigned certificates request from a node, within the Puppet Configuration Management Console.

  6. Goto the Nodes tab in the Puppet Configuration Management Console. It may take a few minutes to configure the Node / partsmrp VM, before it is visible in the Puppet Configuration Management Console. When the Node is ready, you should see the following nodes listed in the Puppet Configuration Management Console.

    • Puppet Master. For example, partspuppetmasterek01
    • Node / partsmrp. For example, partsmrpnodeek01

    The nodes are also listed in the Puppet Configuration Management Console under Configuration > Overview.

    Screenshot of the Overview webpage, within the Configuration section, inside the Puppet Configuration Management Console. The Puppet Master partspuppetmasterek01 and Node partsmrpnodeek01 are highlighted to illustrate how to view the nodes within the Puppet Configuration Management Console. The Configuration tab is also highlighted to illustrate how to access the Configuration section from within the Puppet Configuration Management Console

    Note: You can automate the Puppet Agent installation and configuration process on an Azure VM using the Puppet Agent extension from the Azure Marketplace.

    There are also a series of PowerShell cmdlets for provisioning, enabling, and disabling the Puppet Extension Handler on Windows VMs. This provides a command-line interface for deploying Puppet Enterprise Agents to Windows VMs in Azure. For details see the Puppet PowerShell Cmdlets for Azure Guide.

Puppet modules and programs

The Parts Unlimited MRP application (PU MRP App) is a Java application. The PU MRP App requires you to install and configure MongoDB and Apache Tomcat on the Node / partsmrp VM. Instead of installing and configuring MongoDB and Tomcat manually, we will write a Puppet Program that will instruct the Node to configure itself.

Puppet Programs are stored in a particular directory on the Puppet Master. Puppet Programs are made up of manifests that describe the desired state of the Node(s). The manifests can consume modules, which are pre-packaged Puppet Programs. Users can create their own modules or consume modules from a marketplace that is maintained by Puppet Labs, known as The Forge.

Some modules on The Forge are supported officially, others are open-source modules uploaded from the community. Puppet Programs are organized by environment, which allows you to manage Puppet Programs for different environments such as Dev, Test and Production.

For this lab, we will treat the Node as if it were in the Production environment. We will also download modules from The Forge, which we will consume in order to configure the Node.

Task 3: Configure the Puppet Production Environment

The template we used to deploy Puppet to Azure also configured a directory on the Puppet Master for managing the Production environment. The Production Directory is in /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production.

  1. Inspect the Production modules.

    Connect to the to the Puppet Master via SSH, with the PuTTy client for example. Use the Change Directory command cd to change into the Production Directory /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production.

     cd /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production

    Use the list command ls to list the contents of the Production Directory. You will see directories named manifests and modules.

    • The manifests directory contains descriptions of machines that we will apply to Nodes later in this lab.
    • The modules directory contains any modules that are referenced by the manifests.

    Screenshot of a bash terminal, in PuTTy, showing the output from running the cd and ls commands on the Puppet Master successfully. The output of the commands is highlighted to illustrate how to run the cd and ls commands and view their outputs in a bash terminal with PuTTy.

  2. Install additional Puppet Modules from The Forge.

    We will install modules from The Forge that are needed to configure the Node / partsmrp. Run the following commands in a terminal with an SSH connection to the Puppet Master.

     sudo puppet module install puppetlabs-mongodb
     sudo puppet module install puppetlabs-tomcat
     sudo puppet module install maestrodev-wget
     sudo puppet module install puppetlabs-accounts
     sudo puppet module install puppetlabs-java

    Screenshot of a bash terminal, in PuTTy, showing the output from running the puppet module install commands on the Puppet Master successfully. The outputs of the commands are shown to illustrate how to view their outputs in a bash terminal with PuTTy.

    Note: The mongodb and tomcat modules from The Forge are supported officially. The wget module is a user module, and is not supported officially. The accounts module provides Puppet with Classes for managing and creating users and groups in our Linux VMs. Finally, the java module provides Puppet with additional Java functionality.

  3. Create a custom module.

    Create a custom module named mrpapp in the Production/ Modules Directory on the Puppet Master. The custom module will configure the PU MRP app. Run the following commands in a terminal with an SSH connection to the Puppet Master.

    Use the Change Directory command cd to change into the Production/ Modules Directory /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules.

     cd /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules

    Run the module generate commands to create the mrpapp module.

     sudo puppet module generate partsunlimited-mrpapp

    This will start a wizard that will ask a series of questions as it scaffolds the module. Simply press enter for each question (accepting blank or default) until the wizard completes.

    Running list command ls -la should show a list of the modules in the directory ~/production/modules, including the new mrpapp module.

    Screenshot of a bash terminal, in PuTTy, showing the output from running the ls -la command on the Puppet Master successfully. The output of the commands shows a list of modules that are present in the ~/production/modules directory on the Puppet Master. The mrpapp module is included in the list. The ls -la commands are highlighted to illustrate how to run the commands and view their outputs in a bash terminal with PuTTy. The mrpapp module is also highlighted to illustrate how to locate the module from within the list in a bash terminal with PuTTy.

    Note: The ls -la combined commands will list the contents of a directory (i.e. ls), using a long list format (i.e. -l), with hidden files shown (i.e. -a).

  4. The mrpapp module will define our Node’s configuration.

    The configuration of Nodes in the Production environment is defined in a site.pp file. The site.pp file is located in the Production \ Manifests directory. The .pp filename extension is short for Puppet Program.

    We will edit the site.pp file by adding a configuration for our Node.

    Run the following command in an SSH terminal to the Puppet Master, which will open the site.pp in the Nano Text Editor.

     sudo nano /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/manifests/site.pp

    Scroll to the bottom of the file and edit the node default section. Edit it to look as follows:

     node default {
         class { 'mrpapp': }

    Note: Make sure that you remove the comment tag # before the Class definition, as instructed.

    Screenshot of a bash terminal, in PuTTy. The terminal is running the Nano Text Editor with the file site.pp open for editing on the Puppet Master. The mrpapp module has been added as the default node Class, as instructed. The display area where the mrpapp Class was added is highlighted to illustrate how to locate where to add the mrpapp Class to the site.pp file, in a bash terminal with PuTTy.

  5. Press ctrl + o, then enter, and then ctrl + x, to write the changes you made to the site.pp file, save the changes, and close the file.

    The edits that you made to the site.pp file instruct Puppet to configure all Nodes with the mrpapp module, by default. The mrpapp module (though currently empty) is in the Modules directory of the Production environment, so Puppet will know where to find the module.

Task 4: Test the Production Environment Configuration

Before we describe the PU MRP app for the Node fully, test that everything is hooked up correctly by configuring a dummy file in the mrpapp module. If Puppet executes and creates the dummy file successfully, then everything is configured and working correctly. We can then set up the mrpapp module properly.

  1. Edit the init.pp file.

    The entry point for the mrpapp module is the init.pp file, in the mrpapp/manifests directory, on the Puppet Master. Run the following command in an SSH terminal to the Puppet Master, to open the init.pp file for editing with Nano.

     sudo nano /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/mrpapp/manifests/init.pp

    You can either delete all of the boiler-plate comments or ignore them. Scroll down to the Class: mrpapp declaration. Make the following edits.

     class mrpapp {
         file { '/tmp/dummy.txt':
             ensure => 'present',
             content => 'Puppet rules!'

    Note: Make sure that you remove the comment tag # before the Class definition, as instructed.

    Screenshot of a bash terminal, in PuTTy. The terminal is running the Nano Text Editor with the file init.pp open for editing on the Puppet Master. The Class declaration for the mrpapp module has been added, as instructed. The display area where the mrpapp Class was added is highlighted to illustrate how to locate the place to add the mrpapp Class declaration to the init.pp file, in a bash terminal with PuTTy.

    Press ctrl + x, then y, and then enter to save your changes to the file.

    Note: Classes in Puppet Programs are not like Classes in Object Oriented Programming. Classes in Puppet Programs define a resource that is configured on a Node. By adding the mrpapp Class (or resource) to the init.pp file, we have instructed Puppet to ensure that a file exists on the path /tmp/dummy.txt, and that the file has the content “Puppet rules!”. We will define more advanced resources within the mrpapp Class as we progress through this lab.

  2. Test the dummy file.

    To test our setup, establish an SSH connection to the Node / partsmrp VM (using the PuTTy client, for example). Run the following command in an SSH terminal to the Node.

     sudo puppet agent --test --debug

    Screenshot of a bash terminal, in PuTTy, connected to the Node VM. The commands puppet agent --test --debug has run successfully in the terminal. A highlighted message Applied to catalog in 1.51 seconds illustrates how verify that the commands were completed successfully, in a bash terminal with PuTTy.

    By default, Puppet Agents query the Puppet Master for their configuration every 30 minutes. The Puppet Agent then tests its current configuration against the configuration specified by the Puppet Master. If necessary, the Puppet Agent modifies its configuration to match the configuration specified by the Puppet Master.

    The command you entered forces the Puppet Agent to query the Puppet Master for its configuration immediately. In this case, the configuration requires the /tmp/dummy.txt file, so the Node creates the file accordingly.

    You may see more output in your terminal than is shown in the previous screenshot. We used the --debug switch for learning purposes, to display more information as the command executes. You can remove the --debug switch to receive less text output in the terminal if you wish.

    You can also use the cat command on the Node, to verify the presence of the file /tmp/dummy.txt on the Node, and to inspect the file’s contents. The “Puppet rules!” message should be displayed in the terminal.

     cat /tmp/dummy.txt

    Screenshot of a bash terminal, in PuTTy, connected to the Node VM. The command cat /tmp/dummy.txt has run successfully in the terminal. A highlighted message Puppet rules! illustrates how verify that the cat command completed successfully and that the dummy.txt file is present on the node.

  3. Correct configuration drift.

    By default, Puppet Agent runs every 30 minutes on the Nodes. Each time the Agent runs, Puppet determines if the environment is in the correct state. If it is not in the correct state, Puppet reapplies Classes as necessary. This process allows Puppet to detect Configuration Drift, and fix it.

    Simulate Configuration Drift by deleting the dummy file dummy.txt from the Node. Run the following command in a terminal connected to the Node to delete the file.

     sudo rm /tmp/dummy.txt

    Confirm that the file was deleted from the Node successfully by running the following command on the Node. The command should produce a No such file or directory warning message.

     cat /tmp/dummy.txt

    Re-run the Puppet Agent on the Node with the following command.

     sudo puppet agent --test

    The re-run should complete successfully, and the file should now exist on the Node again. Verify that the file is present on the Node by running the following command on the Node. Confirm that the “Puppet rules!” message is displayed in the terminal.

     cat /tmp/dummy.txt

    Screenshot of a bash terminal, in PuTTy, connected to the Node VM. The commands to delete the dummy file, confirm the deletion of the file, re-run the Puppet Agent, and verify the reinstallation of the dummy file, have run successfully in the terminal. The commands and their outputs are highlighted to illustrate how to run the commands, and verify that the command completed successfully, in a bash terminal with PuTTy.

    You can also edit the contents of the file dummy.txt on the Node. Re-run the sudo puppet agent --test command, and verify that the contents of the file dummy.txt have been reverted to match the configuration specified on the Puppet Master.

Task 5: Create a Puppet Program to describe the prerequisites for the PU MRP app

We have hooked the Node (partsmrp) up to the Puppet Master. Now we can write the Puppet Program to describe the prerequisites for the PU MRP app.

In practice, the different parts of a large configuration solution are typically split into multiple manifests or modules. Splitting the configuration across multiple files is a form of Modularization, and promotes better organization and reuse of code.

For simplicity, in this lab, we will describe our entire configuration in a single Puppet Program file init.pp, from inside the mrpapp module that we created earlier. In Task 5, we will build up our init.pp step-by-step.

Note: You can access a completed init.pp file on Microsoft’s PU MRP GitHub repository. Copy the init.pp file contents from GitHub, or from the Task 5 sub-sections that follow, and paste them into your local init.pp file.

Tomcat requires the presence of a Linux User and a Group on the Node, to access and run Tomcat services. The default name that Tomcat uses for both the User and Group is Tomcat. There are a number of ways to create this User and Group, but we will add the User and Group to the Node VM by adding a separate Class to the init.pp file.

In addition to editing the init.pp file, we will make the following modifications.

  • Edit the file war.pp. Editing the war.pp file allows us to deploy the PU MRP app more easily.
  • Edit the permissions on the directory ~/tomcat7/webapps for extracting .war files, at the end of Task 5. Editing these permissions will allow the .war file to be extracted automatically, when the Tomcat service is restarted as the .pp file runs.

Note: All of the actions required to create our Puppet Program will be explained clearly, as we step through the Task 5 sub-sections that follow. If you encounter problems, see the Potential issues and troubleshooting section at the end of this lab.

Task 5.1 Configure MongoDB

Once MongoDB is configured, we want Puppet to download a Mongo script that contains data for our PU MRP application’s database. We will include this as part of our MongoDB setup. To implement these requirements, add a Class to configure MongoDB.

On the Puppet Master, use the following command to open the init.pp file, inside the mrpapp module, for editing.

sudo nano /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/mrpapp/manifests/init.pp

Add the following configuremongodb Class to the bottom of the file.

class configuremongodb {
  include wget
  class { 'mongodb': }->

  wget::fetch { 'mongorecords':
    source => '',
    destination => '/tmp/MongoRecords.js',
    timeout => 0,
  exec { 'insertrecords':
    command => 'mongo ordering /tmp/MongoRecords.js',
    path => '/usr/bin:/usr/sbin',
    unless => 'test -f /tmp/initcomplete'
  file { '/tmp/initcomplete':
    ensure => 'present',

Press ctrl + o, then enter to save the changes to the file without exiting.

Let’s examine the configuremongodb Class.

  • Line 1. We create a Class (resource) called configuremongodb.
  • Line 2. We include the wget module so that we can download files via wget.
  • Line 3. We invoke the mongodb resource (from the mongodb module we downloaded earlier). This installs Mongo DB using defaults defined in the Puppet Mongo DB module. That is all we have to do to install Mondo DB!
  • Line 5. We invoke the fetch resource from the wget module, and call the resource mongorecords.
  • Line 6. We set the source of the file we need to download from PU MRP GitHub.
  • Line 7. We set the destination where the file must be downloaded to.
  • Line 10. We use the built-in Puppet resource exec to execute a command.
  • Line 11. We specify the command to execute.
  • Line 12. We set the path for the command invocation.
  • Line 13. We specify a condition using the keyword unless. We only want this command to execute once, so we create a tmp file once we have inserted the records (Line 15). If this file exists, we do not execute the command again.

Note: The -> notation on Lines 3, 9 and 14 is an Ordering Arrow. The ordering arrow tells Puppet that it must apply the left resource before invoking the right resource. This allows us to specify order, when necessary.

Task 5.2 Configure Java

Add the following configurejava Class, below the configuremongodb Class, to set up our Java requirements.

class configurejava {
  include apt
  $packages = ['openjdk-8-jdk', 'openjdk-8-jre']

  apt::ppa { 'ppa:openjdk-r/ppa': }->
  package { $packages:
     ensure => 'installed',

Press ctrl + o, then enter to save the changes to the file without exiting.

Let’s examine the configurejava Class.

  • Line 2. We include the apt module, which will allow us to configure new Personal Package Archives (PPAs).
  • Line 3. We create an array of packages that we need to install.
  • Line 5. We add a PPA.
  • Lines 6 to 8. We tell Puppet to ensure that the packages are installed. Puppet expands the array and installs each package in the array.

Note: We cannot use the Puppet package target to install Java, because this will only install Java 7. We add the PPA and use the apt module to get Java 8.

Task 5.3 Create User and Group

Add the following createuserandgroup Class, to specify the Linux Users and Groups to be used for configuring, deploying, starting and stopping services.

class createuserandgroup {

group { 'tomcat':
  ensure => 'present',
  gid    => '10003',

user { 'tomcat':
  ensure           => 'present',
  gid              => '10003',
  home             => '/tomcat',
  password         => '!',
  password_max_age => '99999',
  password_min_age => '0',
  uid              => '1003',

Press ctrl + o, then enter to save the changes to the file without exiting.

Let’s examine the createuserandgroup Class.

  • Line 1. We call the createuserandgroup Class that we defined at the start of the init.pp file. We defined this Class to use the User and Group resources.
  • Lines 3 to 6. We use the group command to create the Group Tomcat. We use the parameter value ensure = > present to check if the Tomcat Group exists, and if not we create it. We then assign a gid value to the Group. This assignment is not mandatory, but it helps manage Groups across multiple machines.
  • Lines 8 to 17. We use the user command to create the User Tomcat. We use the ensure command to check if the Tomcat User exists, and if not we create it. We assign gid and uid values to help manage Users. Then we set the Tomcat user’s home directory path. We also designate the User password values. We have left the password value open and unspecified, for ease of use. In practice you should implement strict password policies.

Note: The commands user and group are made available via the puppetlabs-accounts module, which we installed on the Puppet Master earlier.

Task 5.4 Configure Tomcat

Add the following configuretomcat Class to configure tomcat.

class configuretomcat {
  class { 'tomcat': }
  require createuserandgroup

 tomcat::instance { 'default':
  catalina_home => '/var/lib/tomcat7',
  install_from_source => false,
  package_name => ['tomcat7','tomcat7-admin'],

 tomcat::config::server::tomcat_users {
   catalina_base => '/var/lib/tomcat7',
   element  => 'user',
   password => 'password',
   roles => ['manager-gui','manager-jmx','manager-script','manager-status'];
   catalina_base => '/var/lib/tomcat7',
   element  => 'user',
   password => 'password',
   roles => ['manager-gui','manager-jmx','manager-script','manager-status'];

 tomcat::config::server::connector { 'tomcat7-http':
  catalina_base => '/var/lib/tomcat7',
  port => '9080',
  protocol => 'HTTP/1.1',
  connector_ensure => 'present',
  server_config => '/etc/tomcat7/server.xml',

 tomcat::service { 'default':
  use_jsvc => false,
  use_init => true,
  service_name => 'tomcat7',

Press ctrl + o, then enter to save the changes to the file without exiting.

Let’s examine the configuretomcat Class.

  • Line 1. We create a Class (resource) called configuretomcat.
  • Line 2. We invoke the tomcat resource from the Tomcat module we downloaded earlier.
  • Line 3. We require the Tomcat User and Group to be available, before we can configure Tomcat, so we mark the Class createuserandgroup as required.
  • Lines 6 to 9. We install the Tomcat package from the Tomcat module we downloaded earlier. The package name is Tomcat7, so we call it here. We designate the home directory where we will place our default installation. Then, we specify that it is not from source; this is required when installing from a downloaded package. We could install directly from a web source, if we wished. We also install the tomcat7-admin package. We will not use the tomcat7-admin package in this lab, but it can be used to provide the Tomcat Manager Web User Interface.
  • Lines 13 to 23. We create two usernames for Tomcat to use. These are created within the Tomcat application for managing and configuring Tomcat. They are created within, and called from, the file /var/lib/tomcat7/conf/tomcat-users.xml. You can open the file, and view its contents, if you wish.
  • Lines 26 to 31. We configure the Tomcat connector, define the protocol to use and the port number. We also ensure that the connector is present, to allow it to serve requests on the ports that we set. We also specify the connector properties for Puppet to write to the Tomcat server.xml file. Again, you can open the file, and view its contents, on the Puppet Master at /var/lib/tomcat7/conf/server.xml.
  • Lines 35 to 38. We configure the Tomcat service, which is our default installation. As there is only one installation of Tomcat, we specify the default value that we are applying the configuration to. We ensure the service is running, and the start the service using the use_init value. Then, we specify the service connector name as tomcat7 for the PU MRP app.

Task 5.5 Deploy a WAR File

The PU MRP app is compiled into a .war file that Tomcat uses to serve pages. We need to specify a resource to deploy a .war file for the PU MRP app site.

Return to the Puppet SSH session, and edit the init.pp file by adding the following deploywar Class to the bottom of the file.

class deploywar {
  require configuretomcat

  tomcat::war { 'mrp.war':
    catalina_base => '/var/lib/tomcat7',
    war_source => '',

 file { '/var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/':
   path => '/var/lib/tomcat7/webapps/',
   ensure => 'directory',
   recurse => 'true',
   mode => '777',

Press ctrl + o, then enter to save the changes to the file without exiting.

Let’s examine the deploywar Class.

  • Line 1. We create a Class (resource) called deploywar.
  • Line 2. We tell Puppet to ensure that configuretomcat has completed, before invoking the deploywar Class.
  • Line 5. We set the catalina base directory so that Puppet deploys the .war to our Tomcat service.
  • Line 6. We use the Tomcat module’s war resource to deploy our .war from the war_source.
  • Line 9. We call the file Class, which comes from the Tomcat module. The file Class allows us to configure files on our system.
  • Line 10. We specify the path to the web directory for our PU MRP app.
  • Line 11. We ensure a directory exists on the path we specified, before applying our configuration.
  • Line 12. We specify that the configuration should be applied recursively, so it will affect all files and sub-directories within the ~/tomcat7/webapps/ directory.
  • Line 13. We designate a 777 permission on the all files and sub-directories within the ~/tomcat7/webapps/ directory. It is very important to set these permissions to allow read, write and execute permissions on all content within the ~/tomcat7/webapps/ directory. Setting 777 permissions is acceptable in this lab. You should always set more restrictive permissions according to each user, group and access level in a Production environment.

Note: Typically, the following actions are needed to deploy a .war file

  • copy the .war file to the Tomcat /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps directory
  • set the correct permissions on the webapps directory
  • specify values for unpackWARS and autoDeploy in the Tomcat server config file at /var/lib/tomcat7/conf/server.xml
  • list a valid and available user in the Tomcat file /var/lib/tomcat7/conf/tomcat-users.xml

Tomcat will extract and then deploy the .war when the service starts. This is why we restart the service in the init.pp file. When you complete this lab, you can open and view the contents of the Tomcat files server.xml and tomcat-users.xml.

Task 5.6 Start the Ordering Service

The PU MRP app calls an Ordering Service, which is a REST API that manages orders in the Mongo DB. The Ordering Service is compiled to a .jar file. We need to copy the .jar file file to our Node. The Node then runs the Ordering Service, in the background, so that it can listen for REST API requests.

To ensure that the Ordering Service runs, add the following orderingservice Class to the bottom of the init.pp file.

class orderingservice {
  package { 'openjdk-7-jre':
    ensure => 'installed',

  file { '/opt/mrp':
    ensure => 'directory'
  wget::fetch { 'orderingsvc':
    source => '',
    destination => '/opt/mrp/ordering-service.jar',
    cache_dir => '/var/cache/wget',
    timeout => 0,
  exec { 'stoporderingservice':
    command => "pkill -f ordering-service",
    path => '/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin',
    onlyif => "pgrep -f ordering-service"

  exec { 'stoptomcat':
    command => 'service tomcat7 stop',
    path => '/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin',
    onlyif => "test -f /etc/init.d/tomcat7",
  exec { 'orderservice':
    command => 'java -jar /opt/mrp/ordering-service.jar &',
    path => '/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-openjdk-amd64/bin',
  exec { 'wait':
    command => 'sleep 20',
    path => '/bin',
    notify => Tomcat::Service['default']

Press ctrl + o, then enter to save the changes to the file without exiting.

Let’s examine the orderingservice Class.

  • Line 1. We create a Class (resource) called orderingservice.
  • Lines 2 to 4. We install the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) required to run the application using Puppet’s package resource.
  • Lines 6 to 8. We ensure that the directory /opt/mrp exists (Puppet creates it if it does not exist).
  • Lines 9 to 14. We wget the Ordering Service binary, and place it in /opt/mrp.
  • Line 12. We specify a cache directory, to ensure that the file is only downloaded once.
  • Lines 15 to 19. We stop the orderingservice, but only if it is running already.
  • Lines 20 to 24. We stop the tomcat7 service, but only if it is running already.
  • Lines 25 to 28. We start the Ordering Service.
  • Lines 29 to 33. We sleep for 20 seconds, to give the Ordering Service time to start up, before notifying the tomcat service. These actions trigger a refresh on the service. Puppet will re-apply the state that we defined for the service (i.e. start it, if it is not running already).

Note: We need to wait after running the java command, since this service needs to be running before we can start Tomcat. Otherwise, Tomcat will occupy the port that the Ordering Service needs to listen on for incoming API requests.

Task 5.7 Complete the mrpapp Resource

Go to the top of the file init.pp. Modify the mrpapp Class by deleting the content that relates to the dummy.txt file which we tested earlier in the lab. Add the following.

class mrpapp {
  class { 'configuremongodb': }
  class { 'configurejava': }
  class { 'createuserandgroup': }
  class { 'configuretomcat': }
  class { 'deploywar': }
  class { 'orderingservice': }

Press ctrl + x, then y, and then enter to save your changes to the file.

The modifications to the mrpapp Class specify which Classes are needed by the init.pp file, in order to run our resources.

Note: After you have made all of the necessary modifications to the init.pp file, it should be identical to the completed init.pp file on Microsoft’s PU MRP GitHub repository. If you prefer, you can copy the init.pp file contents from GitHub and paste them into your local init.pp file.

Task 5.8 Configure .war file extracton permissions

Part of the configuration we specified in our init.pp file involves copying the .war file for our PU MRP app to the directory /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps.

Tomcat automatically extracts .war files from the webapps directory. However, in our lab we will set full read, write and access permissions in the file war.pp, to ensure that the file extracts sucessfully.

Note: More details about configuration editing are availble on the page Resource Type: file.

On the Puppet Master, run the following command to open the war.pp file for the Tomcat module in the Nano editor.

sudo nano /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments/production/modules/tomcat/manifests/war.pp

Modify the permissions at the bottom of the war.pp file, by changing the mode from mode => '0640' to mode => '0777'.

When you have finished editing, it should look like the following.

    file { "tomcat::war ${name}":
      ensure    => file,
      path      => "${_deployment_path}/${_war_name}",
      owner     => $user,
      group     => $group,
      mode      => '0777',
      subscribe => Archive["tomcat::war ${name}"],

Press ctrl + x, then y, and then enter to save your changes and close the file.

Let’s examine this section of the war.pp file.

  • Line 1. Specifies the file name, which comes with the Tomcat module tomcat::war.
  • Line 2. Ensures the file is present before acting on it.
  • Line 3. Defines the path to the web directory, which we previously set to /var/lib/tomcat7/webapps. This is where the .war file for our PU MRP app will be copied to, as we specified in the init.pp file.
  • Line 4 to 5. Set the User and Group owners of the files.
  • Line 6. Set the file permissions mode to 0777, which allows read, write and execute permissions to everyone. You should not use 777 permissions in a Production environment because you may expose your environment to risk and malicious code.

Task 6: Run the Puppet Configuration on the Node

  1. Re-run the Puppet Agent.

    Return to, or re-establish, your SSH session on the Node/ partsmrp VM. Force Puppet to update the Node’s configuration with the following command.

     sudo puppet agent --test

    Note: This first run may take a few moments, as there is a lot to download and install. The next time that you run the Puppet Agent, it will verify that the existing environment is configured correctly. This verification process will take less time than the first run, because the services will be installed and configured already.

  2. Verify that Tomcat is running correctly.

    Append the port number 9080 to the DNS address URL for the Node/ partsmrp VM, for example

    You can get the DNS address URL from the Public IP resource for the Node, in Azure Portal (just as you did when you got the URL of the Puppet Master earlier).

    Open a web browser and browse to port 9080 on the Node/ partsmrp VM. Once open in the web browser, you should see the Tomcat Confirmation webpage.

    Note: Use the http protocol, and not https.

    Screenshot of the Tomcat Confirmation webpage at, inside the Microsoft Edge web browser. The image illustrates how to view the Tomcat Confirmation webpage in a web browser to verify that Tomcat is running correctly.

  3. Verify that the PU MRP app is running correctly.

    Check that the configuration is correct by opening a web browser to the PU MRP app. In your web browser, append /mrp to the end of DNS address URL you used in Step 2. For example,

    You can also get the DNS name for the Node/ partsmrp VM in Azure Portal.

    The PU MRP app Welcome webpage should be displayed in your web browser.

    Screenshot of the PU MRP app Welcome webpage at, inside the Microsoft Edge web browser. The image illustrates how to view the PU MRP app Welcome webpage in a web browser to verify that the PU MRP app is running correctly.

    Explore the PU MRP app to confirm that it functions as intended. For example, select the Orders button, in your web browser, to view the Orders page.

    Screenshot of the PU MRP app Orders webpage at, inside the Microsoft Edge web browser. The image illustrates how to view the PU MRP app Orders webpagein a web browser to verify that the sub-pages withing the PU MRP app are running correctly.

Potential issues and troubleshooting

  • You may encounter errors on first run of the configuration, related to a Java package used in the Mongo DB installation, as shown below. Re-run the configuration on the Node with the command sudo puppet agent --test --debug. The second run should complete without error. If more errors occur, the --debug switch will help you locate the problem(s). Work through the problems, and fix them one-by-one, until the configuration completes without error.

      Error: Execution of '/usr/bin/apt-get -q -y -o DPkg::Options::=--force-confold install openjdk-7-jre' returned 100: Reading package lists...
      Building dependency tree...
      Reading state information...
      Package openjdk-7-jre is not available, but is referred to by another package.
      This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or
      is only available from another source
  • Manually typing code or copying and pasting into a terminal from the code on this page may induce errors. After you have made all of the necessary modifications to the init.pp file, it should be identical to the completed init.pp file on Microsoft’s PU MRP GitHub repository. If you have not already done so, copy the init.pp file contents from GitHub and paste them into your local init.pp file. Then, try re-running the configuration on the Node with the command sudo puppet agent --test to resolve errors.


In this lab you created the Puppet infrastructure needed to deploy the PU MRP app, deployed the application to a Node and managed Configuration Drift. To do so you completed the following tasks:

  • Provisioned a Puppet Master and Node in Azure using Azure Resource Manager (ARM) templates (both inside Linux Ubuntu Virtual Machines)
  • Installed Puppet Agent on the Node
  • Configured the Puppet Production Environment
  • Tested the Production Environment Configuration
  • Created a Puppet Program to describe the environment for the PU MRP app
  • Ran the Puppet Configuration on the Node