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# Build 2020 – Application Developer on-demand videos list

Hey folks, I've compiled all of the on-demand sessions for Azure App Dev and posted links to them below. I hope this helps! -Michael (opens new window)

# On-demand video title On-demand video short link Team Speaker
1 Python development with Visual Studio Code aka.ms/Build2020AppDev-Python (opens new window) Developer Productivity Luciana Abud
2 What's New in TypeScript aka.ms/Build2020AppDev-TypeScript (opens new window) Developer Productivity Daniel Rosenwasser, Anders Hejlsberg
3 Supercharge your data science workflow with Python and Visual Studio Code aka.ms/Build2020AppDev-DataScience (opens new window) Developer Productivity Sid Unnithan, Jeffrey Mew
4 Visual Studio Code tips and tricks aka.ms/Build2020AppDev-VSCodeTips (opens new window) Developer Productivity Matt Bierner
5 Modern Web UI with Blazor WebAssembly aka.ms/Build2020AppDev-Blazor (opens new window) Developer Productivity Daniel Roth, Steve Sanderson
6 Cloud Native Apps with .NET and AKS aka.ms/Build2020AppDev-CloudNativeApps (opens new window) Developer Productivity Glenn Condron, Scott Hunter
7 The Journey to One .NET aka.ms/Build2020AppDev-OneDotNet (opens new window) Developer Productivity Scott Hunter, Scott Hanselman
8 Build native apps for any device with .NET aka.ms/Build2020AppDev-DotNet (opens new window) Developer Productivity David Ortinau, Maddy Leger
9 C# Today & Tomorrow aka.ms/Build2020AppDev-CSharp (opens new window) Developer Productivity Mads Torgersen, Dustin Campbell
10 Remote development with Visual Studio Codespaces aka.ms/Build2020AppDev-VSCodespaces (opens new window) Developer Productivity Nik Molnar
11 Modern C++ development with Visual Studio aka.ms/Build2020AppDev-CPlusPlus (opens new window) Developer Productivity Erika Sweet, Nick Uhlenhuth
12 The modern Visual Studio experience aka.ms/Build2020AppDev-VS (opens new window) Developer Productivity Mads Kristensen
13 Visual Studio .NET Productivity on PC and Mac aka.ms/Build2020AppDev-VSDotNetProductivity (opens new window) Developer Productivity Mika Dumont, Cody Beyer
14 DevSecOps for Azure aka.ms/Build2020AppDev-DevSecOps (opens new window) DevOps + GH Sasha Rosenbaum
15 Automate it with GitHub Actions aka.ms/Build2020AppDev-GitHubActions (opens new window) DevOps + GH Brian Douglas
16 The 5 top myths about inner source aka.ms/Build2020AppDev-InnerSource (opens new window) DevOps + GH Martin Woodward
17 What every Visual Studio Code user should know about GitHub aka.ms/Build2020AppDev-VSCodeAndGitHub (opens new window) DevOps + GH Burke Holland
18 Accelerating builds from hours to minutes with Azure DevOps and IncrediBuild Cloud aka.ms/Build2020AppDev-AzureDevOpsAndIncrediBuild (opens new window) DevOps + GH Israel Rogoza, Victor Gershgorn
19 Enterprise grade CI/CD with Azure Pipelines aka.ms/Build2020AppDev-AzurePipelines (opens new window) DevOps + GH Roopesh Nair
20 Remote working with Labs in Azure aka.ms/Build2020AppDev-LabsInAzure (opens new window) DevOps + GH Tanmayee Prakash Kamath
21 What’s new in secrets management in Azure aka.ms/Build2020AppDev-SecretsInAzure (opens new window) DevOps + GH Rajeev Vijan
22 Bringing Kubernetes best practices to everyone aka.ms/Build2020AppDev-Kubernetes (opens new window) Platform Services Sean McKenna
23 Build containerized microservices faster and ship with confidence using Visual Studio Code and GitHub aka.ms/Build2020AppDev-InnerLoops (opens new window) Platform Services Nick Greenfield
24 Manage your cloud and hybrid environments like a pro with event-based automation aka.ms/Build2020AppDev-EventBaseAutomation (opens new window) Platform Services Eamon O'Reilly
25 Architecture patterns for event-driven applications using Azure Functions aka.ms/Build2020AppDev-AzureFunctions (opens new window) Platform Services Maxime Rouiller
26 Modern Java for cloud developers aka.ms/Build2020AppDev-Java (opens new window) Platform Services Martijn Verburg
27 Building and managing .NET Core with App Service aka.ms/Build2020AppDev-AzureAppService (opens new window) Platform Services Jason Freeberg
28 Build scalable hybrid integration applications that run anywhere with Azure Logic Apps and API Management aka.ms/Build2020AppDev-AzureLogicApps (opens new window) Platform Services Matthew Farmer, Miao Jiang
29 Garnish and serve your APIs in 45 minutes with Azure API Management aka.ms/Build2020AppDev-AzureAPIManagement (opens new window) Platform Services Mike Budzynski